Ok ... I'm a happy bunny now ...
Very promising! If the S7/Edge can manage anywhere greater than 6 or so apps without refreshing, I'm a happy camper.
Hope Tapatalk works out okay for you. If it doesn't, I wonder if it's the app...
Ok ... I'm a happy bunny now ...
Hope Tapatalk works out okay for you. If it doesn't, I wonder if it's the app...
Gotta say, I'm a bit bummed I'm not part of the early adopters party with you guys. Just can't justify that $780 + taxes price point for the Edge at the moment. Especially knowing Samsung devices typically drop in price after a few months or there are even greater offers.
It'll be funny if this year, it's such a runaway hit that they don't drop prices. =X
You're just being sensible .... whereas i know sensible, but rarely do sensible ....
I think you're right about the Samsung logo. I think we have all the lawsuits to thank for that in the US anyway.S7 units in China will also forego the front Samsung logo in their devices.
I'm becoming more and more convinced the Samsung logo is upfront in the US to combat any legal issues that their phones might look too much like iPhones. With a logo upfront, there are no excuses for confusion.
Personally, I'm indifferent about it. I'm not bothered by the logo up front and don't even really notice it. However, that black S7 Edge's front panel should be logo-less. It would've made an already gorgeous phone even more sleek. It's a shame.
I'd have to get a microSD card, too. A good reliable one from Samsung. More costs. Plus screen protector. This could easily run up to $850-900 dollars after you factor in taxes. Yikes.
It'll be really interesting to see how well or not well the S7 and Edge sells.
With just one storage size for each, it makes the options simpler. You want the regular S7 or the larger more advanced S7 Edge? I still think it was a mistake to not release the 64GB version for each, but with easier options, it might help them.
And then it can only help if the devices come through and get strong reviews, too.
Report: Samsung to manufacture 17.2 million Galaxy S7/Edge in three months
S7 units in China will also forego the front Samsung logo in their devices.
I'm becoming more and more convinced the Samsung logo is upfront in the US to combat any legal issues that their phones might look too much like iPhones. With a logo upfront, there are no excuses for confusion.
Personally, I'm indifferent about it. I'm not bothered by the logo up front and don't even really notice it. However, that black S7 Edge's front panel should be logo-less. It would've made an already gorgeous phone even more sleek. It's a shame.
I'd have to get a microSD card, too. A good reliable one from Samsung. More costs. Plus screen protector. This could easily run up to $850-900 dollars after you factor in taxes. Yikes.
It'll be really interesting to see how well or not well the S7 and Edge sells.
With just one storage size for each, it makes the options simpler. You want the regular S7 or the larger more advanced S7 Edge? I still think it was a mistake to not release the 64GB version for each, but with easier options, it might help them.
And then it can only help if the devices come through and get strong reviews, too.
Report: Samsung to manufacture 17.2 million Galaxy S7/Edge in three months
Samsung have really hit it out of the park on the refinement of the S6 design. Anyone calling this a S iteration has missed the mark completely. There's a helluvalot more here than you'll ever find in an S generation. They deserve all the credit for being able to get all those features in such a small package with a challenging design to manufacture. I did some moving around with the previous pic posted. Just to get a better idea of what real minimal design looks like in comparison to the 6S+. A lot of people love their bigger screens, but nobody wants the bigger footprint that usually accompanies it. Absolutely loving this.
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What else can one do? We can only compare with what exists. The same thing will happen when the iPhone 7 comes out and it gets inevitably compared to the S7, G5, etc.
Woops forgot about the edge model. Im my mind the really competitor for the 6s plus is the note. However, you're right, the s7 edge should be compared with the 6s plus.
I haven't tested a 6s plus in low light. However I have tried the 6s and it's not good at all. Most times it seems like a black and white pic with the 6s in my experience. I wonder how G5 does in low light. The G4 was the best in low light for 2015 IMO.
I hate the staggered release. Would love if Samsung and Apple released new phones as the same time so there isn't any excuses from either parties.
I was just reading how the S7 will carrier lock to the first SIM put into it. This is the crap that drives some consumers away. With Apple at least you can get the phone unlocked if you buy it from them. That along with the non carrier controlled updates are priceless, although you are getting more timely updates to an outdated OS so that may be a wash.
But seriously, forced carrier lock, shoving Knox security down our throat, making the phone unrootable. Yes I know this really only matters to 3 of us on a tech forum. They should at least offer a developer version which is carrier and bootloader unlocked, I wouldn't mind paying a premium for this.
They have fixed storage sizes?
I think you hit the nail on the head about the logo, gee thanks Apple!! Did a decent glass protector ever get introduced for the S6 edge? Some of them have blacked out top/bottom bezels, I have one on my Note 5 that looks and fits perfectly and covers that logo up and also gets rid of the blue. I just don't know if that's feasible for the curved screen designs.
This naturally wouldn’t apply to SIM-free and carrier unlocked smartphones. If you own a device purchased directly from Samsung or from a non-carrier retailer, then you’ll be able indulge in your commitment issues and flit teasingly between carriers as freely as before.
Guess you didn't read the article
Don't want to be carrier locked? Buy the phone unlocked.
have you seen anywhere that you can buy the phone unlocked in the USA?
in the past I dont believe it has been possible, maybe 6 months later from bhphoto or something
Why in the heck can someone not go to samsung.com and order an unlocked one without carrier bloat?
My thoughts on the edge.
Honestly I'm not that impressed. Sprint demo unit: for some reason opening apps, going to the home screen, opening task switcher my edge+ is actually faster in most cases. Not sure why but I won't dwell much on it. The battery is the best new feature for me. SD card is a nice addition too.
The screens vary as we know (my first edge+ had a worse screen color wise than my warranty replacement) the S7 edge looks warmer and overall less natural and balanced than my unit when looking at Google Maps imagery, for example. The bezels are slightly thinner. It feels nice in the hand but not Wow! The camera is obviously much better but is 4:3 at 12MP which I don't particularly care for. Launching the camera app was the one app where the S7 edge was faster than mine.
One thing they did that I really dislike is they increased the size (scaling) of the UI visual assets. What that basically means is that, like on the Note 4, they made the UI elements (buttons, search bars, etc.) larger despite the much higher resolution of the screen. On the Note5 and edge+ they shrunk the UI elements throughout apps and made the entire experience more "spacious", like on Google Maps, the home screen, search bars on the Web, etc. It was like keeping their size as was seen on the S6, but on a larger screen, instead of making them bigger to match the increase in screen size. Now they're back to being large like before and I don't like it. That is actually one of the reasons I went from the Note 4 to the edge+, it just made more design sense.
Those are my impressions. It's nice and I wasn't planning on getting one anyway. I'm less interested in these phones than in UHD screens on the next gen Note or edge+.
I didn't search for an option. I know you can change the grid on the home screen but not sure about the scaling. I didn't really go in depth. In fact I didn't even open the settings.Wait...you can't even change the scaling? In any way? Like not even changing the number of icons?
That's one of the things I like most about my Edge+. I just wouldn't be able to cope with that. I saw one of my friend's Note 4, and I thought, wow, the scaling here is awful! I love having as much as possible on my screen.