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macrumors member
Oct 2, 2018
I noticed a shift in color when tilting the phone on 6 OLED iPhones in a store. I thought this looked bad. I already knew some people would try to downplay it. I can't just have my own opinion can I?

My original question was if the color shift on different viewing angles was normal. You confirmed that, so that's that then.

The warm color temperature is another issue, I do believe some people got a lemon. Others may just be used to bluer screens and should use the phone longer before judging. Not sure how you can tell the difference in this thread, but I wouldn't just bash everyone who says their phone looks bad.

I confirmed nothing. I said with TT on you will notice a “shift” because it makes the screen warmer
Would you like to clarify what you meant by "Mine looks the same as the galaxy with True Tone off."?
You previously mentioned that XSes are deliberately calibrated to be more warm, even with an App developer's confirmation to boot. And if so, how could it look the same as a Galaxy, if XSes are intentionally calibrated to be warmer as compared to other phone's OLEDs?
....and they are intended to be used with True Tone on. That was just a dumb question if you would think before you post


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
I confirmed nothing. I said with TT on you will notice a “shift” because it makes the screen warmer

Not to me, but anyway. We're still talking the shift when tilting the phone right? Because you've confused the two in previous posts.

Same thing applies it does it with every OLED because that is how OLED technology works.

Here, you said every OLED screen has the problem of the color shift when tilting the phone.

....and they are intended to be used with True Tone on. That was just a dumb question if you would think before you post

If the problem only happens with True Tone turned on and that's also the intended usage, then why point it out?

Very confusing. Current view: an OLED iPhone shifts in color temperature when tilting the phone, thus looking at it from an angle. True Tone makes it worse(?).

Whether you'd notice this in real life usage is another topic (I think you do). To me, it looked pretty bad in the store.


macrumors member
Oct 9, 2018
I confirmed nothing. I said with TT on you will notice a “shift” because it makes the screen warmer
....and they are intended to be used with True Tone on. That was just a dumb question if you would think before you post

Well, if you have a perfect iPhone XS you are totally happy with no issue, then good for you. Here, we are discussing about the issues we are facing. And I believe many of us here have seen enough phones to tell a "good" set from a "bad one, and definetely no one here is trying to find fault with their phones if they are fine to begin with. We are not able to sit together in a room to compare our phones with your "perfect" one. Appreciate you to make assumptions and being so combative. Thank you.


macrumors member
Oct 2, 2018
Well, if you have a perfect iPhone XS you are totally happy with no issue, then good for you. Here, we are discussing about the issues we are facing. And I believe many of us here have seen enough phones to tell a "good" set from a "bad one, and definetely no one here is trying to find fault with their phones if they are fine to begin with. We are not able to sit together in a room to compare our phones with your "perfect" one. Appreciate you to make assumptions and being so combative. Thank you.
Lol I compared my phone with at least 10 other iPhones from 3 diff stores. I know what I’m talking about. You are mind ****ing yourself to believe in an imaginary “issue”.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
There's a huge variance in OLED displays some are just more sensitive to it than others.


White balance, degree of tint, shade of tint vary on all OLED screens. This extends will into OLED TV's as well. This is not an imaginary issue, this is what OLED is. There are some better screens out there, took me a bit to get a uniform one. Some are warmer than others, some are colder. IMHO, the most important thing is screen uniformity though. (See the clock app photo.) Anyone who says otherwise clearly hasn't had enough hands on time with OLED displays, but you can use my pics as "proof".
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macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
Lol I compared my phone with at least 10 other iPhones from 3 diff stores. I know what I’m talking about. You are mind ****ing yourself to believe in an imaginary “issue”.
These are not imaginary issues. Stop attacking people and trolling.

All OLED phones shift to some degree from white to either blue / yellow / pink or a combo of those when tilting the screen. This is a separate issue from the yellow screen tint people are talking about here.

