Same....woohoo it's happening!
Same here! I doubt I’ll see mine tomorrow because I’m further away on the East Coast and our weather has been nasty. I am hoping to see mine Thursday.
I guess it’s appropriate to match the snow on my back porch deck that I got a snowy white Pixel 2. The snow on the grass is melting a bit. We didn’t get much but enough to make a mantle of white for a pleasing aesthetic effect.
I know some earlier posts said that the white surface didn’t feel as premium or good as the black finish. But I rarely register those kinds of differences beyond a quick first impression. I picked the white color this time just because I like the look of it. I had black last time and that was pretty, too. But my IPhone 7 Plus is black so I thought I’d switch things up a bit for the Pixel 2.
I really, really, really hope this Pixel 2 works out for me. As I said on another thread in this forum, even though at this stage of life my husband and I are finally financially comfortable, we aren’t made of the money Apple seems to think its customers are.
Despite what you all may think based on my smart phone splurge since 2016, I am by nature and upbringing a very frugal person and so is my husband. My mom once lived in a refugee camp when she was about 8 or 9 and my father-in-law genuinely starved as a child during the Great Depression. Their experiences had a profound influence on our outlook. I grew up surrounded by gangs and evictions and neighbors living in poverty, myself. So there gets to be a certain point spending too much money on any one thing makes me “twitchy”.
The smart phone and smart phone cameras offer me the quality and convenience I want to record and share precious moments of my life so I am always going to want to get the best I can afford. But the pricing of the iPhone X, and getting two in one year, pushed me very far out of my psychological comfort zone.
I try very hard not to let my emotions rule me and to operate on logic and reason, and even my logic and reason were twitching uncomfortably at what we’d done spending a total of $3000 for two iPhones in one year.

In particular, looking at the quality of non-defective Pixel 2 pictures and videos, I think this option deserves another chance. I think it would be illogical and unreasonable to not try again. Especially at $740 on a small discount.