No put the appleALC in the lilu plugins folder move lilu To System/library/extensionsThanks a lot. So the procedure to adopt is to install the two kext Appe ALC and LILU with KextUtils anyway, then move Apple ALC from Extension folfer to Plugin folder and then running that terminal commands from the post nine? Should it work so, also for Mountain Lione and Yosemite?
I'm confused, the post tells to create the Plugin folder inside Content of LILU then put inside this folder the AppleALC. Do I have to do this? I did in such way and then putted LILU inside Library/Extensions and not System/L/E- The guide says to put just in Library/extensions forlder and also the terminal commands refers to Library/Extensions and not System/L/E .No put the appleALC in the lilu plugins folder move lilu To System/library/extensions
Then Run the terminal Commands
My mistake it is library / extensionsI'm confused, the post tells to create the Plugin folder inside Content of LILU then put inside this folder the AppleALC. Do I have to do this? I did in such way and then putted LILU inside Library/Extensions ando not System/L/E- The guide sys to put just in Library/extensions forlder and also the terminal commands refers to Library/Extensions and not System/L/E .
This is exactly what I did. And Apple ALC is installed but NOT enabled and No choice of HDMI inside Sound menu.My mistake it is library / extensions
Yes put appleALC inside plugins then put lilu in library / extensions and run the terminal. Commands
make sure SIP isThis is exactly what I did. And Apple ALC is installed but NOT enabled and No choice of HDMI inside Sound menu.
[doublepost=1567282378][/doublepost]I'm wondering if these kext (AppleALC and LILU) are compatible with Yosemite and Mountain Lion, maybe do I need older versions?
Since SIP have been introduced with El Capitan , as far as I know, there is no SIP setting on Yosemite, or do I have something to disable anyway?make sure SIP is
Did you run all
The terminal commands
Since SIP have been introduced with El Capitan , as far as I know, there is no SIP setting on Yosemite, or do I have something to disable anyway?
I tried from recovery boot to execute the command csrutil and I get "command not found"-
Yes, all commands done same as described on that post.
[doublepost=1567336519][/doublepost]Do I have to put anyway the "Innie" fine inside LILU plugins folder? I don't have such extension. If yes, where can I get it?
nvram boot-args
sudo nvram boot-args="paste_arguments_here_if_any kext-dev-mode=1"
nvram boot-args
The minimum macOS version for both Lilu and AppleALC is Mountain Lion (kernel version 12). Make sure that you install the most recent releases of the kexts (see the releases pages for Lilu and AppleALC). You don't need to worry about SIP; it was introduced with El Capitan. Also, you don't need Innie to enable HDMI audio.
After every installation attempt, make sure that you start off fresh: remove Lilu (and AppleALC) from /Library/Extensions, rerun the commands, and reboot.
For Yosemite, you may need to add the boot argument "kext-dev-mode=1":
1) Check your current boot arguments:
If you have no boot arguments, you will get an error message. That's OK. Otherwise, you will see "boot-args" followed by a large space followed by the arguments separated by spaces. In this case, copy the arguments (everything after the large space).Code:nvram boot-args
2) Next:
Make sure that you replace paste_arguments_here_if_any with what you copied in Step 1 if you copied anything.Code:sudo nvram boot-args="paste_arguments_here_if_any kext-dev-mode=1"
3) Make sure that your new boot arguments have been updated:
Code:nvram boot-args
I had older version of LILU (1.2.7 while now is 1.3.8) and AppleALC (1.3.2 vs 1.4.0)
I have downloaded them now and use these newer ones.
Thanks again.
I will try it all later.
So first step is thashing old LILU and run the command you wrote, then use newer LILU, creating plugin folder inside its contents and putting the latest AppleALC inside of it. Then moving all to Library/Estensions. Then running commands described in that post n.9 , after this checking the arguments, all right? Or, the arguments have to be checked and fixed before of installing LILU?
I'm not sure if it makes a difference. But to be sure, add the boot argument after deleting the old installation.
I'm going to try right now. I have read somewhere about "NightShift" . is it something that I need to have in order to make HDMI audio working? Thanks.
It works! Finally on Yosemite! I will try later on ML.
Yes ML has this argument by default, I checked.Note that you don't need the boot argument in Mountain Lion.
... I am not 100% sure if you can use this app to control the volume via keyboard shortkey
But it's worth to have a try, it's free for 14 days.
thunder72fr made a post in the PULSE RX580 ROM study thread about that he can get HDMI audio working properly in Mojave with just Lilu.kext and AppleALC.kext installed.
I further tested it on my own cMP and confirmed it can work. And the process is simpler than HDMIAudio.kext + AppleHDA.kext patch.
However, I have no idea if this method also work on any other cards. If we can confirm this method work on most cards, or figured out the specific conditions, then I think I can put this method in the sticky thread.
So, if anyone looking for HDMI / Displayport audio, please try the following steps.
1) Disable SIP (in my case, I disabled Gatekeeper as well, not sure if make any difference)
2) Make sure HDMIAudio.kext is NOT installed. If it's installed, REMOVE it from the System/Library/Extension folder.
3) Make sure the AppleHDA.kext is NOT patched. If not, revert it (you should always make a backup of the original kext before patch it)
4) Download AppleALC.kext V1.3.2 (Link)
5) Download Lilu.kext V1.2.7 (Link)
6) Download KextUtility V2.6.6 (Link)
7) Unzip everything
8) Open Kext Utility (enter your admin password as required), it will auto perform some maintenance job, let it finish. You will see something like this
9) Drag Lilu.kext into the Kext Utility window. Again, enter password as required, and let it finish its job.
10) Drag AppleALC.kext into Kext Utility windows, enter password as required, and let it finish its job
11) Reboot
N.B For Nvidia card users, you may need WhateverGreen.kext V1.2.3 (Link) as well. If the above steps doesn't work, you may install this kext (via kext utility) and try again.
After test, please leave a post and tell us your graphic card model with details. e.g. Sapphire PULSE RX580 8GB, but not just RX580.
And which OS you are running (with build number).
For Nvidia card users, please also state if you need WhateverGreen.kext to make it work. Million thanks in advance.