I’m curious about this too. I usually use Spark on my iphone which i love. I’m wondering if there is a close alternative to it. Also i’m trying to figure out the best texting app for the the Pixel. Would it be the stock messaging app or something like Textra? Thanks!
I was testing the stock messaging app last night with my family and was shocked how much I liked it. To my surprise the photos we shared in text appeared to be fine and not horribly reduced in quality. Maybe because we are all on At&T and the carrier has done something. Today I am going to see what happens to short video clips. Usually what happens when pictures and videos are shared between someone on Android and someone on iOS is a degradation of image quality. I've experienced that with one of the moms who uses an older Samsung. If it's possible to exchange pictures and videos between iPhones and Pixels without massive loss of quality that would be one barrier down to making a switch to Pixels (for me personally) someday.
When I am on Samsung I use Textra because I could customize the look of it to match my themes.
I'm loving Pixel Android so much so far. I understand now why
@Tig Bitties says he wishes he could have Android on an iPhone X. Even though I am quite content with iOS for the most part, just the level of customization on this non-rooted version of Android alone is going to my head. For the people who are adept at rooting and modifying their phones to do exactly what they want, that has got to be a blast, even if it introduces some complications most people don't want to deal with in their daily driver.
Long long ago in a galaxy far far away I used to create custom content for a popular game and used to beta test custom content created by other artists.
There's still a part of me that hates taking what the companies want to give us and wants to rip it down and rebuild it. I approached it as an artist and not as a technical person, but I did used to deal with file modifications in order to get my custom content to work.
I'm not going to do anything to my poor Snowball, but I might go all Doctor Frankenstein at some point on my HTC 10, when my home office is finished and I get my computers up and running again.
I am getting used to typing on this keyboard. I do unfortunately still have difficulty with my vision and ability to focus on a pulse width modulation controlled OLED display. That is the same issue I had with the iPhone X. Fortunately there is no glare like I experienced on my X. It's about what I would be willing to live with when/if I take my husband's X. The reason I did not permanently switch and take my husband's X now is I saw the opportunity to get a better pairing of phones for my needs.
I've said it before but it bears repeating that I got lucky and have a lovely display. There is a very subtle gradient of white with a cool hue on the left to white with a pink hue on the right but that is very unobtrusive and very much common on Samsung displays since last year. It is much much better than the pink "frame" that ringed my S8+ display and my iPhone X display under some ambient lighting conditions.
My husband continues to be envious of Snowball. I know he wants one now because he sees me getting all into this phone and he doesn't know what's got me so fascinated and now he thinks he js missing something and wrote his Pixel 2 XL off too soon. I told him he made the right decision and to grow up and just be patient and wait for the Pixel 3. He's not a jerk or anything like that, but when it comes to gadgets we both act like kids, much to the amusement of the actual kids who watch us bemusedly.
Wow I typed this long post on Snowball!

[doublepost=1515166333][/doublepost]Oops, goodness I forgot to thank you all for your email suggestions. I greatly appreciate them all and will be checking out all of the suggestions.