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Arf, OS X cannot be installed, let alone run, on non-64bit CPUs since... Lion in 2011! It's been Core2Duo minimum ever since.

What I meant: Mavericks doesn't run at all because the CPU -like a CoreDuo- is not 64bit = OS X cannot be installed on non-64bit CPUs.
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What I meant: Mavericks doesn't run at all because the CPU -like a CoreDuo- is not 64bit = OS X cannot be installed on non-64bit CPUs.
Can you help me to install it om my macbook?
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What I meant: Mavericks doesn't run at all because the CPU -like a CoreDuo- is not 64bit = OS X cannot be installed on non-64bit CPUs.

@RV-ABZ Can you help me to install mavericks on my macbook??
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Alternatively: Mavericks can also be installed directly in a empty VM and runs fine in Parallels Desktop 9, see the Parallels Knowledgebase, Article-ID: 118806.
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Paging Dr. Wayne. Dr. HackerWayne.

No new posts since November 8th now. I am getting a bit worried that MPF might become vaporware.
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Has anyone tried the MLPostFactor Radeon x1600 drivers and frameworks on Mavericks? Could this enable QE/CI?
I've been running Mavericks well over a month with no problems on my 2006 Mac Pro thanks to this great thread.

The one minor issue is the old external Apple firewire iSight camera. It works perfectly while the unit is on, but causes waking from deep sleep issues. It wakes up with a black screen.

This problem also happens on startup. Mac will boot, but display is back. I'm officially retiring it for now and perhaps get a USB webcam.
I've been running Mavericks well over a month with no problems on my 2006 Mac Pro thanks to this great thread.

The one minor issue is the old external Apple firewire iSight camera. It works perfectly while the unit is on, but causes waking from deep sleep issues. It wakes up with a black screen.

This problem also happens on startup. Mac will boot, but display is back. I'm officially retiring it for now and perhaps get a USB webcam.

I'm surprised you are still using it. While it is a cool piece of hardware it is very outdated and there are much better options with 1080P resolutions.
I'm surprised you are still using it. While it is a cool piece of hardware it is very outdated and there are much better options with 1080P resolutions.

On the rare occasion that I want to do some FaceTime on the Mac, it is handy and I didn't want to spend any more money. Getting a higher res one sounds good now. The iSight does its focus thing on wake up and I'm thinking that it is what is tripping up the boot up issue.
Video Card Options

Hey guys,

I'm trying to pull this off on a 1,1 Mac Pro. I know that I need a new video card. Right now I have a Radeon 5770 and a Radeon X1900.

The x1900 is garbage I know... but what would you guys recommend I replace it with?

The 5770 only works with two monitors... otherwise I wouldn't even have the x1900.

I either need to add one more small card, or get a new card that supports three monitors. Any times would be great.

The one minor issue is the old external Apple firewire iSight camera. It works perfectly while the unit is on, but causes waking from deep sleep issues. It wakes up with a black screen.

Interesting I wonder what's causing that issue,
I'm still using my old iSight camera with my Mac Pro 1,1 (running Mavericks via the replacement boot.efi).

Mine makes the focusing noise (and the light comes on briefly) when starting up and waking from sleep, though its always done this.
Hey guys,

I'm trying to pull this off on a 1,1 Mac Pro. I know that I need a new video card. Right now I have a Radeon 5770 and a Radeon X1900.

The x1900 is garbage I know... but what would you guys recommend I replace it with?

The 5770 only works with two monitors... otherwise I wouldn't even have the x1900.

I either need to add one more small card, or get a new card that supports three monitors. Any times would be great.


I've been reading the threads over at and that if you work with Final Cut Pro X or Motion, installing a second identical OpenCL capable video card helps speed up certain tasks dramatically.

For kicks, I bought a flashed 5770 off eBay and installed it in my 2006 Mac Pro to match my original Apple 5770 and noticed some improvements in rendering and playback. Hopefully as more applications leverage the second GPU, older Mac Pro owners will also benefit. [Photoshop?]
I've been reading the threads over at and that if you work with Final Cut Pro X or Motion, installing a second identical OpenCL capable video card helps speed up certain tasks dramatically.

