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The problem with iMacs in the store is that the lights are so bright that there is just no way you will see the yellow. You probably will not hear the buzz either - and you certainly won't see any backlight bleeding.

Honestly, it's a factor I didn't consider, but that could very well be washing everything out.

The whole situation has become off-putting yet so tempting at the same time.
My gut tells me not to dive in just yet.

At least not until Apple releases an official statement to acknowledge a defect in this product. (Don't know if that leaked internal memo is supposed to suffice as their official take on things)
Bad News Guys

My 4th replacement is a week 6 and it too has a yellow tint and other problems.

1) Dead Pixels
2) Yellow Tint
3) Horrible Backlight Bleed
4) Dark horizontal band running through bottom of display


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Looks like they sent you the week 53 that I returned in January ;)

Are you going to try the screen repair route?
Wow, that is completely unacceptable, the screen bleed on that one is worse than the one I had. If you need an iMac right now then I would go the repair route - if you exchange for a new one chances are it will be the same. Unless week 7+ has the "fixed/normal" screens.

Very sad. I am SURE there are plenty like these out there, what are the chances only this forum gets the bad ones? Yet Apple reps say "maybe one out of XXXX"
Jimkirk...if i were you...

I'd prob just get a refund from apple. You will never be happy. I saw your pics. I dont see horrible yellow tint on your first pic at all. As a matter of fact it looks pretty good to me. You wrote the following:

My 4th replacement is a week 6 and it too has a yellow tint and other problems.

1) Dead Pixels
2) Yellow Tint
3) Horrible Backlight Bleed
4) Dark horizontal band running through bottom of display

Dead pixels...I dont have it, or if I do they are tiny.
Yellow tint - mine very slight. If you go to the display configuration you can cool it down somewhat..but what you get is a bluish white tone. Take your pick, it will never be pure white. Both my last two have a faint black horizontal band towards the bottom you see it on a pure light screen. Since i had two diff machines, I believe they all have it. It doesnt appear once your in the OS, only mostly on booting into the mac. Mine has some yellow backlight bleed. I only see it when Im booting into bootcamp win 7. before operating system comes up I see light shining thru the black. I've tried to play mass effect 2 on it and its kind of horrible, the lighting. The blacks arent black, it has the LCD effect of light coming thru, thats the nature of this monitor. My point is that these imac's will not be 100 per cent. If you've gone thru 4, your not going to ever be happy is my point.
Can't Blame Jim Here

I'd prob just get a refund from apple. You will never be happy. I saw your pics. I dont see horrible yellow tint on your first pic at all. As a matter of fact it looks pretty good to me. You wrote the following:

My 4th replacement is a week 6 and it too has a yellow tint and other problems.

1) Dead Pixels
2) Yellow Tint
3) Horrible Backlight Bleed
4) Dark horizontal band running through bottom of display

Dead pixels...I dont have it, or if I do they are tiny.
Yellow tint - mine very slight. If you go to the display configuration you can cool it down somewhat..but what you get is a bluish white tone. Take your pick, it will never be pure white. Both my last two have a faint black horizontal band towards the bottom you see it on a pure light screen. Since i had two diff machines, I believe they all have it. It doesnt appear once your in the OS, only mostly on booting into the mac. Mine has some yellow backlight bleed. I only see it when Im booting into bootcamp win 7. before operating system comes up I see light shining thru the black. I've tried to play mass effect 2 on it and its kind of horrible, the lighting. The blacks arent black, it has the LCD effect of light coming thru, thats the nature of this monitor. My point is that these imac's will not be 100 per cent. If you've gone thru 4, your not going to ever be happy is my point.

That back lighting is terrible! Also, the tinge isn't bad, but it is obvious in the last bottom grey band.
That band in the white pic is from a white wallpaper

Obviously it is booted into the OS.

Also the yellow is much more noticeable in person.

Iphone does not capture all of it.
I'd prob just get a refund from apple. You will never be happy. I saw your pics. I dont see horrible yellow tint on your first pic at all. As a matter of fact it looks pretty good to me. You wrote the following:

My 4th replacement is a week 6 and it too has a yellow tint and other problems.