Some phones are abnormally warm and yellow tinted when viewed head on with TT off. This is a defect and many of us here have experienced it. That’s what this thread is about. If you haven’t experienced it, great. Others have and come here for support / comparisons. No need to bash people.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 12, 2010
Would you like to clarify what you meant by "Mine looks the same as the galaxy with True Tone off."?
You previously mentioned that XSes are deliberately calibrated to be more warm, even with an App developer's confirmation to boot. And if so, how could it look the same as a Galaxy, if XSes are intentionally calibrated to be warmer as compared to other phone's OLEDs?
Lol people claim intentional calibration every year. Yet the XR has a flawless color calibration and it was released after the xs. It’s just poor qc is all. Amazing what people convince themselves of.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
Lol people claim intentional calibration every year. Yet the XR has a flawless color calibration and it was released after the xs. It’s just poor qc is all. Amazing what people convince themselves of.
It likely is intentional. XS is closer to 6500K standard where the XR is around 7000K. Reference is 6500K. That said the 7000K will have bluer (arguably nicer whites) but less natural whites. There’s been a few analysis on the displays already. I'd say most people would prefer a bluer white though..

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macrumors 68020
Jul 12, 2010
It likely is intentional. XS is closer to 6500K standard where the XR is around 7000K. Reference is 6500K. That said the 7000K will have bluer (arguably nicer whites) but less natural whites. There’s been a few analysis on the displays already. I'd say most people would prefer a bluer white though..

View attachment 803323

Many XS phones are way more yellow than 6500k, thats been discussed ad naseum and why this thread exists.
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macrumors member
Mar 22, 2010
Out of all 8 maxes I have gone though, they all had yellow tints. All varied with different build dates. Some had other issues then just yellow so that’s really why I got to 8. I think you just make a decision to deal with it or go back to your old phone. For me I just applied the filter which made it less yellow than my X. I am happy for the.l next 11 months :)


macrumors 68020
Jul 12, 2010
Out of all 8 maxes I have gone though, they all had yellow tints. All varied with different build dates. Some had other issues then just yellow so that’s really why I got to 8. I think you just make a decision to deal with it or go back to your old phone. For me I just applied the filter which made it less yellow than my X. I am happy for the.l next 11 months :)

I see this every year too. So when does the “next 11 months” ever end? Demand a phone that meets your expectations for the now.


macrumors member
Oct 9, 2018
Lol I compared my phone with at least 10 other iPhones from 3 diff stores. I know what I’m talking about. You are mind ****ing yourself to believe in an imaginary “issue”.

Oh yes, we got your point. You can now either stop wasting your own time using your dumb••• and mind•••••• language or continue entertaining us. I could stoop as low as you to say that maybe you need your c•••eyes checked or go around the world comparing more sets in different stores.

As far as I'm concern, I DO NOT have an issue with the iPhone XS bring warmer compared to other models.
My only issue is with the inconsistent seen temperature and colour shifts on tilts among iPhone XS the same model.
That's poor QC or too-wide a variance to be deemed acceptable.
No one is purposefully trying to find fault with our phones.
Oh yes, we got your point. You can now either stop wasting your own time using your dumb••• and mind•••••• language or continue entertaining us. I could stoop as low as you to say that maybe you need your c•••eyes checked or go around the world comparing more sets in different stores.

As far as I'm concern, I DO NOT have an issue with the iPhone XS bring warmer compared to other models.
My only issue is with the inconsistent seen temperature and colour shifts on tilts among iPhone XS the same model.
That's poor QC or too-wide a variance to be deemed acceptable.
No one is purposefully trying to find fault with our phones.

And here is a quote by yourself on another thread started by yourself:

Yea, problem is that changing the hue is not fixing the problem. Need a color temp adjustment slider...there use to be one in old iOS's. I talked with Apple and they said it was intended to be warmer because of the eye my opinion that is a load of crap because there is so much variance floating around right now. It would have been better to allow everyone to adjust the temp of the phone to their liking...2700k up to 6500k.

