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Jul 4, 2015
Out of curiosity, have you tried launching your Adobe apps on this Mac from a BootCamp partition. If so, do you observe the same symptoms? This might sort out a software issue vs a hardware failure.

It's been stated several dozen times by experienced users that the 'glitch' is a Quartz rendering bug caused by the switches in the colour profiles and drivers. There aren't issues in Windows.

Apple thought they fixed it in the last update but they didn't look deep enough.

Things like this should have been expected anyway because the Polaris chip is very new and the drivers weren't completed until shortly before Sierra reached release candidate status (we were testing Polaris cards in Mac Pros during the betas). If the chip was ready before Sierra went into beta then bugs would have been fixed before release.


macrumors newbie
Nov 15, 2016
It's been stated several dozen times by experienced users that the 'glitch' is a Quartz rendering bug caused by the switches in the colour profiles and drivers. There aren't issues in Windows.

Apple thought they fixed it in the last update but they didn't look deep enough.

Things like this should have been expected anyway because the Polaris chip is very new and the drivers weren't completed until shortly before Sierra reached release candidate status (we were testing Polaris cards in Mac Pros during the betas). If the chip was ready before Sierra went into beta then bugs would have been fixed before release.

Thanks for the insightful explanation ‍.


macrumors member
Nov 18, 2014
It's been stated several dozen times by experienced users that the 'glitch' is a Quartz rendering bug caused by the switches in the colour profiles and drivers. There aren't issues in Windows.

Apple thought they fixed it in the last update but they didn't look deep enough.

Things like this should have been expected anyway because the Polaris chip is very new and the drivers weren't completed until shortly before Sierra reached release candidate status (we were testing Polaris cards in Mac Pros during the betas). If the chip was ready before Sierra went into beta then bugs would have been fixed before release.

They are plenty of people that have issues in Windows as well. Look back at the main page article a few weeks back.

Stop making excuses for them. You know nothing about what causes this. Apple support techs themselves say to exchange the units.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2009
These problems should not be "expected", especially from Apple. The product shouldn't have been released if it wasn't ready.
Jul 4, 2015
They are plenty of people that have issues in Windows as well. Look back at the main page article a few weeks back.

Stop making excuses for them. You know nothing about what causes this. Apple support techs themselves say to exchange the units.

If you want to see an angry customer you should have been there in March 2001 when I came home from the midnight release of 10.0 and installed the OS on the most powerful Power Mac available at the time. Dog slow graphics and plenty of bugs. Instead of accusing me of being a blind Apple fanatic (which every long term member knows I am not) it would help to answer posts sensibly and be aware that not everyone you speak to is a twit on the web.

I was the 'first' person to ask people to check for glitches in Bootcamp and have asked many times for people to check Windows and still not seen anything. Not one response, screenshot or YouTube video that shows a hardware problem.

Apple support techs on the phone have nothing to do with the software issues we are seeing. The answer they are giving is generic and didn't resolve anything.

The issues will be fixed in a software update but don't expect optimised performance until at least a year has passed. It has always been like that since the first OS X release.
These problems should not be "expected", especially from Apple. The product shouldn't have been released if it wasn't ready.
Easy to say. You should see the behaviour on this forum and news sites if Apple didn't release a laptop before Xmas.

But they released a revolutionary and brace product with a few resolvable graphics bugs that only hinders Adobe Premiere CC users.

Now if you were in charge of a business, be honest, which of the two choices above would you pick?


macrumors regular
Oct 1, 2014
Apparently units shipped differ in Sierra builds between each other, and I've heard of graphics glitches on Sierra very much alike ones mentioned here since it landed, on older Macbooks.

My bet is on glitchy OS and immature drivers for new tech acting up on some builds.

Objectively speaking you can't give the factual fault rate without knowing things like number of units shipped, returns, etc. ect.

I've heard that industry standard for consumer electronics varies from 5 to 10% depending on device type or model. Fault rate on MB Air was something like 7%, but have none for Pros, and its meaningless anyway considered this is new device.

I am one of those people that have that problem since Sierra.

13" rMBP (late 2013)
Intel Iris 1536

Started having issues a few months ago...screen flickers and starts the gray stripe. I thought it was just my computer dying and I needed an upgrade...until I read your post. Didn't put it and upgrading to Sierra together until now.

