Thanks to all of you and hackerwayne I got it working almost 100% but in a acceptable state. See pics for reference. I'm gonna say, it gave problems and I'm gonna tell you all, hope this solve mine and other problems too, just to let everyone know, I downloaded a version of MLPF 0.3 from a post just before this one, I think was on page 114, but couldn't find it anymore, since it belongs to the maker, ask him to post it again, it has 10.8.0 to 10.8.4 option to install.
- I began installing it on a external ssd drive and did just like the website tell us to do, but with one little difference, you must select and name all drivers before you run MLPF. I know it sounds crazy but the situation was that I was going to install it on the ssd and later decided to install on my internal HD, so I named it ML and changed the name on my external ML to ML1 and it didn't work, had to make all the steps again to get it installed on my internal HD, Nothing crazy but just saying in case some one wonder about it and can't get it installed, it didn't give me any error message and when you restart, you restart it in the install partition and patch the driver you just install ML so it can boot from, them boot again. Other thing is that the restart option does not work, I had to fiscally shut it down.
- Second was that I had it working on my external SSD and them seeing that all was practically fine installed in my internal, what happened right on the beginning was that my wifi wouldn't connect, but was in the external, I reinstalled it to make sure that nothing had been lost in the process but no go, so I had to change my Router security from wap2 to sep, no big deal too, but wash't happening on the external and had no meaning to give me this problem, but it's solved and working, but I'm afraid next time I get in someone's network that is wap2 and I will be Fkd without a way to connect.
- Third was something that happened in booth, external and internal, in system prefs. i clicked on mouse and it said that had to rester so i could change it, no problem, it restarted and I was able to change it, and it happened with mails, iCloud and Mouse, but Mouse is the only one that still ask me that every time I click on it.
- Forth was that when I close a app it remains saying closing on the top bar until I click in something else. Not a big deal as well.
I'm not sure if I can get the pics up in here but will try, if it doesn't let me know how to do it.
I have full video working and everything looks good so far, will update later with news if any.
The only thing I really needed was the problem with my wifi to be solved, it just says not possible to connect.
Anything else needed from me just let me know...
Thanks you all...