1) Dead Pixels
2) Yellow Tint
3) Horrible Backlight Bleed
4) Dark horizontal band running through bottom of display

Dead pixels...I dont have it, or if I do they are tiny.
Yellow tint - mine very slight. If you go to the display configuration you can cool it down somewhat..but what you get is a bluish white tone. Take your pick, it will never be pure white. Both my last two have a faint black horizontal band towards the bottom you see it on a pure light screen. Since i had two diff machines, I believe they all have it. It doesnt appear once your in the OS, only mostly on booting into the mac. Mine has some yellow backlight bleed. I only see it when Im booting into bootcamp win 7. before operating system comes up I see light shining thru the black. I've tried to play mass effect 2 on it and its kind of horrible, the lighting. The blacks arent black, it has the LCD effect of light coming thru, thats the nature of this monitor. My point is that these imac's will not be 100 per cent. If you've gone thru 4, your not going to ever be happy is my point.

I wouldn't let anyone tell me what to do with my money, why not exchange 4,5,6 time? I finally got what I was hopping for with compensation....I finally got it on my 6th Imac.....Jimkirk, exchange them as many times as you wish, to finally get what you want!
I will not give up until they make it right.

I am contemplating a return, but they have already given me significant discounts on this one as well as a free memory upgrade so I would hate to lose that.

I want Imac but would like one that is problem free.

I do not think my standards are high or too much to ask.

1) Uniform Screen free of yellow.
2) Acceptable backlight (Not like my photo).

That is not too much to ask.

I haven't got one machine yet to meet those standards.
My 4th replacement is a week 6 and it too has a yellow tint and other problems.

1) Dead Pixels
2) Yellow Tint
3) Horrible Backlight Bleed
4) Dark horizontal band running through bottom of display

Week 6 and STILL Yellow tint problems? :confused:

That screen shot looks bad. You can see all the yellow blotches...

Sounds like Apple hasn't fixed things in their pipeline yet. As much as they deny and dance around this, I thoguht of recent they made strides to correct this. Sales reps have even stated that the 2010 units will have been yellow tint free. Obviously not the case.

I'd return it for a full refund and wait until there are reports of defect free screens.

This is really unbelievable. Apple quality is NEVER coming back. It's a real shame.

Is Apple even listening?
Wow, that is completely unacceptable, the screen bleed on that one is worse than the one I had. If you need an iMac right now then I would go the repair route - if you exchange for a new one chances are it will be the same. Unless week 7+ has the "fixed/normal" screens.

Very sad. I am SURE there are plenty like these out there, what are the chances only this forum gets the bad ones? Yet Apple reps say "maybe one out of XXXX"

Apple has been deceiving their customers about this issue. We've had many conflicting reports as to whether this problem has been addressed and if a solution even exists. Apple CSRs tell you its all sorts of things and many have outright denied they had any reports of it.

One has to question how honest and ethical Apple is as a company, based upon how they've handled these screen problems. Flickering, yellow tint, buzzing, etc...

*NO Buzzing (Even when turning brightness down all the way)
*NO Flickering
*NO Dead Pixels
*NO iSight issues!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry I don't know how to tell what week I have.

it will be the same. Unless week 7+ has the "fixed/normal" screens.
I just returned mine

I will not just live with the defects apple wants you to put up with so good riddens.

Maybe I'll get a rev b or a new core i7 mbp instead.
I will not just live with the defects apple wants you to put up with so good riddens.

If Apple wanted me to put up with any defects I hadn't heard about it. I guess someone screwed up and sent me a problem-free machine.

Best of luck to you.

Maybe I'll get a rev b or a new core i7 mbp instead.

In your case, I actually think Apple might be hoping not. :p

*NO Buzzing (Even when turning brightness down all the way)
*NO Flickering
*NO Dead Pixels
*NO iSight issues!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry I don't know how to tell what week I have.

Click the Apple.
Click About this Mac.
Click the More Info... Button.
Second to last line in the list is your serial number.
Plug that number into the link below.

Let us know what you've received.
week 6 i5, i have the screen just like JIM

1)Screen - Stuck/Dead pixels - NO
2)Screen - Flickering screen, with brief blackouts - NOT SO FAR
3)Screen - Yellow smudge at the bottom/elsewhere - BOTTOM LEFT CORNER, NOT MUCH THOUGH
4)Screen - LED backlight bleeding through in corners when screen is dark/black - YES, VERY BAD
5)Screen - High pitch whine from screen at max brightness after 30 minutes; also after turning down brightness by 30% - NO
6)Screen - Dust or fingerprints trapped behind the monitor glass - NO
7)iSight - Dead pixels - NO
8)iMac as external monitor function not working - HAVE NOT TESTED
9)Noisy HDD - clicking or whirring, rumbling and whining - NOT SO FAR
10)Constantly running fans at high volume - NOT SO FAR
11)Intermittent hiss from external speakers hooked up - NO
12)Frequent beachballs, despite not many programs running - NO
13)Slow boot up - NO
14)Random self generated restarts while using Firefox - NOT SO FAR
15)Airport problems - NOT SO FAR
16)Bad USB ports - NO
17)Bluetooth not functioning- NO