I don't think this is related to a dGPU...because mine doesn't have one.
I'm experiencing similar issues, on a maxed out 2016 MBP with the 460. It started after a hard-freeze clicking the Siri button for the very first time. She glitched out like Max Headroom, then the machine completely froze and rebooted. Then after logging back in, the screen glitches out, then freezes completely. It then reboots and the cycle starts all over again. Rinse/Repeat:


I was able to get back in after running in Diagnostics mode (Hold down 'D' during boot). But overall things have been extremely unstable. In addition to this issue, I've also had issues with random lockups and the inability to quit programs (Chrome/Spotify). I had to force-quit them from Activity Monitor or else the machine wouldn't shut down or reboot. Seriously disappointed after dropping so much cash. Hoping this is a software fix and not a hardware issue. What did I expect with first rev of a new machine? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My issues with my 13" rMBP (late 2013) with Intel Iris 1536 look eerily similar to this. It happens randomly and I can't reproduce it.

And my machine doesn't have a dGPU...I didn't have these glitches until after the Sierra Upgrade...I'm not an expert but I think this is a problem with the onboard graphics and the software that communicates with the CPU...possibly an error in the code that causes a mini kernel panic?

Again, I'm not an expert.


macrumors regular
Mar 20, 2015
If it is an OS issues then we will see more people complain. Maybe its a few units that suffer from hardware faults or that many people just ignore the glitches and don't care...who knows. Hopefully this get fixed.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2009
Easy to say. You should see the behaviour on this forum and news sites if Apple didn't release a laptop before Xmas.

But they released a revolutionary and brace product with a few resolvable graphics bugs that only hinders Adobe Premiere CC users.

Now if you were in charge of a business, be honest, which of the two choices above would you pick?

I'll be honest, I would wait until the product is ready for prime time before releasing, especially if I was running a company that has built a reputation for being different and better than the rest with high quality products. Quality and user experience would come first in my company, even at the expense of sales for the Christmas season. Yes, you read that right. But, I guess that's just me. If anyone can afford to delay until ready, it's Apple.

Apple has a strong enough following and reputation that waiting until 2017 would probably not make much difference as far as sales. Instead, they released a machine to the public with problems and these users are now basically beta testing. And from what I understand, it's not just Premiere CC users complaining. This should all have been ironed out pre-release IMO. This is not the Apple I am accustomed to. Yes, I hold them to a higher standard.

Personally, I'm still not convinced that these are software only glitches.

I'm just so disappointed after waiting for this release and was ready to purchase. Now I will wait until these issues are resolved.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2012
I'll be honest, I would wait until the product is ready for prime time before releasing, especially if I was running a company that has built a reputation for being different and better than the rest with high quality products. Quality and user experience would come first in my company, even at the expense of sales for the Christmas season. Yes, you read that right. But, I guess that's just me. If anyone can afford to delay until ready, it's Apple.

Apple has a strong enough following and reputation that waiting until 2017 would probably not make much difference as far as sales. Instead, they released a machine to the public with problems and these users are now basically beta testing. And from what I understand, it's not just Premiere CC users complaining. This should all have been ironed out pre-release IMO. This is not the Apple I am accustomed to. Yes, I hold them to a higher standard.

Personally, I'm still not convinced that these are software only glitches.

I'm just so disappointed after waiting for this release and was ready to purchase. Now I will wait until these issues are resolved.

Yeah i lost all confidence in apples quality now. And probably next time i upgrade laptop it will be a surface pro, if microsoft have made a 15 inch by then.

Some stuff is very likely software glitches from switching the drivers/gpus. Because i can reproduce some on all display models i seen at different stores.

But some can be hardware errors/buggy firmware.. I think these new 2016 macbooks wil get a firmware update within 6 months
Jul 4, 2015
Personally, I'm still not convinced that these are software only glitches.

Here's a list of graphics cards that us Pros made last year. It lists the GPUs we have owned. I have updated it to include this year's GPUs.

We've studied and tested the mother out of these things every since the invention of the GPU. We wouldn't stand for Apple or any company shipping defective hardware because we've been there already. I listed two old models that had GPU failure.

