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macrumors member
Feb 16, 2015
Beat me to it. Surely that front screen with the spooky eyes is heavy, battery draining and expensive? That alone sounds like an easy win to me.
I agree about the front screen but also think that was their way of trying to hide all of the cameras that are included in the front… to decrease the creepy camera-always-looking feeling? But then again, it also is NOT made for outdoor use or walking around in public… But yeah, that front system adds to the weight and battery needs.
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macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2004
I own one, and it is great as a remote worker and software developer. But I couldn't see recommending it to anyone in friends/family.

1. Price is insane, most non-techies have maybe a $1k laptop and maybe a $1k phone if they like being on the cutting edge. This thing is nearly double both of those items and replaces neither.
2. The best feature of it currently is watching movies - but you can only do that alone, unless someone else also has a $4k headset to shareplay in the same room.
3. Spatial Personas are the killer feature of the device, but they only work if everyone you know can use price strikes again.
4. Gaming is unnecessarily hampered by Apple. This thing would sell to high end gamers if it only had just basic SteamVR support baked in (I mean connecting to a desktop, not even running games directly.)

I use mine for being able to mirror my 13" MBA anywhere in the house on a giant screen, while also having a giant TV setup for playing youtube or a movie in the background. There are a ton of potential use cases for it but the software isn't there yet, and a lot of the software is limited because of how locked down the platform is in the first place.

My biggest problem with it is that Apple just didn't even try to solve the input issue. The virtual keyboard is terrible, and by design it can never get any better (Because you have no physical feedback.) I'm surprised they didn't use surface detection to let you place the virtual keyboard on your desk so at least you can feel when you "hit" a key. And then their giant $200 case for the device doesn't even provide a way to carry an overpriced Apple keyboard with it.

I don't remember what reviewer said this...but I believe the killer feature is telepresence. The first time I looked at my own panorama photos with AVP, I was instantly transported to the hotel balcony where it was shot and I instantly wished I had taken 100x more panorama photos over the past 8 years. It is SO MUCH better than regular photos, regardless of size.

When I saw the sample birthday footage during my AVP demo, I actually 'felt' like I was there, even though I had no idea who those people were...and I instantly wished I had that type of footage of my own kids at that age (which I'll experiment with via AI to produce quasi-3D video)

VR180 and V360 enable you to 'visit' places you'll probably never visit in real life...being able to 'stand on the shoulders' of younger, more athletic hikers and explorers (or just people who have more time and patience to navigate the airports, VISAs, crappy hotels, tents, etc). I've seen photos and videos of the Egyptian pyramids, Machu Picchu, etc - and it doesn't feel like I'm there. Those are places that would cost more than AVP to see myself - and the AVP makes it feel like I'm there. I'm just waiting for the footage...Apple et al are way behind on this, but having a faster processor or lighter headset won't fix that.

So there's your killer app - telepresence. And for that, you're damn right I'll endure the cost, weight, heat, wonky OS, and other issues!


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2015
"Flummoxed"? Here, free advice. Just make what everyone thought it would be 3-4 years ago: a media consumption device. I know Apple NEEDS a new market to continue the whole "infinite growth" investors want, but "spatial computing" isn't it. If you're going to continue trying to refine the Vision, make a much lighter one focused on the only thing consumers have worn VR headsets for than 30 minutes to experience in the past 10 years, media and games. Everyone using it as a "computer" is doing so to justify spending $3500 on a dev kit. V2 needs physical controllers to give devs the option and the ability to easily port existing software from other platforms and interface with things like Steam VR. Oh, and make a strap that evenly distributes the weight and doesn't just look good in marketing.


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2003
Right. Remember when the Apple Watch launched, and there was all kinds of hype about enhanced messaging, drawing things with your finger, sending your heartbeat and all that? Eventually it became what everyone predicted it would become, just another fitness tracker. Same deal with the scuba mask from Hell. All this drivel about "spatial computing", if it survives at all it will be as just another content consumption device.


macrumors newbie
Feb 9, 2024
All the armchair executives in this thread remind me of all the people screaming for plastic backs and SD card slots on iPhones back in the day. If you look at the AVP and think "Apple should make it cheaper and worse", you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years.


macrumors regular
Dec 13, 2020
what they could have done from the beginning:

- drop the front screen
- drop the motors that auto adjusts the pupil distance. include a manual slider like oculus quest
- include only one type of strap
- drop the charger
- smaller box
- reduce magnet use and use a cheaper mechanism to attach bits to the headset

instantly drops $1k from price tag easily.
They needed the front screen. They were trying to mimic ski goggles where people are comformable talking to people who are wearing bulky eye gear because they can see their eyes. I still think there’s value to it but do they need 3d-like OLED screens? Of course not. They’re going to need a similar solution where you can see people’s eyes but less creepy and less expensive. For the cheap models, they can just use some kind of lighting system similar to the top of a homepod. It’s just 3 leds.

The rest of your points I agree with with the exception of the magnet part. Magnets are super cheap and elegant.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 30, 2006
Well, they decided to "soldier on" with the HomePod, and look how long it took.
The watch also received a not so warm welcome and they managed to get some traction with a few iterations.
I don't think the AVP is similar but who knows what can happen after some improvements and price reductions and most important some kind of definitive use case.
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macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2023

Apple does not plan to launch a second-generation version of its Vision Pro headset until the end of 2026, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reports.


