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Can someone post a guide for the latest imac that didn't make the cut off (with ml neither)?

On the latest iMac should Mavericks run natively. This Thread is about running Mavericks on older Macs, officially unsupported by Mavericks.

You can find a Install Guide in Post #914. Use the Guide.txt in the linked "Mac-Pro-Xserve.7z" for the Installation respectively the linked App-Script "SFOTT" to create a Install Medium.
I haven't done the processor upgrade yet either but from everything I have read (a lot) if you upgrade the processors then it will only see one of them till you upgrade the firmware.

As far as GPUs go, I am currently running a factory overclocked GTX 570. I am not sure if you can go higher than the 500 series in a Mac Pro 1,1 or not. The main thing is to look for a card with 2 6-pin power connectors. The GTX580 has a 6-pin and an 8-pin and can draw more power then the Mac Pro is rated for. I have a friend who picked up an older GTX260 on eBay for $30. That's a big upgrade from a 7300GT. Here is a link to a GPU hierarchy:,3107-7.html

Thanks! I appreciate that input, that helps. I'll probably go ahead and try the upgrade to the firmware, I can't decide whether I want x5355's or x5365's, there is a sorta big price jump between the two. I recently started looking at x5482's but I'm thinking they wouldn't be supported period, firmware upgrade or not, am I correct in this assumption?

A (somewhat) local Mac shop has a newer Pro that'll run Mavericks natively and takes trades, so I asked about taking my Pro in on trade. I was given a link to get a price on my Pro, which came to a whopping $150 bucks… uh… no way. So I told the guy I'd keep mine and told him what I'd planned to do. He said "I have done the efi updates and they are NOT worth the trouble and the problems that come later"… so what are these troubles he speaks of? I've not heard anyone complaining or read anywhere that there were problems down the road by doing such.

I'm gonna upgrade my firmware first, get another video card and then upgrade to Mavericks as discussed in this thread by cloning my Air install. Then I'll swap out my CPU's once I figure out what is best and what's affordable.
Thanks! I appreciate that input, that helps. I'll probably go ahead and try the upgrade to the firmware, I can't decide whether I want x5355's or x5365's, there is a sorta big price jump between the two. I recently started looking at x5482's but I'm thinking they wouldn't be supported period, firmware upgrade or not, am I correct in this assumption?

A (somewhat) local Mac shop has a newer Pro that'll run Mavericks natively and takes trades, so I asked about taking my Pro in on trade. I was given a link to get a price on my Pro, which came to a whopping $150 bucks… uh… no way. So I told the guy I'd keep mine and told him what I'd planned to do. He said "I have done the efi updates and they are NOT worth the trouble and the problems that come later"… so what are these troubles he speaks of? I've not heard anyone complaining or read anywhere that there were problems down the road by doing such.

I'm gonna upgrade my firmware first, get another video card and then upgrade to Mavericks as discussed in this thread by cloning my Air install. Then I'll swap out my CPU's once I figure out what is best and what's affordable.

You have a good plan and you won't be sorry.
Thanks! I appreciate that input, that helps. I'll probably go ahead and try the upgrade to the firmware, I can't decide whether I want x5355's or x5365's, there is a sorta big price jump between the two. I recently started looking at x5482's but I'm thinking they wouldn't be supported period, firmware upgrade or not, am I correct in this assumption?

A (somewhat) local Mac shop has a newer Pro that'll run Mavericks natively and takes trades, so I asked about taking my Pro in on trade. I was given a link to get a price on my Pro, which came to a whopping $150 bucks… uh… no way. So I told the guy I'd keep mine and told him what I'd planned to do. He said "I have done the efi updates and they are NOT worth the trouble and the problems that come later"… so what are these troubles he speaks of? I've not heard anyone complaining or read anywhere that there were problems down the road by doing such.

I'm gonna upgrade my firmware first, get another video card and then upgrade to Mavericks as discussed in this thread by cloning my Air install. Then I'll swap out my CPU's once I figure out what is best and what's affordable.

54xx's are not compatible at all even though they are the same socket. I looked into that as well. 51xx and 53xx are interchangeable and 52xx and 54xx are interchangeable. I am torn between the 55's and 65's too, but I will probably get the 65's to get the most life out of it. I have seen pairs of SLAED 5365's on eBay for as low as $150, on they are $98 each. Server supply offers a 1yr warranty for $20 which might get to buy from them.

I haven't heard of any EFI update issues. The 1,1 and 2,2 are the same hardware besides the processors.
54xx's are not compatible at all even though they are the same socket. I looked into that as well. 51xx and 53xx are interchangeable and 52xx and 54xx are interchangeable. I am torn between the 55's and 65's too, but I will probably get the 65's to get the most life out of it. I have seen pairs of SLAED 5365's on eBay for as low as $150, on they are $98 each. Server supply offers a 1yr warranty for $20 which might get to buy from them.

I haven't heard of any EFI update issues. The 1,1 and 2,2 are the same hardware besides the processors.

Alright, thanks for clarifying that AND for knocking that dream right on out, haha. It's probably gonna be the 65's for me, I won't ever see any difference between the two clock speeds but hey, might as well go on and max it out while I'm spending the time and money. I also haven't been able to read anything about issues with upgrades to firmware. Well, I think maybe there has been a few that have suffered some KP's but I think they were resolved, I think.