what your describing is exactly what i have...everything except some backlight bleed in corners when your booting into bootcamp...please explain when black..and if thats so me a black screen when your in your mac os x. The led uses light to display image when there is no image such as booting into another os like win 7 before it comes will see a little light shine thru...I would like to see a pic of your black screen or jimkirks black screen in an operating system and show me the light bleed. This is the nature of LCD and LED, depending on the angle you view it'll see some light shining thru. The yellowing depending on how bad it is is your call on a replacement. I still dont understand the concept of waiting until apple has sorted out all the problems for sure until ordering another machine? I have applecare, and two years down the road i can ask for another machine...thats the point..I see everyone getting another machine and then complaining here. Call apple tech support, tell them you want to speak to an apple customer relationships specialist. Then tell them your story and see what they can do. They told me two weeks ago it would take them at least 5 weeks till they sorted out all the problems. Post what you find out, im curious, meanwhile i'll enjoy my not so perfect
I'd prob just get a refund from apple. You will never be happy. I saw your pics. I dont see horrible yellow tint on your first pic at all. As a matter of fact it looks pretty good to me. You wrote the following:

My 4th replacement is a week 6 and it too has a yellow tint and other problems.

1) Dead Pixels
2) Yellow Tint
3) Horrible Backlight Bleed
4) Dark horizontal band running through bottom of display

Dead pixels...I dont have it, or if I do they are tiny.
Yellow tint - mine very slight. If you go to the display configuration you can cool it down somewhat..but what you get is a bluish white tone. Take your pick, it will never be pure white. Both my last two have a faint black horizontal band towards the bottom you see it on a pure light screen. Since i had two diff machines, I believe they all have it. It doesnt appear once your in the OS, only mostly on booting into the mac. Mine has some yellow backlight bleed. I only see it when Im booting into bootcamp win 7. before operating system comes up I see light shining thru the black. I've tried to play mass effect 2 on it and its kind of horrible, the lighting. The blacks arent black, it has the LCD effect of light coming thru, thats the nature of this monitor. My point is that these imac's will not be 100 per cent. If you've gone thru 4, your not going to ever be happy is my point.

I Agree 110%. What is wrong with you people? Seriously. Why exchange out your Mac 4 times or more?, wait until they have all the problems sorted out and then exchange then. Exchanging them without all the problems being fixed expecting a different outcome is not very smart. Sorry. :confused:
Thank you, I've been repeating this like a mantra in here. The yellow tinge is unacceptable. However, there is no such thing as a perfect display with absolute color uniformity, corner to corner. It does not exist. Not on Macs, and not on high end professional displays either.

This is my third iMac and all three had some level of gradient.

so just to be clear.... you are happy to confirm that Apple is breaking advertising laws with the iMac screen claims then?

from website..

IPS technology.

The iMac display is designed to look great from almost any angle. A technology called in-plane switching (IPS) makes this possible. Whether you’re sitting in front of the display or standing off to the side, you’ll get a perfect picture with superb colour consistency and no loss of detail.
I Agree 110%. What is wrong with you people? Seriously. Why exchange out your Mac 4 times or more?, wait until they have all the problems sorted out and then exchange then. Exchanging them without all the problems being fixed expecting a different outcome is not very smart. Sorry. :confused:


Apple haven't officially acknowledged the issue which means the won't officially announce a fix...if they are even looking at doing it.


you'll never know if/when they are better in that sceanrio why not just kepp exchanging?
so just to be clear.... you are happy to confirm that Apple is breaking advertising laws with the iMac screen claims then?

from website..

IPS technology.

The iMac display is designed to look great from almost any angle. A technology called in-plane switching (IPS) makes this possible. Whether you’re sitting in front of the display or standing off to the side, you’ll get a perfect picture with superb colour consistency and no loss of detail.

The advertisement is about the angle of view, but we all know: you Are keep fighting your personal war against Apple all over the forum ...
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