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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 11, 2005
I got my base macbook and im installing windows. If I can be of any help to anyone please ask here. Initial impressions. Runs a bit slower than my macbook pro, its kinda heavy, small and it runs hot. I still love it though.

Edit: Pictures that where requested and video about the creaking sound when tiliting the screen. Not an issue at all so dont complain about it for people who buy their macbooks. Just comparing sturdiness and sound to the MBP.



Video of the tilting screen sound compared to the MBP



Video of the latch

More photos!!!





If I post anymore photos they will be on my second post.
Look in the second post for a link to a video I shoot of the screen comparision.
alienex said:
I got my base macbook and im installing windows. If I can be of any help to anyone please ask here. Initial impressions. Runs a bit slower than my macbook pro, its kinda heavy, small and it runs hot. I still love it though.
HOT. Like MBP?

What bout the whine? Any thing odd you hear?
Dont hear anything. Sadly hot like my MBP.

Only ten photos per post allowed. So here are some more.

And two for fun. A photo of the Macbook pro taking a picture of the Macbook taking a picture of the Macbook pro and then vis versa. Get it? Some would say its computers trying to pose for their myspace profile. The reinvented the mirror with photobooth!!!


Video of screen comparision.

More pictures and another video! Going alittle old school adding the powerbook into the mix.





Video showing the actually amount of tilt for all three of the computers, the different screen brightness etc...
I have a question, do you prefer the white plastic on the Macbook or the aluminum on the MBP? That is what has turned me off about the iBook for forever.. And now I am hearing that the black Macbook has a dull color? Its just that the white plastic has turned me off for 1 year.:(
Hopeto be in your shoes, with a macbook and macbook pro soon. Our uni hasnt decided which laptops they are giving to entering students yet, they used to give 12inch powerbooks.

got any pics?
I definitly prefer the alum. I will take some pictures now. I can confirm the macbook runs windows just like my MBP.
alienex said:
I definitly prefer the alum. I will take some pictures now. I can confirm the macbook runs windows just like my MBP.

cool! can u please post pics of the macbook and macbook pro side by side?

also, which case seems to be more sturdy/solid....the plastic macbook or the aluminum macbook pro?
Pics are coming soon, the MBP feels light and more sturdy compared to the Macbook but the macbook does feel solid in its own right. Like when you move the screen all the way back you dont hear anything on the MBP on the MB you do.

EDIT: Pictures and video at the top of the thread. So for the bad quality I made the video in a hurry.
thanks for the pics and video

kinda makes me wanna sell my macbook pro and get a macbook instead :)
1. Yes you can interchange the chargers.
2. Dont sell your MBP for a MB.
3. Cause im rolling like that. (lol) My dad loves Party poker and he cant play it on the powerbook since its windows only. So I thought id get a macbook for the family. Plus I love Apple and im sure I will use the MB too, the MBP is my main computer though.
4. You are all welcome for the pics and video.
sw1tcher said:
Damn... the MBP still looks so much sexier than the MB. :(

really? I actually think it's the other way around! imo, the rounded edges of the macbook looks cleaner and more modern than the macbook pro. if only they released a 13.3" BLACK aluminum MBP with a current MBP would've been on ebay already.
I like my MBP better. What I really like about the MB is the magnetic latch thing. Thats slick. I will say for the money the MB is great deal.
alienex said:
1. Yes you can interchange the chargers.
2. Dont sell your MBP for a MB.
3. Cause im rolling like that. (lol) My dad loves Party poker and he cant play it on the powerbook since its windows only. So I thought id get a macbook for the family. Plus I love Apple and im sure I will use the MB too, the MBP is my main computer though.
4. You are all welcome for the pics and video.

How do you like the new keyboard? I've always thought the past ibook keyboards felt rather cheap and didn't like the response from the keyboard when typing. How does the keyboard compare to the mbp?

Also, how does the glossy screen on the mb compare to the screen of the mbp? Which do you prefer?

I think the keyboard on the macbook pro looks so stupid. It's like a calculator keyboard.... anyway, that's just my preference. I like the aluminum as well much better...
They keyboard is different. It doesnt light up which I dont like. The spacing is a tiny bit different than the MBP. When you type its more quiet. What do I personally think? Im still voting MBP but all this could be because im so comfortable with it. I had a powerbook before my MBP. The new keyboard is very nice though. lets say the MBP didnt have lighted keys the MB keys are eaiser to see. It does have good response.

