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alienex said:
They keyboard is different. It doesnt light up which I dont like. The spacing is a tiny bit different than the MBP. When you type its more quiet. What do I personally think? Im still voting MBP but all this could be because im so comfortable with it. I had a powerbook before my MBP. The new keyboard is very nice though. lets say the MBP didnt have lighted keys the MB keys are eaiser to see. It does have good response.

As for the screen. Well as you see in one of the pictures it looks great. It seems to be brighter and more crisp but I dont like how you can see your reflection during the day. Id vote MBP screen for day use and MB screen for night use.

Thanks for the detailed description. I have a Rev. A 15" PB, and am considering switching to a MacBook. I don't really need it though, so don't want to switch unless the new MacBook keyboard is at least somewhat close. The PB (or MBP) keyboard is one of the best, notebook or desktop.

I don't mind not having the backlit keyboard. It's really cool, but not that big of a deal for me.
My impression is that the MB runs cooler, if only because touching the MBP's metal is a burning sensation.

I love the new keyboard, but it will require adjustment. Much better feel than the iBook. I could type fluidly, albeit a little awkwardly.

This is like iBook vs. PowerBook, but a million times harder!
belf8st said:
Sorry, but got another question for you. Any idea if the hard drive is upgradeable with an aftermarket harddrive? I was thinking if I bought one of the stocked items, I would swap the drive out myself rather than what for the build to order from Apple. Is this easy to do with the mb?

I have not opened it up yet but from what I have been reading its upgradeable. I am not 100% sure. As for it being easy? If you have any A+ experience it shouldnt be that hard. If you find putting RAM in your computer is hard then maybe its best to leave it to trained tech.
w8ing4intelmacs said:
Does the MBP charge slower? Does the MB charge faster? I'm thinking of buying a MacBook for my wife. Her computer would most likely stay on the desk, but I would want to use her power adapter to charge when I'm at home (and I can leave my power adapter at work).

C'mon. You know you like having an audience to parade your new toy in front of. But that said: Thanks.

I havent timed the charging. I would say its pretty equal.

Lol. I just enjoy helping and answering questions. This is what the forum should be about. If anyone wants more specific pictures or video let me know.
Hello, I'm getting a 2.0 GHz, 1 GB RAM and 80 GB HDD white MacBook very soon. I just wanna ask you a few questions:
1. How is the latch? Is it easy to open? Does it make a creaky sound or what?
2. I know it runs hot like MBP, but have you had any whine or screen issues yet?
3. How is that glossy-stuff on the screen? I understand it displays much clearer colors and stuff, but does it make an irrittating reflection?
4. I don't think you'll be able to answer this, but do you think Leopard is very soon? Cause my brother bought his iBook with panther 2 weeks before tiger came... Just don't wanna do that...

Thankyou if you can answer 1, 2 and 3...:D
Josias said:
Hello, I'm getting a 2.0 GHz, 1 GB RAM and 80 GB HDD white MacBook very soon. I just wanna ask you a few questions:
1. How is the latch? Is it easy to open? Does it make a creaky sound or what?
2. I know it runs hot like MBP, but have you had any whine or screen issues yet?
3. How is that glossy-stuff on the screen? I understand it displays much clearer colors and stuff, but does it make an irrittating reflection?
4. I don't think you'll be able to answer this, but do you think Leopard is very soon? Cause my brother bought his iBook with panther 2 weeks before tiger came... Just don't wanna do that...

Thankyou if you can answer 1, 2 and 3...:D

1. Latch is great. It doesnt make any noise. Its easy to open but it wont open on accident. You do need alittle force to get it to open.
2. no screen or whine issues.
3. I upon looking closely side by side. I prefer the MBP screen. The glossy one looks like its too bright.
4. Leopard is pretty far off. So dont worry. They will be annoucing the features of later this summer in august and it wont be out till the end of this year start of 2007.

Other things to note. The MB is actually VERY fast. Sadly I cant give a very fair comparision since the MB is brand new and my MBP has stuff on the HD ETC. Plus the MB is running Dual channel and I am running 1.5 gigs of ram. I will say this the MB is blazing fast so I take back my previous statement of it seeming slow. Its very compareable to my MBP and even beats it in some places. Like I said I think its mainly because the MB is new and doesnt have any rubbish. Once again I will say this the screen on the MBP is much better.
very useful thread! could you by any chance post a pic of the macbook standing closed ontop of the closed mbp? so as to get an idea of the relative difference in footprint?
alienex said:
2 new pics and 1 new video to show the latch.

