Couldn’t agree with your post more.You make some great points and I ultimately agree. But sometimes with frivolous, luxury items (which all of the Hermès stuff is, IMO) it’s a matter of “I want that” as opposed to “hey, this purchase makes sense”. If I thought long and hard about it, I could probably talk myself out of buying anything Hermès Apple Watch related ever again. 😆
In the grand scheme of things, spending hundreds of dollars (after selling my S6) on something that brings me joy now >> waiting a year+ for a purchase that makes sense. And yes, Apple loves consumers like me lol.
I sell the previous version each year at 50-60% of the original price. Plus tax deductions. I don’t end up spending that much to upgrade.
I enjoy the Hermès leather bands and watch faces, and it’s a luxury item. Luxury items are never logical purchases.