Now just buzz off would you.
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macrumors member
Oct 2, 2018
There's a huge variance in OLED displays some are just more sensitive to it than others.

View attachment 803296
View attachment 803298
View attachment 803299

White balance, degree of tint, shade of tint vary on all OLED screens. This extends will into OLED TV's as well. This is not an imaginary issue, this is what OLED is. There are some better screens out there, took me a bit to get a uniform one. Some are warmer than others, some are colder. IMHO, the most important thing is screen uniformity though. (See the clock app photo.) Anyone who says otherwise clearly hasn't had enough hands on time with OLED displays, but you can use my pics as "proof".

lol. There is no difference between any of those phones. Plus you are trying to make a standpoint in this discussion and dont even know how to take a proper photo in low light conditions or adjust the balance and WP of the camera so it doesnt alter what the screen actually looks like. So you pics have no "proof". Like I said show me some reputable news sources reporting this "issue" and that will be your proof. But guess what? There are none other than this one thread on one forum website. You are trying to act like this is bendgate which was a very real issue and was bigger than a small minority that sits on a forum website.
These are not imaginary issues. Stop attacking people and trolling.

All OLED phones shift to some degree from white to either blue / yellow / pink or a combo of those when tilting the screen. This is a separate issue from the yellow screen tint people are talking about here.

Some phones are abnormally warm and yellow tinted when viewed head on with TT off. This is a defect and many of us here have experienced it. That’s what this thread is about. If you haven’t experienced it, great. Others have and come here for support / comparisons. No need to bash people.

They are imaginary issues. What is not imaginary is this new gen society where people let everything offend them and believe they are being "attacked". Lol, grow up. Like I said show me a source like the Verge that would report this "issue" that is so widespread (in your mind). There is a reason why if you google this only 3 websites come up with the "issue" and this website being the most prominent, which is not saying much.
Lol people claim intentional calibration every year. Yet the XR has a flawless color calibration and it was released after the xs. It’s just poor qc is all. Amazing what people convince themselves of.

flawless huh? Is that why there are posts on "yellow tint" iphone XRs? Lol, Kre you are full of yourself. You make a stmt like all XRs are perfectly calibrated (when according to professional machines they are not as good as the XS) and then you say XSs have calibration issues. You are comparing a LCD screen to an OLED. Its not poor QC. Amazing how you have convinced yourself that the XR is better. LAWL


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
They are imaginary issues. What is not imaginary is this new gen society where people let everything offend them and believe they are being "attacked". Lol, grow up. Like I said show me a source like the Verge that would report this "issue" that is so widespread (in your mind). There is a reason why if you google this only 3 websites come up with the "issue" and this website being the most prominent, which is not saying much.

There absolutely is variance in off angle shift among displays, some can be abnormal. So many people complained about it with the X which led to Apple’s own website stating that color shift is inherent to OLED.

Here’s an old discussion on Apple forums about X screen having yellow tint.

Just Google search “iPhone yellow tint” and several hits come up. There are results from OSX Daily, Cult of MAC, BGR, Reddit, dating back to the iPhone 5. Whether those are up to your Verge “standard” is up to you. They’ve been accused of being Apple fanboys at various times, like Engadget. I don’t believe everything that the media or Apple tells me. If you do, cool.

You are correct that most people wouldn’t notice these things. The ones who do notice comment here and elsewhere. No need to come here and troll people for posting about it.


macrumors newbie
Nov 1, 2018
There seem to be 3 issues:

