Oh Lord help me, I think
@ChrisPirillo is becoming my spirit animal. He’s summed up pretty well the dilemma faced by those of us who have decided there’s really nothing else out there, this is what we want, it’s flawed, so let’s see what happens:
He recorded this on the Pixel 2. Some people comment that the audio sounds a bit tinny and that he comes across looking yellow. Well it’s hard to say the color might not be accurate because I have that sort of skin coloring myself. I held my hand up to my iPad display and his complexion matched mine. My real name is Marge Simpson, by the way.

Maybe the other cameras were making him more pale than he actually is.
The audio is a bit...something. I’m not sure what the term is. It’s not muffled but there is an effect of some sort. It actually sounds more like the audio from an iPhone 7 Plus or IPhone 8 Plus on one of SuperSafs video showdowns.
I was impressed now the mic was able to pick up the sound of his kid yelling to him from the basement.
I can’t wait to test these babies for myself!