For kicks, I bought a flashed 5770 off eBay and installed it in my 2006 Mac Pro to match my original Apple 5770 and noticed some improvements in rendering and playback. Hopefully as more applications leverage the second GPU, older Mac Pro owners will also benefit. [Photoshop?]

If you don't mind not having the gray apple logo boot screen or the ability to hold option and select a boot drive then a non flashed Nvidia PC Card works very well and can save you a ton of money.
That's interesting... so the 5770 will clearly work then for a 1,1... and I already have a 5770. My x1900 won't... so I guess the cheapest fix would really be to get rid of the x1900 and just grab a second 5770. There doesn't seem to be a point in scrapping the entire thing and going with the Sapphire 7950.

It's really all about just getting this damn 1,1 up to mavericks so I can let it join in all of the other kids in the distributed processing game.
It's really all about just getting this damn 1,1 up to mavericks so I can let it join in all of the other kids in the distributed processing game.

I have an advantage of having another Mac available to me that can run Mavericks, so I was able to do most of the preparation of the USB flash drive on it. (downloading the Mavericks installer etc.)

I then finished up the board ID stuff on the current Mac Pro, then removed the Hard Drive that was running 10.7.5. (along with any other unnecessary Hard Drives.)

I then did the install on a new Hard Drive so that if I had an issue (which were many), I just reformatted the HD and then started over. (I was reading the instructions on the iPhone)

Just the do minimum on your Mac Pro.. pull out that second video card and remove all the other drives except for your destination drive. And go from there.

I didn't use that script, I followed Rastafabi's instructions manually.

Just keep trying, you will get there!

[I also keep a clone of my Mavericks startup drive around.. I'm afraid as heck of the upcoming 10.9.2-- I can't even remember where to put what where any more.]

When Mavericks finally boots properly on your Mac Pro 1,1.. you are going to be giggling like a maniac. ;)
Hey Chung... how the heck did you do the board ID stuff... that's the part that I don't really get. I'm pretty new to this.

Also, when I click on rastafabi's link... I get sent to a download page. What exactly am I supposed to be downloading there?

Hey Chung... how the heck did you do the board ID stuff... that's the part that I don't really get. I'm pretty new to this.

Also, when I click on rastafabi's link... I get sent to a download page. What exactly am I supposed to be downloading there?


Go ahead and download the zipped file and you will get a folder with everything you need except the actual Tiamo EFI which you will download via the link in the instructions.

As for the board ID it looks something like this when you open the IORegistry Explorer application. Your board ID will be different(?) Also, I think you can open the .plist file with Text Wrangler to paste that in and save. I hope I'm being clear. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


  • boardID.png
    298.6 KB · Views: 237
  • TextWrangler.png
    63.4 KB · Views: 197
  • boardid_paste.png
    69.4 KB · Views: 193
Hey that's pretty darn clear! I just ordered a new hard drive so I can have a nice fresh install.

I didn't realize that there was an app in the download that allowed me to pull my board ID.

I understand that I need to use Text Wrangler to update the plist file.

In your other image where it says "Your Mac Pro" circled, what the heck is that file? What input do I stick there... "MacPro1,1"?

Dumb question but, is there a walkthrough in the download package? Lol... if so, that might answer some of these questions.
Hey that's pretty darn clear! I just ordered a new hard drive so I can have a nice fresh install.

I didn't realize that there was an app in the download that allowed me to pull my board ID.

I understand that I need to use Text Wrangler to update the plist file.

In your other image where it says "Your Mac Pro" circled, what the heck is that file? What input do I stick there... "MacPro1,1"?

Dumb question but, is there a walkthrough in the download package? Lol... if so, that might answer some of these questions.

If you follow the 3 or 4 steps on Tiamo's post on the other thread you can create a bootable USB or DVD installer that will be able to install Mavericks on your 1,1. It took me about 5 mins to prep the files and make a disc image that I burned to a DVD. That disc image could have been restored to a USB drive too.
Hey Hennesie,

The one thing that you have to understand is that unlike other people, I am retarded.

This makes stuff like hacking really difficult.

For some reason, I thought that I was changing these files on my current hard drive. I didn't realize that I would be changing the files within the boot drive. That makes a lot more sense now.

The boot.efi file also in the drive... not my current OSX installation, correct?

Wow.... I get it now.

Btw I'm not actually retarded... not that there's anything wrong with that.
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