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Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
The Pixel 2 was CLEARLY thrown together.

At those prices, you'd think wireless charging and 256GB capacity would be there.

Now this XL 2 fiasco with the screens. I'm sorry, but that's too much money for those kinds of issues.

The phones don't even look premium in the slightest.

Please Define premium.


Sep 11, 2014
First @MRU and now you!! NO! :p

I'm sorry that you and your husband had a subpar experience with your Pixels. I hope you guys love the iPhone X!

I wish you the very best as we close out the year. Best of luck to you in your new position at the school. :) God bless.
Thank you!. I’m not totally leaving in the way MRU did. More like pop in to take a load off my feet and pop out. Things are so hectic my post quality would suffer if I visit and attempt to post as I have been doing under the circumstances I’m about to enter. I struggle with aphasia caused by my migraine condition, so I need time, morning coffee or tea and to be relaxed to make posts that make sense and to self edit properly.

Gonna pop back out now and get back to work. Thanks for the kind words. One thing, before I’m off buried in the school stuff, I implore you all not to argue or fight with each other.

It’s just phones. People are more important. We all have different perspectives and different experiences with these devices, let’s use that to help each other rather than make cutting criticisms of each other. It truly is easier and more fun to be kind than cutting. I’ve been both on this forum and always, always, regretted when I’ve been cutting or smarter-than-thou. I’ve never regretted being kind and respectful. I just want you all to be happy here. You’re all great folks and so much fun!

Okay, off to help a kid pull together a project that’s due tomorrow. :confused: It involves cooking and the potential for disaster can not be understated. :eek:


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
So today morning I went out to take a look at the Pixel 2 XL. I already ordered the iPhone X but also wanted to try Android as well for once. I didn’t see any graininess on the display even after lowering the brightness. The blue tint was there but it didn’t bother me. No burn in on the nav bar. The big gripe I had with the display with that stock wallpaper is that the whites seemed yellowish to me. Not cool like everyone was saying. It seemed very dull and lifeless compared to my 7 Plus display which I didn’t like. The Note 8 display just blows it out of the water imo. The max brightness also didn’t feel as bright as my 7 Plus. I didn’t really find any game breaking bugs like people were saying. I even put it on low brightness and surfed a website having dark mode and didn’t see any issue with scrolling smears or anything of the sort. The sales representative also said that the unit was from a later manufacturing batch and it doesn’t have those widely reported issues.

They just need to make the display more vibrant and I may get it.


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Reactions: jamezr and Aneres11


Nov 4, 2007
So today morning I went out to take a look at the Pixel 2 XL. I already ordered the iPhone X but also wanted to try Android as well for once. I didn’t see any graininess on the display even after lowering the brightness. The blue tint was there but it didn’t bother me. No burn in on the nav bar. The big gripe I had with the display with that stock wallpaper is that the whites seemed yellowish to me. Not cool like everyone was saying. It seemed very dull and lifeless compared to my 7 Plus display which I didn’t like. The Note 8 display just blows it out of the water imo. The max brightness also didn’t feel as bright as my 7 Plus. I didn’t really find any game breaking bugs like people were saying. I even put it on low brightness and surfed a website having dark mode and didn’t see any issue with scrolling smears or anything of the sort. The sales representative also said that the unit was from a later manufacturing batch and it doesn’t have those widely reported issues.

They just need to make the display more vibrant and I may get it.



Wow those bezels just keep looking bigger and bigger.


macrumors 68030
Jul 28, 2012
So today morning I went out to take a look at the Pixel 2 XL. I already ordered the iPhone X but also wanted to try Android as well for once. I didn’t see any graininess on the display even after lowering the brightness. The blue tint was there but it didn’t bother me. No burn in on the nav bar. The big gripe I had with the display with that stock wallpaper is that the whites seemed yellowish to me. Not cool like everyone was saying. It seemed very dull and lifeless compared to my 7 Plus display which I didn’t like. The Note 8 display just blows it out of the water imo. The max brightness also didn’t feel as bright as my 7 Plus. I didn’t really find any game breaking bugs like people were saying. I even put it on low brightness and surfed a website having dark mode and didn’t see any issue with scrolling smears or anything of the sort. The sales representative also said that the unit was from a later manufacturing batch and it doesn’t have those widely reported issues.

They just need to make the display more vibrant and I may get it.


That's a darn good looking screen. Congratulations. :) There's an upcoming update that will add more punch to the colors, so all else considered, you're golden.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Right now to itself.

