Thanks! I appreciate that input, that helps. I'll probably go ahead and try the upgrade to the firmware, I can't decide whether I want x5355's or x5365's, there is a sorta big price jump between the two. I recently started looking at x5482's but I'm thinking they wouldn't be supported period, firmware upgrade or not, am I correct in this assumption?
A (somewhat) local Mac shop has a newer Pro that'll run Mavericks natively and takes trades, so I asked about taking my Pro in on trade. I was given a link to get a price on my Pro, which came to a whopping $150 bucks
no way. So I told the guy I'd keep mine and told him what I'd planned to do. He said "I have done the efi updates and they are NOT worth the trouble and the problems that come later"
so what are these troubles he speaks of? I've not heard anyone complaining or read anywhere that there were problems down the road by doing such.
I'm gonna upgrade my firmware first, get another video card and then upgrade to Mavericks as discussed in this thread by cloning my Air install. Then I'll swap out my CPU's once I figure out what is best and what's affordable.