Id love to see more pics of the macbooks screen. Im debating still if i like the gloss finish or not. Since you have both the MBP and the macbook, what screen do you prefer? Do you like the gloss?
Can anyone confirm if the MacBooks run HD 1080i at 30 fps? I'm especially interested in the data for the 1.83 Ghz version.
I prefer the matte screen.

I didnt buy the macbook to run windows but in those pics it was at the time since I had just installed it and was setting it up.

I think if you look in the second video its actually in OS X.

More pictures to come.
sebisworld said:
Can anyone confirm if the MacBooks run HD 1080i at 30 fps? I'm especially interested in the data for the 1.83 Ghz version.

I didn't check the fps but it ran smoothly for me at the Apple Store.
Your pictures/descriptions have been so helpful.

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to end up breaking down and getting the MacBook. It's in my budget, and seems like it would accomplish everything that I'd need it for (Internet, Garage Band recording - hehe, blogging, some photo-editing, and school). Am I correct in that sense?

I'm still a little bit ansy about the whole "glossy" screen issue. Is it really terrible during the day? I don't want to buy this thing if it won't be worth the cash and a pain-in-the-rear to use during the daylight hours. It will be my first Mac, and I'd rather not buy one that will bring me grief.

Sorry if I've brought up questions that have already been answered - I'm a newbie :rolleyes:

sainteven said:
Your pictures/descriptions have been so helpful.

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to end up breaking down and getting the MacBook. It's in my budget, and seems like it would accomplish everything that I'd need it for (Internet, Garage Band recording - hehe, blogging, some photo-editing, and school). Am I correct in that sense?

I'm still a little bit ansy about the whole "glossy" screen issue. Is it really terrible during the day? I don't want to buy this thing if it won't be worth the cash and a pain-in-the-rear to use during the daylight hours. It will be my first Mac, and I'd rather not buy one that will bring me grief.

Sorry if I've brought up questions that have already been answered - I'm a newbie :rolleyes:


Hey the macbook sounds perfect for you. Its not bad during the day but compared to a Macbook pro its not as good, but good enough. You will love it. Dont worry another second about the screen.
Five more photos to be added in 1 minute on my original post. Go to page one.
2 more in my second posting in this thread. Check it out.

The photos are responses to some requests.
Battery life is much better for the macbook than macbook pros. I would say by at least an hour or more!
Yes it lights up. Posting a video of the screen comparision back on the first page. Check it out.

I answered these questions in another post. I thought it would be helpful.
tealcadillac said:
I've wanted to get an MacBook ever since January (which isn't a long time ago, but if you keep on hearing rumors that it'll come next Tuesday or really really soon, it feels a long time :D). However, I'm scared of getting one since it is rev. A and all.

For those of you have bought and recieved them, here are some questions:

1) Does it run extremely hot?
2) Any sounds (buzz? From one post I think someone said they heard it buzz) coming from it?
3) How's the wireless internet? Same as the iBook (which got 4 bars when PBs got 2, I think)?
4) Does the battery life run as long as the iBooks?'
5) The black MacBooks aren't shiny like the iBooks and the white MacBooks?


If you could answer these, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you so much!

1. It gets hot but not to bad.
2. No sounds or buzz.
3. Wireless is great.
4. Never had an iBook but Id say its equal or better.
5. No they are not shiny, sorry. That would probably make it nicer though.
X5-452 said:
Thanks so much for everything you've put in this thread.
What configuration did you get it in?
No problem, im just trying to help.
I got the base configuration. I really appreciate you thanking me. It lets me know I am helping out. So Thank you!

Yes it is poly carbonate type plastic thing, Its similar if not the same to the past ibooks. Its sturdy and heavy. It feels nice and solid. Alot nice "plastic" then what dell and IBM use. Remember guys its just a macbook, its not the macbook pro 12 inch.
alienex said:
No problem, im just trying to help.
I got the base configuration.

Yes it is poly carbonate type plastic thing, Its similar if not the same to the past ibooks. Its sturdy and heavy. It feels nice and solid. Alot nice "plastic" then what dell and IBM use. Remember guys its just a macbook, its not the macbook pro 12 inch.

:( i know! i just cant stand the plastic on the inside of it! oh well...i'll wait till my pb dies!
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