How does the 560DPI trick work buddy? Out of the vox, everything is so zoomed in and big, it's not great, I prefer smaller and precise
check the post above yours.
How does the 560DPI trick work buddy? Out of the vox, everything is so zoomed in and big, it's not great, I prefer smaller and precise
Finally saw the S7 and S7 edge earlier this afternoon. I told my cousin buying a Samsung and Apple felt like I was betraying myself because while I've owned products from both of them, I never truly loved either company. I like underdogs like LG or ASUS. But that S7 edge in gold really is pure sexy. I prefer it in silver but it becomes mirror reflective like my Nokia N82 before. Basically like the S6+ edge but rounder. But seeing it for a couple minutes and actually owning it for months will have completely different results. I don't really NEED an S7 edge or any flagship. I just want to have that feeling of owning a sexy phone again even though that ego trip and honeymoon high goes away eventually....
Saw rear renders of the iPhone 7. Yuck. Apple has completely lost any sense with design. Probably isn't true but wouldn't surprise me if it was because iPhone 6 series is pure ugly in the rear. Steve Jobs would be rolling in his grave watching Samsung beat them in that department. I guess if I don't like the iPhone 7 series, I would rather get a LG G6 next year instead. But I will get an S7 edge when the money and time comes this year. Probably in a few months. No time to wait and see if Samsung brings back removable battery for the S8. Don't see any other flagship wowing me in design and functions from LG, HTC, Sony, and Motorola either. Samsung will win best smartphone of the year back2back from GSMA with the edge variants of the S6 and S7.
I missed it, the DPI scaling trick requires root?
How does the 560DPI trick work buddy? Out of the vox, everything is so zoomed in and big, it's not great, I prefer smaller and precise
Just the ADB command and then what you end up with is everything far better resized for the size of the screen. Font sizes, the amount of content displayed in apps - everything. It just looks so much better. I seriously can not understand how it's not the default out of the box tbh.
Did or can you please take any before and after pics?
Okay, I'm not kidding guys, the random "Additional Secuirty" at the lock screen that is asking me for my secondary lock screen unlock method -- in my case, pattern unlock -- is happening at an insane frequency. Sometimes within SECONDS of using the device. I can't recreate the problem reliably, but sometimes when I lock the screen and go to unlock it, it'll ask for the pattern instead of my fingerprint. And I know before I even try because the screen will say "Swipe to unlock" instead of the usual "Use fingerprint to unlock" at the bottom of the screen.
I have no discernable third party app that could be causing this issue. And I've gone through all my settings and I am certain there is nothing amiss.
Is there really no one else experiencing this thing to the frequency I am? It happens ridiculously often and it's driving me insane. When I say often, I mean often like it's happened to me 20+ times in the past hour.
What in the world is happening with this device?
Okay, I'm not kidding guys, the random "Additional Secuirty" at the lock screen that is asking me for my secondary lock screen unlock method -- in my case, pattern unlock -- is happening at an insane frequency. Sometimes within SECONDS of using the device. I can't recreate the problem reliably, but sometimes when I lock the screen and go to unlock it, it'll ask for the pattern instead of my fingerprint. And I know before I even try because the screen will say "Swipe to unlock" instead of the usual "Use fingerprint to unlock" at the bottom of the screen.
I have no discernable third party app that could be causing this issue. And I've gone through all my settings and I am certain there is nothing amiss.
Is there really no one else experiencing this thing to the frequency I am? It happens ridiculously often and it's driving me insane. When I say often, I mean often like it's happened to me 20+ times in the past hour.
What in the world is happening with this device?
Did you install that ACDisplay I mentioned earlier (or any other app that would lock the phone)? Now that I think about it, that could call lockNow, which will actually lock the device. I have only used it on non-fingerprint devices, so didn't think of that.
I'm not using security myself, have you tried disabling all security and then re-introducing it ?
Time for a trip to TMO to get a replacement.Not using that, but am using this:
Let me try uninstalling it and seeing if it comes back. Driving me absolutely nuts.
But if that is the culprit, that's really disappointing too because I really like my display turning on whenever I get a notification (ala the iPhone). ANd it wouldn't explain why the secondary additional security thing would come up randomly.
It's random, and it's frequent. It doesn't add up. But I'll try...
Yeah, I've played around with the settings a lot. It just keeps happening.
Really, no one else, huh? Something must be wrong here...
Time for a trip to TMO to get a replacement.
About the replacement and the free Gear VR promo. You can register the new devices IMEI and maybe get double?Yeah, possibly. And if I'm doing that, I might as well drop down to the S7 standard.
I don't think the Edge is for me. Yes, it's the most compact and gorgeous 5.5" screen, but in day to day usage, one handed use is still a challenge. Ranging from comfort to reaching parts of the screen to even sliding out left-side menus when using the device with only my right hand. It's little frustrations that add up. Same when using the device in bed; my fingers keep accidentally touching the edge screens so the notification shade might peek out or if I'm watching full screen videos and an accidental touch of the edge screen with my fingers will cause the menus/buttons to appear, etc.
What's impressive, though, is there are zero accidental palm touches when using the device one handed. I'm shocked by that. The accidental touches comes more from the sheer fact that your fingers need to hold the device somehow.
I'm really torn though because I am really enjoying the massive battery and am really pleased with the design of the Edge (currently rocking it 100% naked).
Thankfully the S7 standard has very few compromises compared to the Edge. But even so, I really want to like this device. I mean that literally. I wish I could get used to this big screen. Maybe a few more days...
But ya, this lock screen business is driving me absolutely nuts. I need to get to the bottom of it.
Also an important question: If I do exchange it, what happens to my free Gear VR/Netflix promo? It's still under review. If I exchange it, won't that screw that up?
About the replacement and the free Gear VR promo. You can register the new devices IMEI and maybe get double?
I was quite surprised how small the S7 Edge was in smart phone standards. I held my standard iPhone 6 up against it and it was only slightly bigger. I don't like big devices either which is why the 6 Plus was never even an option. I think I could get used to the S7 Edge as it only just pushes my personal boundaries on device size.My week begins. I'll know for sure after this week whether the edge is a keeper or I go to the s7 regular.
So far so good but still not sure I like big devices, even if it is the smaller of the big ones. Really it's for the battery.
Unless it doesn't have permission to do what it needs to. So it prompts for the access?Crap... it might be the Screen On Notification app. It hasn't happened since uninstalling it.
But why... why would that app cause the need for additional security measures? All it does is light up the screen whenever I get a notification. I've allowed it in the settings, too. It should know everything is perfectly safe...
Crap... it might be the Screen On Notification app. It hasn't happened since uninstalling it.
But why... why would that app cause the need for additional security measures? All it does is light up the screen whenever I get a notification. I've allowed it in the settings, too. It should know everything is perfectly safe...
The apps call lockNow(). This actually locks the screen requiring a pin to unlock.
More talk about it here:
Wow, you're right. This must be it.
So there's no work around? This is just something that's built into MM? Is this something the developer of Screen On Notification can fix/update?