I have no objection to the comparison with other systems nor do I think the 2019 Mac Pro is something special (performance wise). Mac users have just awoken from a six year coma so to them this Mac Pro does seem as if it is. It's the fastest Mac to date but it is not the fastest workstation, Apple is just playing catch up (so to speak).@chfilm, @defjam, @gazwas :
i am a longtime 20+ years mac user! and i am still using a lot of macs.
but not anymore for anything workstation like.
I just posted the numbers because die hard apple fans here tell people
that the mac pro is a superfast computer and that the price is totally justified.
so let the price and benchmark comparison speaks for itself.
@ganzwas: no fantasies involved, i built this computer yesterday.
first time in my life doing this, it took me 1.5 days of work.
All that said many people who are buying it need the fastest / expandable Macintosh (note I said Macintosh and not workstation). They do so because they either need macOS (because they're workflow depends on it and cannot easily be moved to another platform) or they just prefer macOS. To them this Mac Pro is very welcome and worth the price premium.
One thing I can say is that I'm happy Apple has decided to make this type of system once again. No longer are Mac users forced to shoehorn their workflow into a non-workstation class system.