There is something up with the iPhone X display. I’m on the eye strain thread about it. I noticed something last night that I just posted over there, about a huge difference between my husband’s iPhone X display and mine.I quite enjoyed my time with the X but at the end of the day, iOS seems stale to me which it never has before (I had the 7+ at launch and loved it!). But after using the latest round of Nougat and Oreo, Android has caught up to iOS in terms of smoothness and UI interaction. That for me, coupled with the customization, has me firmly in android camp for the time being.
Sorry to hear about the eye straining. I couldn't get comfortable reading a large amount of text on the X either. I'm not sure if it's the size or the screen but my Pixel 2 XL is much more pleasant to look at for long amounts of time.
His has very noticeable blue shift and is much dimmer on the same 50% brightness setting than mine is. But his display has less flicker at that setting. There’s a possibility I could return my X and try for a display more like his. Sadly it would from an aesthetic perspective be quite a good deal less attractive, but I could more easily read on it.
I don’t think I will bother. I’m going to be a realist and own up to the fact I will trade this phone in when the new models come out. I may go for the LCD option if they don’t make the cameras too weak. I have a few more days to mull it over.