Subjective opinions don't matter here. If the glitches don't appear in purely OpenGL apps or Windows then there's no hardware issue. It's a Quartz rendering bug. I even see similar looking Quartz bugs with El Capitan on the Mac Pro at work (dual D300 GPUs) until I reboot.

Dolores Abernathy

macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2016
Plot twist:

I decided to return my 2016 MacBook pro and so i was setting up my old MacBook rmp(2012) with a time machine backup from the 2016 one. Then I noticed the 2012 one running 10.12.2 had the same exact issues the 2016. Those being a weird dock glitch when it is removed both moving through applications and when swiping left to the page that has the calculator a weather widget (forgot what the page is called), additionally it has a less severe glitch on startup due to FileVault. Be assured that it had none of these issues previously. So now I'm thinking its a software issue and I'm not sure if I should return it exchange(second time) it or keep it.


macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2016
Well, here I am with MBP 2016 Escape Edition. Xcode asked to enable debug features in OS that I've approved. Did some work, put machine to sleep. After I've returned to it I had small graphics glitch of mouse cursor leaving trail after it. After I've went trough lock screen, it was violently flashing between lock screen, black, and desktop. Restarting it seems to have resolved the issue, hopefully for good, but I'll find out after I'll wake up tomorrow and have a look at it.

I'm starting to get sweat every time I install or enable something from Apple. After first update (drivers for their USB-C dongle) my password stopped working. After second update (Sierra to .2) my password stopped working... again. Now this. :eek:
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macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
I'll be honest, I would wait until the product is ready for prime time before releasing, especially if I was running a company that has built a reputation for being different and better than the rest with high quality products. Quality and user experience would come first in my company, even at the expense of sales for the Christmas season. Yes, you read that right. But, I guess that's just me. If anyone can afford to delay until ready, it's Apple.

Apple has a strong enough following and reputation that waiting until 2017 would probably not make much difference as far as sales. Instead, they released a machine to the public with problems and these users are now basically beta testing. And from what I understand, it's not just Premiere CC users complaining. This should all have been ironed out pre-release IMO. This is not the Apple I am accustomed to. Yes, I hold them to a higher standard.

Personally, I'm still not convinced that these are software only glitches.

I'm just so disappointed after waiting for this release and was ready to purchase. Now I will wait until these issues are resolved.

I agree. When a product is late people will usually complain about where is it. But when it item arrives and it is great they forget it was late and post "well worth the wait". But rush to market and give the customer a bad experience because of buggy hardware/software and people do not forget. And when disappointed they are much more likely to widely publish their poor experience.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2009
I agree. When a product is late people will usually complain about where is it. But when it item arrives and it is great they forget it was late and post "well worth the wait". But rush to market and give the customer a bad experience because of buggy hardware/software and people do not forget. And when disappointed they are much more likely to widely publish their poor experience.

Exactly. These machines shouldn't have been released in the state they are in. Shame on Apple for doing so.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 4, 2017
Antarctica + NYC
I put my new MBP to work right away and edited a project in Premiere Pro.
When I used the Adobe Media Encoder the graphics card freaked out and computer crashed.
I went to the Apple Store and they said it's probably a hardware problem.
So I ordered a new one.
I kept the MPB I have now because when I switched over to FCPX everything seems to be working fine.
But the technician said I shouldn't trust it after I showed him the video of it freaking out. I have the
Radeon Pro 460 with 4GB memory

UPDATE: This didn't happen after I created a new project on this MPB. The other project that made the computer crash was created on a MacPro with a NIVIDIA graphics card. Interesting.
But there is still a weird graphics glitch when I restart the computer.

Hi Jan, I'm curious if your new machine is working properly? I picked up my spec'd out MBP on 12/27 and it was glitching 2 days later while using Premiere. I decided to send my machine off to Apple Repair instead of risking another new glitching machine out of the box and having to wait over a month. They've extended my return policy so I can still return the repaired machine if necessary. On a side note, one of the Apple Genius' had an older Macbook or Macbook Air that was glitching while trying to help a customer. Hope you finally have a machine that works.
Would you all mind checking your serial number at and posting the factory and manufacture date? I'm about to get a speced out 15" and I'm concerned there indeed may be a bad batch.

My spec'd out machine was manufactured the first week of December and was glitching majorly after 2 days in Premiere
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2012
Exactly. These machines shouldn't have been released in the state they are in. Shame on Apple for doing so.

