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macrumors member
Jul 6, 2009
Definitely tempted to upgrade my 2022 iPad Air for this. My main gripe with the Air, aside from the now poor battery life, is the display. I take my iPad to my brightly lit gym every day, and watching dark scenes in videos is painful. The OLED screen and higher brightness seem like they would resolve this issue. But at $1000 for the base model, it’s still a tough sell.


macrumors member
Apr 20, 2024
To be fair, the 2018 11 inch Pro was also not designed for your use case.
Got it for a hell of a deal a few years back in the refurb store. ProMotion is a non-negotiable for me, otherwise I would get an Air.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
Interesting so when did you have the device? Reviewers have said it’s a noticeable difference

There’s a 1.5mm diff, tops. Noticeable does not make it significant or even an improvement. The thinness angle is nothing more than Apple hype.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
There’s a 1.5mm diff, tops. Noticeable does not make it significant or even an improvement. The thinness angle is nothing more than Apple hype.

Of course it’s an improvement. It’s going to be lighter than even the iPad airs.

People have the 13 inch will notice a difference


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
Hoping this will be the start of them bringing back the super thin 12-inch MacBook or making the MBA's much thinner.

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
It really feels like the iPad Pro has reached its final form & from now on we will only see small spec bumps like with the MBA & MBP. I honestly wish that’s the case because the day I’ll pick up one of these I’ll be on my 4th iPad keyboard & 3rd Apple Pencil in 7 years.
Funnily enough Apple stopped referencing new gen as gen 6th etc but is instead calling this gen ”iPad Pro M4”, just like we do for the Macs. That’s most likely because this gen thing didn’t make sense any longer but that’s a step in that direction.
“Small spec bumps” means something entirely different for Apple Silicon, though. On Intel, small spec bump means a few more watts and a tweak to clock speed. For Apple Silicon, it means the single core score of the lowest end processor rivals the ultra of two generations ago. That’s far different than anything Intel/AMD will ever be able to offer.

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
Just wondering was it in a folio when it got bent? Sorry to hear about the damage!
There’s no iPad that won’t bend provided enough pressure, but it hasn’t been determined if the pressure they can withstand is “expected or appropriate”. No one has attempted to define precisely how much energy over what amount of time will permanently deform an iPad of any shape/size. So, for the ones that have bent, we only know that they’ve experienced a deforming bending force, but have no idea if it SHOULD have happened under those circumstances.

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
Looking forward to a lighter and thinner iPad. And no, I don’t work for Apple. So everyone that says no one cares…well they are lying.
There are BILLIONS of people in the world that won’t buy the iPad in the next 12 months, a portion of which won’t be buying it because it’s not the product that they feel provides value for the price. Apple’s done enough analysis, though, to determine that, with their current lineup, they will sell somewhere between 60-70 million iPads over the next 12 months. And, they see that as enough to maintain profitability and to continue R&D on the next version.

People that actively do not want a thin iPad Pro are not a part of the group that Apple’s expecting to sell to. So, the fact that those folks are not going to buy it is expected.

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
I've been reading this "rumor" since 2021.
I don’t ever think it’s been a “macrumors” sort of rumor, though, where there’s someone well connected in the industry that gets a tip based on something someone saw in some internal meeting related to the future of the iPad. More like wishful thinking for folks that absolutely don’t want to work in the way that iPadOS requires, but really really like the whole tablet form factor thing.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
This will be really cool when it gets the ‘bend patina’ from getting crushed in my laptop bag when travelling. An even thinner iPad is right up there with the essential motorcycle ashtray concept


I don't understand who at Apple thought about iPads and came up with..."these should be thinner!" as a big priority.

Super odd


macrumors 68020
Mar 14, 2010
Inside my head.
I just don't get it. My hobby is music production and I use ableton live like most electronic music producers. Why would I buy an Ipad pro or even air with an M2 or M4 chip in it, when I cant run my music software on it?

Love the design, form factor, love taking notes and using it, but until I can actually run my software on it, its just really frustrating as a product. Its infuriating how Apple does this. Same deal with the macbooks, I'd like to switch to try Macos, but I need 16gb for ableton to be comfy... and suddenly we are up to £2000.

If I could run ableton on an Ipad properly I'd be getting a pro next week, if I could get a decent mac for a sensible price with 16gb of ram I'd have a macbook.

As it is I have a phone, watch, homepod x2, and air4 ipad.... and a windows laptop.

I must admit to some confusion, Isn’t it Ableton’s responsibility to make their software compatible with iPadOs if they want it to run on that machine? It’s not Apple’s responsibility to make sure every piece of software will run on every one of its OS’s.
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