  1. "Yellow screen". OLED iPhones screens perceived as more 'yellow' than LCD or even other OLED iPhones. This is subjective because it requires looking at both phones at the same time. Some argue that yellower is more 'correct' and was intended by apple. I feel like this is not a big issue in real life because most people look at only one phone at the same time and get used to what is 'true' white.
  2. "Off-angle shift". There is a strong color shift when tilting or looking at the screen off angle. This seems to be by-design and acknowledged by apple as nature of OLED.
  3. "Non uniform screen". Screens has color shift when looking straight at it. IMHO this is the most important issue. It varies from unit to unit and is clearly visible in apps like mail, notes and settings. It usually goes from pinkish to yellowish from top to bottom or vice versa. NightShift and TrueTone make it more noticeable. Max (taller) screens make it more noticeable. I tried multiple units and settled on the one where it seems less pronounced. It is still visible and is very annoying. I wish there was an LCD version of XS Max.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 12, 2010
lol. There is no difference between any of those phones. Plus you are trying to make a standpoint in this discussion and dont even know how to take a proper photo in low light conditions or adjust the balance and WP of the camera so it doesnt alter what the screen actually looks like. So you pics have no "proof". Like I said show me some reputable news sources reporting this "issue" and that will be your proof. But guess what? There are none other than this one thread on one forum website. You are trying to act like this is bendgate which was a very real issue and was bigger than a small minority that sits on a forum website.

They are imaginary issues. What is not imaginary is this new gen society where people let everything offend them and believe they are being "attacked". Lol, grow up. Like I said show me a source like the Verge that would report this "issue" that is so widespread (in your mind). There is a reason why if you google this only 3 websites come up with the "issue" and this website being the most prominent, which is not saying much.

flawless huh? Is that why there are posts on "yellow tint" iphone XRs? Lol, Kre you are full of yourself. You make a stmt like all XRs are perfectly calibrated (when according to professional machines they are not as good as the XS) and then you say XSs have calibration issues. You are comparing a LCD screen to an OLED. Its not poor QC. Amazing how you have convinced yourself that the XR is better. LAWL

I never said all have a perfect calibration. As you point out my first one was off. But it seems like a very very small amount of defect on the XR this year. I got another one and it’s gorgeous. The XS is much tougher to get a correct calibration this year.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
lol. There is no difference between any of those phones. Plus you are trying to make a standpoint in this discussion and dont even know how to take a proper photo in low light conditions or adjust the balance and WP of the camera so it doesnt alter what the screen actually looks like. So you pics have no "proof". Like I said show me some reputable news sources reporting this "issue" and that will be your proof. But guess what? There are none other than this one thread on one forum website. You are trying to act like this is bendgate which was a very real issue and was bigger than a small minority that sits on a forum website.

They are imaginary issues. What is not imaginary is this new gen society where people let everything offend them and believe they are being "attacked". Lol, grow up. Like I said show me a source like the Verge that would report this "issue" that is so widespread (in your mind). There is a reason why if you google this only 3 websites come up with the "issue" and this website being the most prominent, which is not saying much.

flawless huh? Is that why there are posts on "yellow tint" iphone XRs? Lol, Kre you are full of yourself. You make a stmt like all XRs are perfectly calibrated (when according to professional machines they are not as good as the XS) and then you say XSs have calibration issues. You are comparing a LCD screen to an OLED. Its not poor QC. Amazing how you have convinced yourself that the XR is better. LAWL
You're absolutely ridiculous and I question whether or not you have ever even used multiple or even a single OLED device. I work with these devices for living and see the variances every day. The pictures are accurate including the white balance and exposure but nice assumption?? YES it was taken with a poor camera but it easily depicts what is visible with the eye. Who are you to question what it looks like in person? Maybe you should get your eyes checked if you don't notice any difference in that comparison. (AND if the exposure and WB were off, you would still be able to notice there are variances between all the devices.) Or better yet, how about you do some research on OLED technology if you think there are no variances between panels. (Tint, uniformity, white balance.) This is not an Apple-only issue either this extends to panels on Samsung, Google, LG, devices.