Its just so chunky.
Pixel xl2 should be launching in the Uk around the 15.
Will compare it to other phones shortly thereafter.
I think you need to have your eyes examined......compared to other smartphones in its category it has slim bezels.
Then why the concentration of that minuscule side bezel and ignore the top and bottom bezels?
Are you in the iPhone threads complaining about the the iphone 8 plus huge bottom and top bezels? I didn't think so.....

for some reason you only seem to call out bezels on the Pixel and ignore bezels on all other phones....why is that?
Didn't you hear? iPhone X is the only phone worth your money. It costs $350 more than the Pixel 2. That's how you know it's good. is pretty evident when someone is apologizing for the iphone by saying something negative about its competition.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 28, 2012
Well besides the Game crashing my phone, I couldn’t be happier with my purchase so far. I have resolved the MusicID not working and a couple other odd software issues I was having by restoring the phone, and bringing back apps I wanted, as opposed to using a partial profile form my 6P.

Camera works great, been getting some good results from it, and can’t wait to see what improvements the secondary Image processing system can do.

There are caveats in my liking the camera though

  1. Portrait mode just looks fake to me, I see the edges in most shots, where I can’t in real bokeh. The camera actually has decent depth of field without the extra gimmicks turned on. Could get better with the new image processor though.
  2. I went into the advanced settings, and enabled the ability to turn off HDR+ . With it off, images look MUCH less over processed in my eye, and honestly, I like my low light pictures better without it on too.

Just like any camera, part of it is looking at shots, and a bit of trial and error. Still as a camera system, I prefer the iPhone’s approach, but, with Android I can change my Default camera app, which is a plus too.


Note how the two photos below are cropped in a bit more, Portrait mode crops out a fair amount of the image, and turns on a somewhat aggressive image stabilization profile as well. The stabilize effect is so pronounced that it feels like you are in some type of Star Trek temporal distortion. :eek:



Note how the algorithm can’t properly address the edge of the shot, where the flash hot shoe ends, and the background begins. I see this issue in quite a few photos, on nearly every phone that enacts some type of Portrait mode. But I am giving Google the benefit of the doubt with this feature, and hope it gets more smoothed out as software improves, and new hardware is activated. Overall though, if I want a good Bokeh effect, I just use my 50mm Art lens pictured in this shot, but on my full frame.

View attachment 729172

For Comparison,

This shot was taken with a Canon 7D (MK1) with my 50mm f1.4 Sigma Art lens.

Agreed about the portrait mode looking fake. It's probably a lot less noticeable if you don't deal with DSLR's often, but the natural falling-off focus that you see from a DSLR + fast lens is quite different than that of phones' portrait modes. I don't like how phones simply "cut out" the subject from the background. I will say, however, that I have seen a few examples that look darn good.

I also agree that HDR+ mode sometimes over processes images. It works WONDERS most of the time, especially with night photos on my Nexus 6P. However, other times, things look wayyy oversharpened.

Great comparison photos, by the way. Thanks for taking the time to capture those.

Wow those bezels just keep looking bigger and bigger.
For the sake of being objective, I do agree with you that the side bezels are rather large (large is relative in this case; we're talking what, millimeters?). However, they are not too unlike those on the iPhone X. The iPhone X actually has bezel around the entire screen -- it's just an illusion that they aren't there, since the bezels are consistent around the entire screen. The difference in the Pixel's top/bottom bezels and side bezels, coupled with the fact that the Samsung Galaxy phones and the LG V30 have no size bezels, are what makes the Pixel's side bezels stick out. But by and large I wouldn't say that they are awful. I mean, heck, look at the iPhone 8 that Apple is STILL selling at flagship pricing. @jamezr posted a pic of it actually. Now THOSE are some bezels!


For context, this is from Apple's site. Side bezels, you say?

Not bagging on the iPhone X. It's quite pretty. But just saying -- the screen to body ratio on it is actually LOWER* than the Galaxy devices. Crazy, right?

edit -

*LOWER meaning worse
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Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
Agreed about the portrait mode looking fake. It's probably a lot less noticeable if you don't deal with DSLR's often, but the natural falling-off focus that you see from a DSLR + fast lens is quite different than that of phones' portrait modes. I don't like how phones simply "cut out" the subject from the background. I will say, however, that I have seen a few examples that look darn good.

I also agree that HDR+ mode sometimes over processes images. It works WONDERS most of the time, especially with night photos on my Nexus 6P. However, other times, things look wayyy oversharpened.

Great comparison photos, by the way. Thanks for taking the time to capture those.

No problem on the shots, I just enjoy taking phone shots for some odd reason, even with all of the SLR cameras I own.

I will say that it is nice that you can turn the HDR+ off, though I wish the ability to do so was on by default. As an aside, I am curious if Google can pull off a more realistic portrait effect with the new imaging sensor. Since some 3rd party apps can pull off some really good bokeh effect, keeping the correct areas of the image in focus, while blurring the rest (as in my real example from the SLR), I am wondering if some faster processing can do it realtime in Oreo 8.1.

I have had some good examples of Bokeh from this device too, I am just a bit more picky than the average user as you pointed out.


Color is retouched, but blur, sharpness and other image aspects are stock.