I don't recall seeing anyone mention what program exactly was or used or what process was used to clone an install. What would be a good recommendation?
Just installed 10.9.1 on my Mac Pro 1,1 with a GIANT thank you to OEMden and to Tiamo (If anyone knows where to Paypal these two as a thank you let me know!).

I highly recommend the upgrade for anyone who wants to give it a try. Also, I wanted to share this, as it gave me a laugh when thinking about this project.


  • if-theres-a-will-there-is-always-a-way.jpg
    61.9 KB · Views: 307
Just installed 10.9.1 on my Mac Pro 1,1 with a GIANT thank you to OEMden and to Tiamo (If anyone knows where to Paypal these two as a thank you let me know!).

I highly recommend the upgrade for anyone who wants to give it a try. Also, I wanted to share this, as it gave me a laugh when thinking about this project.

Any problem with graphics card?
Installing OSX Mavericks in Unsupported Macpro 1.1

Hi i have Macpro 1,1 !!
tell me please how can i install OSX Mavericks ??
i Upgrated my Graphic Card and SSD HD but i don,t know how is working ???
is any Youtube link ?? that i can see how is working ??
Please Help :confused:
Just installed 10.9.1 on my Mac Pro 1,1 with a GIANT thank you to OEMden and to Tiamo (If anyone knows where to Paypal these two as a thank you let me know!).

I highly recommend the upgrade for anyone who wants to give it a try. Also, I wanted to share this, as it gave me a laugh when thinking about this project.

Have you had any issues so far? Did you update your firmware and/or processors?

I assume if you clone an install, like I plan to do, it'll take regular updates from Apple won't it?
Have you had any issues so far? Did you update your firmware and/or processors?

I assume if you clone an install, like I plan to do, it'll take regular updates from Apple won't it?

The update from 10.9.0 to 10.9.1 worked fine. It has been stated farther back in this thread that the beta for 10.9.2 replaced the boot.efi files so be ready to replace them again.
Alright, thanks for clarifying that AND for knocking that dream right on out, haha. It's probably gonna be the 65's for me, I won't ever see any difference between the two clock speeds but hey, might as well go on and max it out while I'm spending the time and money. I also haven't been able to read anything about issues with upgrades to firmware. Well, I think maybe there has been a few that have suffered some KP's but I think they were resolved, I think.

I don't recall seeing anyone mention what program exactly was or used or what process was used to clone an install. What would be a good recommendation?

This is the tool used:,1094.0.html. You have to create an account to see the link in the first post if you don't have one. The thread is a good read too if you want to learn more or have additional questions.

To upgrade to Mavericks if you still have the 51xx processors, you do not need to update the firmware and there is no reason to do it until you update to the 53xx's. The only thing you need to do for a Mac Pro 1,1 or 2,1 is upgrade the GPU to an 8800GT or higher and it can be a GTX200 series or higher PC card. Of course, you will also need Tiamo's modified boot.efi so you can boot Mavericks on the machine.

Massive thanks to Tiamo & Rastafabi. Using a mix of these two methods (in no particular order) I finally got it to install.

It's mainly a case of trial & error. I must have tried at least 4 times from scratch until I got it working. Just be patient if you haven't got it going yet, keep trying & keep tweaking what your doing (little things like restoring BaseSystem.dmg to the 1 GUID partition instead of the USB root).

First post, welcome to me. Thanks. So...

I have read through most of this thread and it seems like I can install this on my MacBookPro2,2 but the ATI X1600 video card is either not supported (yet?) or does not support the correct features for accelerated graphics.

This would suggest I should stick with 10.7.5, agreed?

Is there an expectation that in the near future or with the proper driver support the ATI X1600 will ever work well in Mavericks?

Is there a kext to install that allows this to work?
There is no solution to run Mavericks on this machine as yet and there is a rumour that there never will be.

Why should Mavericks not run basically on a MacBook 4,1 but with unaccerlerated Graphics? The MB4,1 is from early 2008, has a 64bit Core2Duo, Intel GMA X3100 Graphics and can run natively OS X 10.7 Lion. Regarding the unaccerlerated Graphics see Post #1044.
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The answer is unpleasant its a "No"

Why should Mavericks not run basically on a MacBook 4,1 with unaccerlerated Graphics? The MB4,1 is from early 2008, has a 64bit Core2Duo, Intel GMA X3100 Graphics and can run natively OS X 10.7 Lion. Regarding the unaccerlerated Graphics see Post #1044.

Read posts 1063,1066 and 1067 cry a bit and wait for MVPF but don't hold your breath!
You could try 10.8.4 or 10.8.5 with MountainLionPostFactor.

No, not at the moment and apparently not in the near future. Maybe when/if MacPostFactor is ever released .....


I think I will end up sticking with 10.7.5 until such a time as I need to upgrade. the 10.9 stuff had me intrigued but I think I would be better served to stay put.
Generally: it's a difference, whether Mavericks runs slowly because of the unaccelerated Graphics (but e.g. still sufficient to see what's new or for simple testing purposes) -OR- Mavericks doesn't run at all (e.g. because the CPU -like a CoreDuo- is not 64bit).
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