My husband and I just got back from a nice kid-free dinner.

We took some pictures with the Samsungs, the Pixels and the IPhones. The Pixel handled lighting beautifully but the problem was it got colors so wrong. Even the Samsungs captured the delicate gold color of the ceiling and wood tones of the booths pretty well. The IPhone was the most accurate with colors. The Pixels just did not capture the colors very well. The pictures were gorgeous but it really messes up brown, gold and yellow. Not a good thing when your family consists of brunettes and blondes. My hair looks weird with the Pixels and so does my skin. The Pixels do handle noise pretty well more times than not. The thing is, image quality was so close among the three brands. Color was where they all differed with iPhones coming in first, Samsung second and Pixels third. That’s not the results you want with a brand new flagship phone compared to one a year old, and one half a year old phone, and especially not at premium prices. I know there’s going to be that “hidden” chip they will be activating. That will likely be cool and if it is, we can revisit the whole thing then.
My husband has the additional challenge of not being able to natively designate VIP email senders. He needs this feature for business. I need this to differentiate my school contacts from random mail—(though because I do run an iPhone as my main phone this is not the deal breaker for me it is for him). There is an app to do this but it runs down battery.
I think someday Pixels will be fine phones for our retirement income years. Right now we will need iPhones and Samsungs.
We talked it over, I won’t go into everything since this post is already long, but we are going to do a little more testing to satisfy our curiosity and then pack these up and return them. I’m going back to my 7 Plus and S8+ combo. Hubby will give the iPhone X a spin.
I’m a little sad, because this Pixel 2 is so adorable.