Yeah this is the first appleproduct i had problems with, alot of graphic glitches, and my thunderbolt 2 apogee audiocard give coreaudio crashes and kernel panics all the time. Even though it work flawless on sierra on 2012 macbook


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 16, 2016
NEW Update:
I received my replacement machine from Apple and have been using it heavily today with Premiere and AE. Lot's of linked comps. Lot's of rendering.
This now points to faulty graphics cards. At least with my issues.
Although they got much better with the last update, now it seems even more stable.
Hopefully Apple will give me some info after they checked out my faulty machine. I requested some answers. I sent it back today for inspection.


macrumors member
Mar 9, 2015
NEW Update:
I received my replacement machine from Apple and have been using it heavily today with Premiere and AE. Lot's of linked comps. Lot's of rendering.
This now points to faulty graphics cards. At least with my issues.
Although they got much better with the last update, now it seems even more stable.
Hopefully Apple will give me some info after they checked out my faulty machine. I requested some answers. I sent it back today for inspection.
FWIW, I experienced the same thing.

I got a replacement machine and rendered video through Premiere, After Effects and Media Encoder every waking moment for two days straight.

The only "crash" I got was an automatic restart when my machine was left idle for long enough to go from my screensaver and then enter sleep mode while it was rendering... but I haven't experienced anything close to what happened before.

When I turned off sleep mode and my screen saver, I ran a pretty intense rendering that took 45 minutes to complete and it was rock solid.

After that success, I queued up 5 more tasks that totaled over two hours of rendering... fans were pumping and my machine was hot to the touch, but it didn't crash once.

As I've stated several other times... I'm not a computer expert here and I'm only going on my gut, but I'm with you. It really seems hardware related at this point.

If it was all Adobe's fault (which seems to be the consensus at this juncture), why would Apple bend over backwards to get me a new machine so quickly?

At any rate, the tbMBP I have now seems to be rock solid... so I'm going to keep it.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2012
FWIW, I experienced the same thing.

I got a replacement machine and rendered video through Premiere, After Effects and Media Encoder every waking moment for two days straight.

The only "crash" I got was an automatic restart when my machine was left idle for long enough to go from my screensaver and then enter sleep mode while it was rendering... but I haven't experienced anything close to what happened before.

When I turned off sleep mode and my screen saver, I ran a pretty intense rendering that took 45 minutes to complete and it was rock solid.

After that success, I queued up 5 more tasks that totaled over two hours of rendering... fans were pumping and my machine was hot to the touch, but it didn't crash once.

As I've stated several other times... I'm not a computer expert here and I'm only going on my gut, but I'm with you. It really seems hardware related at this point.

If it was all Adobe's fault (which seems to be the consensus at this juncture), why would Apple bend over backwards to get me a new machine so quickly?

At any rate, the tbMBP I have now seems to be rock solid... so I'm going to keep it.

But also if it only happen in adobe programs it a big pointer that it is a software bug. If it wasnt crashing in final cut rendering and only adobe for example. And software bugs are a bit random so it could be that the new machine doesnt have that same software error.
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Kevin Monahan

macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2011
But also if it only happen in adobe programs it a big pointer that it is a software bug. If it wasnt crashing in final cut rendering and only adobe for example. And software bugs are a bit random so it could be that the new machine doesnt have that same software error.

Hey Jaekae,
Sorry for the frustration. Use the "Software Only" option for now. We are working with our partners with Apple right now on the issue.

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macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2017
I've had a few glitches in the graphics of my new 15" TB MBP, and am trying to decide whether to ask to return it for a replacement or keep it (today's the last day of my return window).

Can anyone suggest how I can check whether I have a problem with my particular machine? (Apple support haven't been v helpful with this).

One-off glitches were in Safari: screen remaining black when iPlayer went to full-screen (and TB temporarily stopped working), second Safari window was transparent, and Safari window flashing grey a couple of times when 'finding' a word.
Some one-off glitches in Lightroom: selecting photos using pointer temporarily didn't work, 2-finger scrolling temporarily stopped working.

No glitches have occurred since reinstalling mac OS Sierra, but I haven't had a lot of time to test it.

I'm concerned there may be a serious problem which I haven't uncovered because I don't have software to push the machine at the moment.

Any help appreciated.
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