You’re not trolling. The funny thing is that even we Pixel fans are saying the same things. My husband is so fond of his 3XL he doesn’t want to trade it in, but he says a lot of the same things you’re saying. Almost word for word for some of the things you pointed out like the call screening feature.
That’s why when
@drinkingtea was soliciting opinions and input on a good phone to get as a student, I cautioned against a Pixel 4.
However...and there is definitely a “however” there is no underestimating the tremendous appeal of the integration of a truly capable AI assistant with the phone OS. And now they’re allowing most of this functionality to take place on the phone itself instead of offloading it to remote servers, that’s actually pretty significant and worth testing out for some people.
Overall, if early adopters find no significant bugs and drawbacks, even though this phone isn’t exactly a showcase for state of the art components and design, it’s going to be a decent choice especially after discounts are offered and applied.
It’s worth taking a look at. But I can see how it could be a hard sell.