Writing in the latest edition of his "Power On" newsletter, Gurman said Apple's latest Vision Pro roadmap "doesn't currently call for a second-generation model until the end of 2026." In February 2024, he said that the device was "at least 18 months away."

According to Gurman's sources, Apple is still trying to figure out a way to bring a cheaper version to market before then, although the company remains "flummoxed" by how exactly to bring down the cost.

Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo in February said he believes new Vision Pro models with significant changes to the specification may not enter mass production until 2027.

At the time, Kuo said he did expect a modified Vision Pro to enter mass production in late 2025 to early 2026, with Apple focused on improving costs and production. However, this leads him to believe that the "user experience will not differ from the current model." Indeed, it is even possible that these changes will not be announced to the public, beyond a potential price cut.

Apple is expected to release the Vision Pro in additional countries before WWDC in June, with reports that the device could be coming to China as soon as next month.

Article Link: Gurman: No Apple Vision Pro 2 Launch Planned Before End of 2026
Let me guess......GURMAN again???? Then we better put some money aside to buy the new one. This guy hasnt been right about his own birthdate yet.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2017

The non bias saw this coming a mile off.

I like Apple products but it was so so obvious this thing was a massive joke and they got cocky thinking they could charge whatever they want because sheep will buy it.

The jokers failed to realise the world isn't like that anymore and people can't waste $4000 on a toy, Tim needed a wake up call and needs to go.

Years wasted on this trash and the car. failure.


macrumors regular
Jun 28, 2012
Remember what happened to the HomePod. The market segment is just too small for this type of device, at this price point. Apple needs products that sell 50 million a year to move the needle.

They tried to make it look slick, but you can't put lipstick....


macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
They needed the front screen. They were trying to mimic ski goggles where people are comformable talking to people who are wearing bulky eye gear because they can see their eyes. I still think there’s value to it but do they need 3d-like OLED screens? Of course not. They’re going to need a similar solution where you can see people’s eyes but less creepy and less expensive. For the cheap models, they can just use some kind of lighting system similar to the top of a homepod. It’s just 3 leds.

The rest of your points I agree with with the exception of the magnet part. Magnets are super cheap and elegant.
On the ski slopes… sure.

But not in your living room or out on the streets…


macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2021
The consumer AR/VR markets is niche and literally NOBODY ever succeed. Even Meta failed by selling more than 30 million people as people are not using them regularly.


Oct 10, 2011
Back when AVP was under development, very few here could articulate what AR and VR was about. Now there's so many experts here weighing in on the subject.

And of course, like many other new Apple products, declaring AVP a flop.


macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2019
The watch also received a not so warm welcome and they managed to get some traction with a few iterations.
The watch was different. It received a warm welcome by Verge.

"here’s no question that the Apple Watch is the most capable smartwatch available today. If you’re going to buy an Apple Watch, I’d recommend buying a Sport model; I wouldn’t spend money on how it looks until Apple completes the task of figuring out what it does."


Compared to the Vision Pro:

"And the biggest tradeoff of all is that using the Vision Pro is such a lonely experience, regardless of the weird ghost eyes on the front"


I think the Verge actually said it best in the Apple Watch review:

"In order to be successful, any given piece of wearable technology has to be useful the entire time it’s on your body. Prescription glasses sit on your face, but improve your vision all the time, so they’re successful. Sunglasses sit on your face and make you look cooler all the time, so they’re successful. Google Glass sits on your face, but mostly does nothing, so it’s a failure. It’s a simple formula."

What's the usefulness of the Vision Pro?


macrumors regular
Jul 14, 2008
St.Paul MN
The watch was different. It received a warm welcome by Verge.

"here’s no question that the Apple Watch is the most capable smartwatch available today. If you’re going to buy an Apple Watch, I’d recommend buying a Sport model; I wouldn’t spend money on how it looks until Apple completes the task of figuring out what it does."


Compared to the Vision Pro:

"And the biggest tradeoff of all is that using the Vision Pro is such a lonely experience, regardless of the weird ghost eyes on the front"


I think the Verge actually said it best in the Apple Watch review:

"In order to be successful, any given piece of wearable technology has to be useful the entire time it’s on your body. Prescription glasses sit on your face, but improve your vision all the time, so they’re successful. Sunglasses sit on your face and make you look cooler all the time, so they’re successful. Google Glass sits on your face, but mostly does nothing, so it’s a failure. It’s a simple formula."

What's the usefulness of the Vision Pro?
"What's the usefulness of the Vision Pro?" Obviously none for you. Why do you care what other people buy and enjoy ?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2012
Or they'll discontinue it as they did with Home Pod. Makes some cost cutting tweaks. Then re-release it. Then further drop the price a year later from there.


macrumors 604
Jun 10, 2006
Lmao! Flummoxed as to how to reduce the price? They could fly me out there, I'd type it into the computer and hit "Enter".

Apple should take a page out of Amazon's playbook. "Your margin is our opportunity". Apple could have lost money on this and sold a ton more units, gotten the ball rolling, received praise for moving the industry forward towards mass adoption, etc. I'm thinking $1999 would have accomplished this, or especially at $1499. These prices would have genuinely kept Mark Zuckerberg up at night. Now, after seeing the predictable market reaction, Meta aren't worried at all.
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