We aren't here to educate you and clearly you need to do some research on your own. You couldn't have implied more that you're unfamiliar with the technology. "Screen uniformity" "tinting" on OLEDs is an imaginary issue? You crack me up. Unless you're nearly blind, you can see uniformity issues on all OLED devices as easily captured in my pictures. Smh, typical apple oblivious apple fanboy here who thinks everything Apple does is flawless. Someone needs to give you a reality check. And maybe, just maybe before you start speaking on the forums, you should understand what you're talking about. Here's a tip to start you out...start searching on google "OLED screen uniformity" or "OLED Dirty Screen Effect". Happy researching.
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Sep 21, 2008
lol. There is no difference between any of those phones. Plus you are trying to make a standpoint in this discussion and dont even know how to take a proper photo in low light conditions or adjust the balance and WP of the camera so it doesnt alter what the screen actually looks like. So you pics have no "proof". Like I said show me some reputable news sources reporting this "issue" and that will be your proof. But guess what? There are none other than this one thread on one forum website. You are trying to act like this is bendgate which was a very real issue and was bigger than a small minority that sits on a forum website.

Sorry but every one of those screens is different. Is it because of how the photo is taken or if the screen actually has an issue can't be answered. All I can say is, every single one is different.

Pink, yellow (warm), warm, somewhat normal.

Is what I see.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2018
Even I am facing this issue it’s not very yellow but warmer tint and if I tilt the phone down a little then it perfect white. Turn tone and night shift is off.

After doing a lot of testing I noticed few things.

1. When I turn on and turn off the True Tone display it go to perfect white then slowly warmer yellow tint appears just like in 3 seconds.

2. Under white light yellow tint is there but when I put the phone under yellow bulb light the whites are back there is no warmer tint. And sometimes outside in sun I don’t notice this warm tint.

I feel this might be a True Tone bug. Maybe it is not getting turned off properly.


macrumors member
Oct 2, 2018
There absolutely is variance in off angle shift among displays, some can be abnormal. So many people complained about it with the X which led to Apple’s own website stating that color shift is inherent to OLED.

Here’s an old discussion on Apple forums about X screen having yellow tint.

Just Google search “iPhone yellow tint” and several hits come up. There are results from OSX Daily, Cult of MAC, BGR, Reddit, dating back to the iPhone 5. Whether those are up to your Verge “standard” is up to you. They’ve been accused of being Apple fanboys at various times, like Engadget. I don’t believe everything that the media or Apple tells me. If you do, cool.

You are correct that most people wouldn’t notice these things. The ones who do notice comment here and elsewhere. No need to come here and troll people for posting about it.

People thought the shift was an “issue” with the phone when it was declared it was normal for OLED phones so you just proved my point. You think it’s an issue when it’s not. All of those sites are low tier forums. Reddit? Really? That’s your source? LOL. If the creator of a product tells me this is how it should work because that was the way it was designed I would believe it.
There seem to be 3 issues:

  1. "Yellow screen". OLED iPhones screens perceived as more 'yellow' than LCD or even other OLED iPhones. This is subjective because it requires looking at both phones at the same time. Some argue that yellower is more 'correct' and was intended by apple. I feel like this is not a big issue in real life because most people look at only one phone at the same time and get used to what is 'true' white.
  2. "Off-angle shift". There is a strong color shift when tilting or looking at the screen off angle. This seems to be by-design and acknowledged by apple as nature of OLED.
  3. "Non uniform screen". Screens has color shift when looking straight at it. IMHO this is the most important issue. It varies from unit to unit and is clearly visible in apps like mail, notes and settings. It usually goes from pinkish to yellowish from top to bottom or vice versa. NightShift and TrueTone make it more noticeable. Max (taller) screens make it more noticeable. I tried multiple units and settled on the one where it seems less pronounced. It is still visible and is very annoying. I wish there was an LCD version of XS Max.
You obviously didn’t give it enough time to compare. If you hand went a couple days without looking at another phone and then compared the LCD to the OLED you would see how **** the LD screen is
I never said all have a perfect calibration. As you point out my first one was off. But it seems like a very very small amount of defect on the XR this year. I got another one and it’s gorgeous. The XS is much tougher to get a correct calibration this year.
You act as if you are a profesional on this matter and did some internal case study. Just because you saw 2-3 XRs you are convinced enough that the majority is the same.


macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2018
People thought the shift was an “issue” with the phone when it was declared it was normal for OLED phones so you just proved my point. You think it’s an issue when it’s not. All of those sites are low tier forums. Reddit? Really? That’s your source? LOL. If the creator of a product tells me this is how it should work because that was the way it was designed I would believe it.
You obviously didn’t give it enough time to compare. If you hand went a couple days without looking at another phone and then compared the LCD to the OLED you would see how **** the LD screen is

I haven’t used LCD in ages. Im comparing this with HTC U11 which is OLED screen. It never had this problem.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
People thought the shift was an “issue” with the phone when it was declared it was normal for OLED phones so you just proved my point. You think it’s an issue when it’s not. All of those sites are low tier forums. Reddit? Really? That’s your source? LOL. If the creator of a product tells me this is how it should work because that was the way it was designed I would believe it.

I cited other pages aside from Reddit. Reddit and other forums can be inaccurate, sure. But they also have photos and comments by actual users of devices, not paid reviewers and shills. Because the Verge is always accurate and impartial...really, that's your source? Again, if you believe everything Apple loyalists and Apple itself tells you, good for you.

OLED shift is normal I've never said it wasn't!! No one here is saying OLED shift is a defect. What is not normal, is the dramatic color shift that still occurs in some iPhone XS. Those are defective phones. What also isn't normal is very yellow tint when viewing head on with TT off, that goes away at the slightest tilt of the phone. This happens on most XS I've seen in stores. I just received a OnePlus 6T and it has less color shift than my XS, it has none of the issues people here complain about.

You're over the top insulting people. Bringing into the discussion what other users do for a living (I see that part of your latest post was either edited or removed). This is a tech forum man, you know nothing of anyone here. I'm done responding to your nonsense. You should be banned from this site for taking personal shots at other people.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 12, 2010
People thought the shift was an “issue” with the phone when it was declared it was normal for OLED phones so you just proved my point. You think it’s an issue when it’s not. All of those sites are low tier forums. Reddit? Really? That’s your source? LOL. If the creator of a product tells me this is how it should work because that was the way it was designed I would believe it.
You obviously didn’t give it enough time to compare. If you hand went a couple days without looking at another phone and then compared the LCD to the OLED you would see how **** the LD screen is
You act as if you are a profesional on this matter and did some internal case study. Just because you saw 2-3 XRs you are convinced enough that the majority is the same.

If shift is normal for OLEDs, then OLEDs are 100% inferior to LCDs. Full stop. Of course, many objective thinkers whos thought patterns arent controlled by marketing already knew this.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
Even I am facing this issue it’s not very yellow but warmer tint and if I tilt the phone down a little then it perfect white. Turn tone and night shift is off.

After doing a lot of testing I noticed few things.

1. When I turn on and turn off the True Tone display it go to perfect white then slowly warmer yellow tint appears just like in 3 seconds.

2. Under white light yellow tint is there but when I put the phone under yellow bulb light the whites are back there is no warmer tint. And sometimes outside in sun I don’t notice this warm tint.

I feel this might be a True Tone bug. Maybe it is not getting turned off properly.
I think I've seen what you are describing. There are random times when I enable TT and it makes the screen whiter or cooler. It's like a bizarro TT where disabling it makes the screen warmer, when it should be the other way around. When I disable TT, the screen will then get warmer. It's so hard to explain but it feels like a TT bug when it happens. I didn't experience this with the 8 or X, just the XS.


macrumors 68040
Apr 23, 2013
If shift is normal for OLEDs, then OLEDs are 100% inferior to LCDs. Full stop. Of course, many objective thinkers whos thought patterns arent controlled by marketing already knew this.

This just shows how blind your prejudices are. Any real objective thinker understands all display technologies have pros and cons. It sounds like you have fallen for your own marketing hype.
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