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alienex said:
Yes it does.

Schweeeeet! Normally this sort of thing wouldn't interest me but having never owned an Apple laptop and always wanting one, the big thing that always stood out to me was the lighted apple logo on the powerbooks. Always look so freekin cool so I'm stoked its on the Macbook.

Makes my choice even harder now though :)
Do you find it a strain on your eyes looking at a 13.3" display or is it large enough to comfortably fit stuff on the screen? How's text look?
It doesnt strain my eyes. I actually wish there was a higher resolution I could put it on. Text looks good. Normal?
This might be one of the stupidest questions you'll hear from this thread but w/ the MacBook vs. Powerbook performance night and day difference or are they about the same (obviously the numbers favor the MB but I just want to get your thought)?
Bubbasteve said:
This might be one of the stupidest questions you'll hear from this thread but w/ the MacBook vs. Powerbook performance night and day difference or are they about the same (obviously the numbers favor the MB but I just want to get your thought)?

From the benchmarks floating around the web the difference doesnt seem to be very much in some cases the MacBook has even reported to be faster...

Well the macbook vs the G4 powerbook. The macbook kicks arse.

As for the macbook vs the macbook pro. It is very close and I can confirm in some cases the macbook is winning. I want to say thats because its a new machine and my macbook pro has a lot of rubbish on it. Who knows.
Yes sorry I wanted to do more testing before I answered. My MBP gets about 3 hours and the MB gets about 4 and a half. The reason I didnt answer is there are so many different variables but I can confirm the MB has longer battery life.
alienex said:
Yes sorry I wanted to do more testing before I answered. My MBP gets about 3 hours and the MB gets about 4 and a half. The reason I didnt answer is there are so many different variables but I can confirm the MB has longer battery life.

I'm pretty sure I've filled my question quota for the week in this thread, but those 4.5 hours, what was enabled during that time and what were you running?
Just browsing the web, alittle photo booth, just my normal usage. Nothing to battery intensive.

Dont worry you havent filled your quota keep the questions coming.
alienex said:
Yes it does.

My macbook hasnt whined yet.

And it doesnt seem much smaller in size but the screen itsel if significantly smaller. The MBP screen takes up most of the casing whereas the MB screen doesnt. Its in the photos. You can see what im saying.

Does it get hotter than your MBP? Hows the heat on the macbook compared to the powerbook g4?
They all get hot. Id say the powerbook was the coolest of the 3. MBP being the hottest.
Alienex, I just wanted to say thanks for this thread. Your pics of the MB and MBP together have helped me alot.
Bootcamp works straight out the box obviously (see windows on your macbook). Any issues installing or same driver disc work as normal?

How much space did you allocate for windows, and how much left when you got your macbook with osx installed.

Even though I know the answer to this question, I would like to post it anyway as I would like to hear the actual user experience. Has anyone run Adobe CS2 on your new MacBook? I was told it will run CS2 slower than G4 iBook/G4 PB because Rosetta needs to translate the codes on the fly. Is it that slow so that you can notice it while using CS2 with MB? Some of the main apps I run regularly are: CS2, Macromedia MX2004, Corel Painter IX, Alias Sketchbook Pro, Office X, and etc.

I checked up an Apple Store a few days ago to check out MB and MBP. Unfortunately, none of MB on the store display did not have CS2 installed. But, I was able to try out Aperture on MBP (which ran it less than smoothly and showed some screen flicker as I resize the pixs on that program).

I tried to listen to whine noises the other users reported in the Apple Store; but, the srounding sound was loud and I was not able to check on that one as of yet. However, I have not noticed any exccessive heat with MB on the store display, though.
I'm not sure if you answered this Q or not but what screen is brighter...the PB or the MB? and by how much would you say?

I know it's a random question but I'm interested.
Yes, this thread is super informative...many thanks! I have a 2.0 MBP and am considering Ebaying the MBP and scaling down to the 1.83 Macbook. I do a lot of photography and am curious to know how the Macbook's performance is in relation to iPhoto. I have around 5000 photos at present. Any kind of heavy editing in PS I can do on my partner's iMac I'm not too concerned about that...but I often go thru photos and do light editing in iPhoto while on the run.

Thanks again for all of the info!
PieMac said:
Yes, this thread is super informative...many thanks! I have a 2.0 MBP and am considering Ebaying the MBP and scaling down to the 1.83 Macbook. I do a lot of photography and am curious to know how the Macbook's performance is in relation to iPhoto. I have around 5000 photos at present. Any kind of heavy editing in PS I can do on my partner's iMac I'm not too concerned about that...but I often go thru photos and do light editing in iPhoto while on the run.

Thanks again for all of the info!

It will perform very well with iPhoto, I saw it running with thousands of images in iPhoto at the Apple store and it "scrolled like butter" probably very simular performance to your MBP as iPhoto doesnt really utilise the graphics card for performance....Kust make sure you give the MB some extra RAM

shadowmoses said:
It will perform very well with iPhoto, I saw it running with thousands of images in iPhoto at the Apple store and it "scrolled like butter" probably very simular performance to your MBP as iPhoto doesnt really utilise the graphics card for performance....Kust make sure you give the MB some extra RAM


Great...thanks for the response...I know that gaming and video editing really benefit from the graphics card...does Photoshop CS benefit greatly as well (just light things like curves adjustments)? And did I miss anything else that utilizes the graphics card to any degree?

Do you have Final Cut Pro on the MB?

Im looking for a system for bacic Final Cut Pro editing? MBP 17" is too big and the 15" doesn't seem worth it for the $$$. and I'd perfer a 13" screen.

comparing the 1.83 and the 2.0 systems does anyone think there will be much difference in performance. asuming the ram and HD are equally spec'd

boot camp

Just curious, if I don't use windows, will having boot camp eat a bunch of space? From what little I've read, boot camp isn't installed on the new MBPs right? Still beta and needs downloading from the apple site? I just don't want software on the computer if I have no intention of using it. Granted if it's a small spot on the HD, it won't matter in the long run I suppose.

I don't have a MBP yet but I was playing around with my 667 PB (yep, it's an oldie. She's 4 years and 3 months old) and tried that System Load program that supposedly can make your intel books do the scale. Anyway, there was this annoying whine when the program was on that disappeared when I clicked the button that says to make it sing. After clicking the button, the whine stopped. So no scale. The whine stopped after I quit the program too. So obviously you can't comment on if this whine is the standard MBP whine unless you come over for a visit but I didn't hear this whine in the apple store. And i went to the store in the morning on a weekday (5 shoppers in the store at the time). It was warm but not any different than my current computer.

Alas, I must wait until my cash back credit card arrives so I can buy my computer. I actually have a bank loan to pay for the computer but thought I might as well get something back for the huge purchase. It will help pay for my new printer.

Oh, do you think I should wait to buy apple care once I know for sure that I have a good MBP? What will applecare do for me in those first few weeks/months that the regular limited warranty won't cover? My only worry is that if I do the autoenroll by buying the applecare the same time as the computer is that if I get a defective computer, will I have to pay for a new applecare policy to cover it's replacement? Or will it shift to cover the replacement? I'm guessing that if it does shift, the clock won't reset to 3 years from the time I receive the replacement.

I had applecare for my current computer. The screen broke 1 month after the policy was over. It still works now that I've attached a cable clip to keep the edges together.
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