My boyfriend got the 12 core / 96GB / Vega II Duo / 4TB / Afterburner with AppleCare+. He will add XDRs after his next project.
He was a Premiere Pro / After Effects guy, who has mostly switched to DaVinci Resolve and Fusion. He has also been working with Cinema4D and Blender so those are likely to be part of his workflow as well. He switched because AE has become unstable and he found that once he figured out the new model, he can do more with Fusion without needs a million third party extensions.
Curious if you have looked at Fusion at all? Blackmagic has Fusion classes here in LA that are free (not sure about other places). If you are interested in his experiences, I can connect you two (send me a PM).
He spent his $5,000 on the Duo, rather than the monitor but for about the same reason did not want to spend it all at once.
Given how expandable it is, I would guess he will be upgrading it for a while.