As for the screen. Well as you see in one of the pictures it looks great. It seems to be brighter and more crisp but I dont like how you can see your reflection during the day. Id vote MBP screen for day use and MB screen for night use.
alienex said:
They keyboard is different. It doesnt light up which I dont like. The spacing is a tiny bit different than the MBP. When you type its more quiet. What do I personally think? Im still voting MBP but all this could be because im so comfortable with it. I had a powerbook before my MBP. The new keyboard is very nice though. lets say the MBP didnt have lighted keys the MB keys are eaiser to see. It does have good response. As for the screen. Well as you see in one of the pictures it looks great. It seems to be brighter and more crisp but I dont like how you can see your reflection during the day. Id vote MBP screen for day use and MB screen for night use.

Thanks for the reply....I'm still up in the air between the mb and mbp.

I'll have to walk over to the apple store tomorrow to see if they have any in.
No problem. I agree you should go to the store and check them both out. If I had to pick just one, I would stay with the MBP. Its bigger, Faster, (lighter in weight? feels lighter maybe the weight is distributed further on the MBP since its longer) If you want a computer smaller than the MBP I think the MB is an excellent choice. At the end of the day you will love it. I am blessed to be able to sit here with both next to me and have the best of both worlds. Like I said I like the new MB alot but I prefer the MBP. Check it out for your self. The MB might fit your needs better than a MBP. At the end of the day it comes down to size and the ability to run GPU intensive APPs. I will say this, They dont call it a Macbook PRO for nothing. No one not even myself can expect the Macbook to be better than the Pro. It is what it is and its great for what it is. We can debate the keyboard and screen all you want. I think most people trying to decided between the two already know the answer. Do you want a 15.4 or 13.3? and will you be gaming and doing pro apps or just basic blogging, podcasting, school etc...
This will be the same debate over again( Powerbook VS iBook) Also consider styling, I forgot to mention that.
alienex said:
No problem. I agree you should go to the store and check them both out. If I had to pick just one, I would stay with the MBP. Its bigger, Faster, (lighter in weight? feels lighter maybe the weight is distributed further on the MBP since its longer) If you want a computer smaller than the MBP I think the MB is an excellent choice. At the end of the day you will love it. I am blessed to be able to sit here with both next to me and have the best of both worlds. Like I said I like the new MB alot but I prefer the MBP. Check it out for your self. The MB might fit your needs better than a MBP. At the end of the day it comes down to size and the ability to run GPU intensive APPs. I will say this, They dont call it a Macbook PRO for nothing. No one not even myself can expect the Macbook to be better than the Pro. It is what it is and its great for what it is. We can debate the keyboard and screen all you want. I think most people trying to decided between the two already know the answer. Do you want a 15.4 or 13.3? and will you be gaming and doing pro apps or just basic blogging, podcasting, school etc...

I'm mainly looking for a good machine that will run imovie, iphoto, and idvd without issues.

When I moved from my g4 powerbook to a g5 imac, I noticed a considerable difference using the ilife product.
alienex said:
No problem. I agree you should go to the store and check them both out. If I had to pick just one, I would stay with the MBP. Its bigger, Faster, (lighter in weight? feels lighter maybe the weight is distributed further on the MBP since its longer) If you want a computer smaller than the MBP I think the MB is an excellent choice. At the end of the day you will love it. I am blessed to be able to sit here with both next to me and have the best of both worlds. Like I said I like the new MB alot but I prefer the MBP. Check it out for your self. The MB might fit your needs better than a MBP. At the end of the day it comes down to size and the ability to run GPU intensive APPs. I will say this, They dont call it a Macbook PRO for nothing. No one not even myself can expect the Macbook to be better than the Pro. It is what it is and its great for what it is. We can debate the keyboard and screen all you want. I think most people trying to decided between the two already know the answer. Do you want a 15.4 or 13.3? and will you be gaming and doing pro apps or just basic blogging, podcasting, school etc...
This will be the same debate over again( Powerbook VS iBook) Also consider styling, I forgot to mention that.

Sorry, but got another question for you. Any idea if the hard drive is upgradeable with an aftermarket harddrive? I was thinking if I bought one of the stocked items, I would swap the drive out myself rather than what for the build to order from Apple. Is this easy to do with the mb?
alienex said:
1. Yes you can interchange the chargers.
Does the MBP charge slower? Does the MB charge faster? I'm thinking of buying a MacBook for my wife. Her computer would most likely stay on the desk, but I would want to use her power adapter to charge when I'm at home (and I can leave my power adapter at work).

alienex said:
4. You are all welcome for the pics and video.
C'mon. You know you like having an audience to parade your new toy in front of. But that said: Thanks.
crazydrumma said:
I think the keyboard on the macbook pro looks so stupid. It's like a calculator keyboard.... anyway, that's just my preference. I like the aluminum as well much better...

How can you say that? The backlit keyboard is the sheer definition of cool.
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