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If you guys want to take a break from all this macbook stuff. Here are some funny videos on youtube.

This one is of me.

This is one I found.

Try to keep the thread about macbook stuff. If you wish to reply to the video please do so on youtube. Or better yet do it here...

Cow video response

Jesus video response
i have a much HDD space is available when you first get it? Just wondering if the 60GB HDD would be enough because I have a 4 year old PC (blah) and I've only taken up 52 out of my 160 available gigs (that's including the winblows OS).
I think Formatted it had about 55 gigs. OS X takes up alot of space sadly. I think it takes more than XP by alot. However with more space you get much better features so its worth it.
alienex said:
I think Formatted it had about 55 gigs. OS X takes up alot of space sadly. I think it takes more than XP by alot. However with more space you get much better features so its worth it.
FWIW, I don't think that OS X itself is bigger than XP, it's just that MacBooks come with the OS + iLife + other applications. iLife (especially the Garage Band loops) takes up a LOT of space, but ... iLife rocks, so .. :)
afornander said:
if you buy a macbook with 1gb ram, will it come already in it or as a seprate package?:confused:

It will be in your macbook already.
sebisworld said:
Can anyone confirm if the MacBooks run HD 1080i at 30 fps? I'm especially interested in the data for the 1.83 Ghz version.

Anyone with a MB comment on this? Drop in framerate when playing 1080p?
CaptainCaveMann said:
Thanks for all the info and pics alienex!
Your very welcome.

Everyone keep checking back as I just added four new pictures and 1 new video to my second post in this thread on the first page. Check those out.

Thanks for your support guys!
CaptainCaveMann said:
Thanks for all the info and pics alienex!

I'd like to add my thanks as well. Your review is much better and more detailed than any of the major review magazines/sites that I've seen. I don't live near any Apple stores so it's really nice to see the pics and videos.

Keep up the great work!
First off this is a great thread very informative so, thanks for the info. I'm wondering if you have used Photoshop or Dreamweaver on your MB. If so how do they run? (I know rosetta will hamper performance) I'm running a 1.5GHz 12" PB and I would really like to replace if the performance is on par with what I have. Thanks again!
alienex said:
Dont hear anything. Sadly hot like my MBP.

Only ten photos per post allowed. So here are some more.

And two for fun. A photo of the Macbook pro taking a picture of the Macbook taking a picture of the Macbook pro and then vis versa. Get it? Some would say its computers trying to pose for their myspace profile. The reinvented the mirror with photobooth!!!


Video of screen comparision.

More pictures and another video! Going alittle old school adding the powerbook into the mix.





Video showing the actually amount of tilt for all three of the computers, the different screen brightness etc...

are all three of those laptops for you?
Well the powerbook was my first mac. Then I bought the macbook pro and gave the powerbook to my brother and father. My dad wants windows because he is familiar with it so I got the macbook and im selling the powerbook. The macbook pro is for me.
Hi, thanks for the great pics and info. Not sure if this was asked already, but is the inside of the white MacBooks slightly grey, such as the ibooks, or is the entire thing the same color? On the ibook, I found this quite distracting and just made it look a little worse.
The reason I ask is also that I went to an Apple Store, and they only had black macbooks. The inside was the same matte black which I though looked very nice, and wondered if it was the same case for the white ones.
smokeyboi said:
really? I actually think it's the other way around! imo, the rounded edges of the macbook looks cleaner and more modern than the macbook pro. if only they released a 13.3" BLACK aluminum MBP with a current MBP would've been on ebay already.

the thick bevel (the space from the edge of the screen to the edge of the monitor frame) is really thick, looks like an inch. this makes it look unrefined. bulbous and clunky. otherwise its cool.
Do you like the glossy screen? From the video comparing the tilt, it looks pretty nice. I dont think i'd mind it, not as much glare as everyone is saying.
I do like the glossy screen but I prefer the matte. Something weird just happened. I booted into windows and I put the macbook screen all the way back and the picture looked pixelated. I dont know if it windows or the glossy screen. No biggie. Anyways I like it but I still prefer the matte screen. Maybe because im used to it. However if I had to use the glossy screen I wouldnt complain its fine. Its nice.

To answer the other question. The whole thing is white. There is no grey. Check out the photos on the first page.

As I use the macbook more and more its growing on me.
alienex said:
I do like the glossy screen but I prefer the matte. Something weird just happened. I booted into windows and I put the macbook screen all the way back and the picture looked pixelated. I dont know if it windows or the glossy screen. No biggie. Anyways I like it but I still prefer the matte screen. Maybe because im used to it. However if I had to use the glossy screen I wouldnt complain its fine. Its nice.

To answer the other question. The whole thing is white. There is no grey. Check out the photos on the first page.

As I use the macbook more and more its growing on me.

White all over?! Beautiful...reminds me of the IceBook G3:D Can't wait for mine..I'm soo happy I went white!
alienex said:
Five more photos to be added in 1 minute on my original post. Go to page one.
2 more in my second posting in this thread. Check it out.

The photos are responses to some requests.

thanks for adding the photo showing the mbp and macbooks together! super back towards leaning towards a mbp now...they just don't seem too different in size!
Yeah, thanks for all of the videos and pics. Very much appreciated. :) And the video of the cow was hilarious!! :D
AndyR said:
Does the Apple logo on the back of the new White MacBook's light up like on the MBP????

Yes it does.

My macbook hasnt whined yet.

And it doesnt seem much smaller in size but the screen itsel if significantly smaller. The MBP screen takes up most of the casing whereas the MB screen doesnt. Its in the photos. You can see what im saying.
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