Nov 4, 2007
I think you need to have your eyes examined......compared to other smartphones in its category it has slim bezels.

I don’t think I need to have my eyes checked, I’m not the one claiming the pixel xl2 to have slim bezels
And No, the pixel xl 2 cannot be charaterized as having skinny bezels.

Then why the concentration of that minuscule side bezel and ignore the top and bottom bezels?
Are you in the iPhone threads complaining about the the iphone 8 plus huge bottom and top bezels? I didn't think so.....

Sure the pixel xl2 has a forehead and chin, never claimed they didn’t. Maybe it’s because lg reduced it some what and that’s what making the side bezels look extra chunky.
And nope not really Complaining about the about the iPhone or the pixel 2’s forehead an chin.
That’s all you ;).

Then why the concentration of that minuscule side bezel and ignore the top and bottom bezels?

Not really minuscule.

for some reason you only seem to call out bezels on the Pixel and ignore bezels on all other phones....why is that?
[doublepost=1509461478][/doublepost] is pretty evident when someone is apologizing for the iphone by saying something negative about its competition.

Ita simple the side bezels really pop when you first see the device.

Maybe you need to have your eyes checked, once more. I haven’t apologized for anything.

I will reserve judgment once I use the device, should be launching here around the 15.

Slim bezels. Your funny.


Nov 4, 2007
They're really not. I had the same complaint when I first looked at it in the store. Upon using it, it's fine. You don't notice them even a little.

Quite possibly.
Looking forward to testing the camera and by the time my pixel xl2 arrives I would be able to compare it to some other smartphone.


Nov 4, 2007
Agreed about the portrait mode looking fake. It's probably a lot less noticeable if you don't deal with DSLR's often, but the natural falling-off focus that you see from a DSLR + fast lens is quite different than that of phones' portrait modes. I don't like how phones simply "cut out" the subject from the background. I will say, however, that I have seen a few examples that look darn good.

I also agree that HDR+ mode sometimes over processes images. It works WONDERS most of the time, especially with night photos on my Nexus 6P. However, other times, things look wayyy oversharpened.

Great comparison photos, by the way. Thanks for taking the time to capture those.

For the sake of being objective, I do agree with you that the side bezels are rather large (large is relative in this case; we're talking what, millimeters?). However, they are not too unlike those on the iPhone X. The iPhone X actually has bezel around the entire screen -- it's just an illusion that they aren't there, since the bezels are consistent around the entire screen. The difference in the Pixel's top/bottom bezels and side bezels, coupled with the fact that the Samsung Galaxy phones and the LG V30 have no size bezels, are what makes the Pixel's side bezels stick out. But by and large I wouldn't say that they are awful. I mean, heck, look at the iPhone 8 that Apple is STILL selling at flagship pricing. @jamezr posted a pic of it actually. Now THOSE are some bezels!


For context, this is from Apple's site. Side bezels, you say?

Not bagging on the iPhone X. It's quite pretty. But just saying -- the screen to body ratio on it is actually LOWER than the Galaxy devices. Crazy, right?

Sure. But I find the side bezels a bit more chunkier similar to the iPhone 4s

Here is a comparison.



macrumors 68040
May 6, 2008
Agreed about the portrait mode looking fake. It's probably a lot less noticeable if you don't deal with DSLR's often, but the natural falling-off focus that you see from a DSLR + fast lens is quite different than that of phones' portrait modes. I don't like how phones simply "cut out" the subject from the background. I will say, however, that I have seen a few examples that look darn good.

I also agree that HDR+ mode sometimes over processes images. It works WONDERS most of the time, especially with night photos on my Nexus 6P. However, other times, things look wayyy oversharpened.

Great comparison photos, by the way. Thanks for taking the time to capture those.

For the sake of being objective, I do agree with you that the side bezels are rather large (large is relative in this case; we're talking what, millimeters?). However, they are not too unlike those on the iPhone X. The iPhone X actually has bezel around the entire screen -- it's just an illusion that they aren't there, since the bezels are consistent around the entire screen. The difference in the Pixel's top/bottom bezels and side bezels, coupled with the fact that the Samsung Galaxy phones and the LG V30 have no size bezels, are what makes the Pixel's side bezels stick out. But by and large I wouldn't say that they are awful. I mean, heck, look at the iPhone 8 that Apple is STILL selling at flagship pricing. @jamezr posted a pic of it actually. Now THOSE are some bezels!


For context, this is from Apple's site. Side bezels, you say?

Not bagging on the iPhone X. It's quite pretty. But just saying -- the screen to body ratio on it is actually LOWER than the Galaxy devices. Crazy, right?

This picture of Apple's notch closeup shows just how silly it is to have extended the screen up into the ear area. Its a lame attempt to count the screen as being bigger when most of that area is not usable. And the "Its all screen" is just a big "NOT".
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