I have been using Gazette for a few days now - in general, a nice little app.. I think the key advantage over "native" webpage is the ability to quickly navigate & switch over between the feeds, which gets to be a pain in Safari.
But there are a few nagging annoyances, which I am hopeful Matt will address in the upcoming releases. So here they are:
1) New items lag
This is probably my biggest issue with this product. Gazette doesn't "learn" the new RSS items nearly as quickly as native gReader webpage. It may be because it gets too busy downloading all of the feeds' content for offline reading.. If that's the case, I'd expect the "new header" lag to get reduced when we're able to turn off syncing. In any event, the sync engine should be re-designed so that it downloads only the new headers as a first step.. and only after the headers are current - start fetching the articles content (assuming offline sync option is on)
2) Loss of custom Feed names & garbled characters
In Google Reader, I have assigned custom names to some of my feeds (for example, I have re-named "Network World NetFlash" to "NW News"). Gazette seems to revert to the original feed names. In addition, some of the characters in Feed names are garbled - for example "NYT Technology" shows up as "NYT > Technology" in Gazette for some reason..
3) No landscape mode
This is a glaring one, particularly when using built-in browser. I'd think this one should be easy to implement.
4) Lack of ability to display ALL items, rather than just new
Web-based reader allows to display either "new only" or "all" items. The Gazette only displays the new items. The new/all toggle can even be an application-wide setting, similar to sync.