Does this work on White IMac 17inc. Is there a guide?
Hello there, I've managed to install Mavericks on my Mac Pro 1,1. Everything runs smooth, have upgraded the GPU to Ati HD 5770 and 2 days ago the CPUs to Xeons x5355 from x5160s.
Installed a cheap USB 3.0 PCI-e card which I bought from eBay here:
To make it work, I've installed this driver here:
Maybe this will help some of you to upgrade to USB 3.0 your Macs and probably will fix the problem to USB ports on your Mac Schultzey...
Thanks to everybody who is involved on this project, making us all use our Mac Pros for some more years...
Greetings from Greece!
That would be great if you could upload your installer disc. It is at least another option to explore. I can edit the plists to work with my computer.
I tried SFOTT again today. Mavericks 10.9.1 installed but again the USB ports did not work. I could only navigate the computer by the Logitech mouse and logmein on my tablet.
Just to be clear...
I have my Mac Pro 1,1 (now 2,1) running OS 10.9.1 via chameleon.
All I need to do is replace the specified files with Tiamo's directions on my current Mavericks HD and I won't need chameleon anymore to boot my Maverick system?
Hi folks, I'm struggling. I succeeded in installing Mavericks on my MacPro 1,1 (thank you Tiago!!!), however I have two issues that are tearing me apart and making me want to buy a new computer which would mean that Cook wins the battle. My computer is running incredibly well with the exception of the following:
(1) Audio. I've tried and tried and cannot get the audio to work. There must be a way.
(2) Mail, iCloud, Internet Accounts. My iCloud password was changed which stopped my Mail from working. I get the error your Apple ID is valid but is not an iCloud account. This is the worst. My wife is going to kill me. Everything runs from our MacPro, our contacts, our mail, our calendars, all.
I consider myself highly technical, but certainly not on top of this issue. Please send help! Should I just start over? Tell me not to buy a new computer. Plus, I can't afford a new mac pro, and the iMacs have very little storage. Maybe I use this mac pro as a file server. Ugh -- after all my upgrading ---- lots of memory, HD 5770 card, multiple terabytes storage, SATA connections in the optical bay running my 256GB SSD. this machine rocks except for OSX.
That's it. Once the files are in place, reboot and reset your NVRAM. That will get it out of legacy boot and use Tiamo's boot.efi.
It works perfectly.. on first try.
I haven't had any audio issues either using the Chameleon or Tiamo's method. As far as iCloud issues I don't think that is an issue with your install but rather an account issue. Might be in your best interest to contact Apple support.
Maybe this will help some of you to upgrade to USB 3.0 your Macs and probably will fix the problem to USB ports on your Mac Schultzey...
Check your email. I sent you a message from here.
Thank you! I remotely logged into my computer and started downloading the installer disc. I will modify the plists to work with my computer and install Mavericks again this weekend. If my USB ports still don't work right I will try the Chameleon method to install Mavericks.
which guide should I follow to install mavericks?
hello to all,
I'm new and I apologize immediately for my english (I'm Italian)
I have a macbook white 2006
which guide should I follow to install mavericks?
thank you all!
If you need a guide for a single hdd chameleon method on a GUID partition check my profile. My homepage link is a complete guide I posted on here a while ago.
Thread States this is a guide, but I don't see it anywhere. Where is it?
I only see one for the Mac Pro/Xserve.
To those having an issue with iMessage, the issue is your Mac's serial that us checked by iMessage during registration, which is located in your nvram. The fix is actually pretty simple.
1. Open Terminal
2. Copy and paste this command
Code:sudo nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:MLB=(6 randomdigits)
3. After the "=" in the command copy and paste your Mac's serial from System Profiler and add 6 random digits to the end of it then run the command.
@HackerWayne and @MLForAll it would be nice if you guys added that little command to MavericksPostFactor pretty please![]()
Amazing piece of information! Thanks a lot!
I had just upgraded my Mac Pro to x5365s, and suddenly Messages/Facetime stopped working. Found this advice here and Messages is back to work (Facetime is still verifying, but I am sure it will work). Thanks for the tip!
I celebrated too soon. iMessages/Facetime is NOT working at all. Dunno anymore what to do. Any suggestions?
Aaaaand never mind. Called Apple, gave them the verification code, and Messages/Facetime are running again!![]()
Will they check if your machine is supported or not? Just give them the codes and done?
Yup! It was tense, cause I was all the time waiting for them to say "but your machine is unsopported, sir... Are you sure you're running Mavericks?" but no. They asked for the s/n, verified my apple id with my security questions and it worked. The only caveat was that i am in Europe, but called Apple US. I imagined they would identify the issue more easily. Apple Norway (and the first rep from Apple US) didn;t cut to the chase and made me perform all sorts of diagnostics (zap pram, etc.).