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Right, you have to download, install and run Boot Camp yourself, so no -- it won't be wasting any space on your new MacBook. :)
i really wanna know how it compares to the 1.5ghz 12"pb, and have yet to find out :( i am willing to bet it runs better for most stuff (providing universal) just from seeing the macworld benchmarks but the gamer in me wants at least the same performance out of a mb as my pb regarding games (nothing new or fancy, or else i wouldnt have a pb!)
Some of you are asking questions that have already been answered.

Since Alienex is nice enough to read your questions and write responses, take time out of his day to do specific things on his MB in order to answer questions, at least show some courtesy and read the fracking thread. It's not that long, and you'll learn more than you'll ever need to know about the MB.

And he's not obligated to do this for you, so some of the "PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION!" type of responses aren't needed, are they?
Legacy said:
White all over?! Beautiful...reminds me of the IceBook G3:D Can't wait for mine..I'm soo happy I went white!

Not to disappoint... but the white MacBook uses two shades of white, one of which might be perceived as gray. Very much like the iBook, perhaps less so.
dferrara said:
Not to disappoint... but the white MacBook uses two shades of white, one of which might be perceived as gray. Very much like the iBook, perhaps less so.

Oh well...its still a MacBook:rolleyes:
Well, I made the 3 hour drive yesterday to Atlanta and left with a black MacBook. I'm sitting here right now typing on it and I'm pretty freakin' happy! :D

I got to the Apple store and could not decide between the black and white models. I didn't want the black one until I saw it, man it was a tough decision.
MacRumorUser said:
Bootcamp works straight out the box obviously (see windows on your macbook). Any issues installing or same driver disc work as normal?

How much space did you allocate for windows, and how much left when you got your macbook with osx installed.


Hey guys sorry I havent been on in a day. I will get to responding to ther rest of the questions since I was last on. Once again I appreciate all the nice feedback.

The first question I will answer is the one about bootcamp and drivers.

I downloaded bootcamp and installed windows and I tried to the use the driver disc from my MBP. It did not work so I booted back into OS X and made a new driver disc and it worked like a charm. So im guessing if you boot up windows on a imac you need to make sure the drivers cd was made on the same type of imac, mbp, etc... Windows works well. The video card does not perform in games as well as the macbook pro BUT you can get by and play games on lowered graphic settings. I allocated 19 gigs to windows. I am not on my macbook so I cant get specific numbers right now but it will be skewed since I have installed games and apps so I cant say how much was left when I originally did everything. I can say this windows only took 2-3 gigs.
sikkinixx said:
i really wanna know how it compares to the 1.5ghz 12"pb, and have yet to find out :( i am willing to bet it runs better for most stuff (providing universal) just from seeing the macworld benchmarks but the gamer in me wants at least the same performance out of a mb as my pb regarding games (nothing new or fancy, or else i wouldnt have a pb!)

It will run faster then your PB. It runs faster then my 15 PB.
Bubbasteve said:
I'm not sure if you answered this Q or not but what screen is brighter...the PB or the MB? and by how much would you say?

I know it's a random question but I'm interested.

MB is much brighter and nicer than the PB.
dlastmango said:
Im looking for a system for bacic Final Cut Pro editing? MBP 17" is too big and the 15" doesn't seem worth it for the $$$. and I'd perfer a 13" screen.

comparing the 1.83 and the 2.0 systems does anyone think there will be much difference in performance. asuming the ram and HD are equally spec'd


Id say for you get the MBP, the bigger screen and the video will make video editing much easier. I am not sure if the video card has much to do with video editing but if it does the MB is not the way to go. The screen is significantly smaller than the MBP.
caralck said:
Just curious, if I don't use windows, will having boot camp eat a bunch of space? From what little I've read, boot camp isn't installed on the new MBPs right? Still beta and needs downloading from the apple site? I just don't want software on the computer if I have no intention of using it. Granted if it's a small spot on the HD, it won't matter in the long run I suppose.

I don't have a MBP yet but I was playing around with my 667 PB (yep, it's an oldie. She's 4 years and 3 months old) and tried that System Load program that supposedly can make your intel books do the scale. Anyway, there was this annoying whine when the program was on that disappeared when I clicked the button that says to make it sing. After clicking the button, the whine stopped. So no scale. The whine stopped after I quit the program too. So obviously you can't comment on if this whine is the standard MBP whine unless you come over for a visit but I didn't hear this whine in the apple store. And i went to the store in the morning on a weekday (5 shoppers in the store at the time). It was warm but not any different than my current computer.

Alas, I must wait until my cash back credit card arrives so I can buy my computer. I actually have a bank loan to pay for the computer but thought I might as well get something back for the huge purchase. It will help pay for my new printer.

