Tmobile pushing out March's security update:
My S7 Edge is downloading it now. Previously, it had the Feb security patches.
So I say again to all those overly worried about software updates: you can begin to see why it's just not a dealbreaker if I don't get Android N right away when it's released later this year. TouchWiz will already have most of the features N is introducing, Google will continually update their core apps through the Play Store, and I'm still getting the security patches a week or two after Google's Nexus gets them.
Sure, faster software updates always welcomed. But, like I said before, it's far from being a dealbreaker once you consider all the factors.
My S7 Edge is downloading it now. Previously, it had the Feb security patches.
So I say again to all those overly worried about software updates: you can begin to see why it's just not a dealbreaker if I don't get Android N right away when it's released later this year. TouchWiz will already have most of the features N is introducing, Google will continually update their core apps through the Play Store, and I'm still getting the security patches a week or two after Google's Nexus gets them.
Sure, faster software updates always welcomed. But, like I said before, it's far from being a dealbreaker once you consider all the factors.