Must be very limited research
No need for the teenage salt, but yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Presuming the Duo ends up being a Titan, a better solution would likely be to wait for 2080ti equivalents and sticking four of those in.
Must be very limited research
No need for the teenage salt, but yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Presuming the Duo ends up being a Titan, a better solution would likely be to wait for 2080ti equivalents and sticking four of those in.
Thank you for removing the salt. I should've just ignored it, it was only a healthy amount after all.
Yeah. Interesting times ahead!! After the last five years of stale air I'm really excited for the future of 3D on Mac.
Presuming all the big names also jump on ARM, that is (sidefx I'm looking at you)
If that happens, I will <insert something odd you wouldn't normally do here>
I think more likely/hopeful is to see a specialised Afterburner-GPU render card. 4x 2080ti + some magic supercard for additional horsepower would draw a few people back I'm sure.
My hope is that Apple's fascination with AR/VR means that someone, deep inside Apple's doughnut HQ, actually needs 3D stuff and this will help drive interest and investment in high-end Macs and iMacs, GPUs, eGPUs, GPU drivers and so on. Thank heavens for the likes of OTOY and Maxon/Redshift keeping the macOS 3D dream alive.
This will probably be a years subscription........No list of GPUs yet – I think there's a detailed forum post planned for this week. As far as I know, yes, Mac Pro buyers get a year's license for Octane.
@alan – a Radeon Pro Vega II Duo!? Well he's pretty sorted then!
Thank heavens for the likes of OTOY and Maxon/Redshift keeping the macOS 3D dream alive.
Hoping the big names that do jump on Apple Silicon do so in a serious manner, rather than the "uggh, gotta update the Mac build again" kind of thing we are used to seeing.
What would be interesting is if Apple had their own 3D software suite! Just roll Cinema4D, Houdini, Modo, Octane X, & the Substance suite all together. Add in Unreal / Unity type game engine abilities & Apple could be a one-stop shopping for a complete DCC workflow, Indie Studio in a box!
If they were smart, they'd just fund their own branch of Blender, with OpenGL removed, Metal and Apple Silicon optimized. The bones are already there, and it's open source and fully capable. And compatible with 3rd party renderers.
I'm surprised how long Redshift and OTOY have continued their Mac support, considering the hardware situation. There can't be many of us still running High Sierra specifically to run GPU renderers, can there?
It's Apple. Until they announced something they act like it never exists. Their Apple Silicon devkit has got only an integrated gpu, so everything else does not exist right now.
Look at the size of the high end models, how do you reduce that into a mini with the same performance?
Next will be support for 3rd party drives..... 🤪
At the moment Apple hasn't the technology to build powerful gpus at the same level of Nvidia or AMD chips the gap is immense.
Neither in two years Apple will be able to design a risc processor faster than the next Epyc or Xeon cpus.
It means that Apple will stuck with consumer products like Mac Book Pro/Mini/Air/iPads capable to run Logic, Final Cut, Office or Adobe suite. I don't think Autodesk, Maxxon, Blender and Blackmagic in two years will develop apps running faster (and stable) on Apple chips. Developers must demonstrate that Apple chips are superior than Xeons+multiple gpus.
There are new Intel and Xeon upgrades for the next iMacs and Mac Pros.
When the gap between Apple processors and the AMD or Intel ones will be filled then we will see new revolutionary Macintosh products but with totally different design, architecture, bus, etc. It's not two years for the Pro line, probably 10 or more.