Oh, do you think I should wait to buy apple care once I know for sure that I have a good MBP? What will applecare do for me in those first few weeks/months that the regular limited warranty won't cover? My only worry is that if I do the autoenroll by buying the applecare the same time as the computer is that if I get a defective computer, will I have to pay for a new applecare policy to cover it's replacement? Or will it shift to cover the replacement? I'm guessing that if it does shift, the clock won't reset to 3 years from the time I receive the replacement.

I had applecare for my current computer. The screen broke 1 month after the policy was over. It still works now that I've attached a cable clip to keep the edges together.

As answered above bootcamp does not come installed. Its a small app so dont worry about it eating up space. Its under 100 megabytes.

As far as Applecare, I personally wait a minimum of 3 months before purchasing it in case I do not stick with the computer or to make things less complicated. I do reccomend applecare if you are keeping the computer past 1 year. I cant say for sure but I would assume if you chaged computers because one is defective they would change the applecare for you. The best people to ask would be your local mac specialist at an Apple store or call 1-800-MYAPPLE I think there is a different number for Applecare but I dont know it off the top of my head.

P.S. Even if you dont plan on keeping your computer past 1 year buying Applecare dramaticly increases the resale value of your mac. So in that regard it makes sense to buy Applecare at the same time as you buy your mac or ipod. Most people do autoenroll anyway. In the long run its a wise choice which I think I should start doing that.
I just wanted to say congratulations to all the users who have purchased a macbook or macbook pro. I hope this thread continues to help people. Keep the questions coming! Once again thank you all for the comments. You are all very welcome and I very much appreciate your positivity. This is what the forum is all about helping each other.

The reason I really love doing this thread is because I have been trying to get a job at Apple retail for 2 years as of April :( . I know getting a job at Apple is highly competitive. I guess my time has not come yet :eek: . So I keep trying but in the mean time I hope I can help people here. I could go on and on about why I want to work there, etc..etc... but I dont want to bore you to much with that. For now this the closest thing I can get to putting on the cool shirts and really working there.

As I am sure you guys can tell I, like many of you on this forum have a passion for Apple as a company and the products they produce.

Anyways I know this is a long shot but if anyone on here works for Apple or knows someone who does and can help me start a career with Apple. Or if you just have advice on that matter. I live in Southern California. I am willing to drive 60 miles which puts me in the market of the Inland Empire, the OC, and Los Angeles Apple stores. My closest Apple store is Rancho Cucamonga. Which is like 10 minutes away. I also went to school at Arizona state and I wouldnt mind transferring back there finish my degree there. So any of the Phoenix area stores as well, but for now So Cal is where I am at.

Thanks for reading my this post. I thought it was worth a shot.
Thanks for the help! I figured it wouldn't matter too much. Now to determine if I really really want to buy now or if I can hold off for resolution of these whining issues. The funny thing is that I remember when I was getting ready to buy this powerbook and being super excited and then started flipping out and getting anxious after reading the discussion boards at and thought "oh no! What if that happens to my PB?!?" And now I'm going through the same neurotic process - I'm such a freako! At least this time around I have the macrumors forum to get even more neurotic...oh wait, that's not a good thing :p

What are the odds that if I get a crappy MBP and if I turn it into applecare after updates, that I get a newer computer then. I suppose that return for money back with the restocking fee only applies if the computer is returned within 14 days. I've got to stop's not healthy
Excellent Many Thanks. I would have made the same mistake and used my imac's driver disc, intersting that Apple have done that and v.clever

Thanks for the reply and notification PM :D :D :D

alienex said:
The first question I will answer is the one about bootcamp and drivers.

I downloaded bootcamp and installed windows and I tried to the use the driver disc from my MBP. It did not work so I booted back into OS X and made a new driver disc and it worked like a charm. So im guessing if you boot up windows on a imac you need to make sure the drivers cd was made on the same type of imac, mbp, etc... Windows works well. The video card does not perform in games as well as the macbook pro BUT you can get by and play games on lowered graphic settings. I allocated 19 gigs to windows. I am not on my macbook so I cant get specific numbers right now but it will be skewed since I have installed games and apps so I cant say how much was left when I originally did everything. I can say this windows only took 2-3 gigs.
Well, got my MacBook about an hour ago. It was shipped Thursday. It's all set up except for the software updates. Here's a photo of it sitting on my work's Dell D810. Note the beautiful reflection of "Dell" from the monitor on the casing.

I haven't decided whether to keep it connected to the external monitor. Both are 1280 wide so I just gain 224 pixels along the height in clamshell mode. Since it'll be used mostly by my wife, I doubt she'll want screen spanning. I might move it beside my iMac for spanning. As for the reflective screen, I didn't notice it, to be honest. In that position, there are no reflections visible.

Other things to note: it's fairly warm underneath on the left, but it's not unbearable. I can easily hold it in one hand on the hottest spot. I can't hold the Dell except two handed, one hand on each side.

It's silent - no mooing, no whining. no dead pixels. Looks like I've been lucky again.

It doesn't suffer from the slow encrypted wireless connection that my iMac still has.


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