Anyone else here got the Ultra and can't decide between Ultra and S7? or keep both? I've moved my cellular plan to the Ultra, and I will be using it for a few days to help me decide. So far I've noticed that the complications in the new Ultra faces are small and aren't easy to read because the font size is also small in the complication. I have Dynamic Type on maximum. The good thing is the Ultra is not as thick or as big or as heavy as I thought it would be. If I keep the Ultra, I will miss Lucky Horse.
If you have decided to keep both, which AW will you have the cellular on? I guess if I keep both AWs, I will keep cellular on the Ultra because I would more likely exercise/work out while wearing the Ultra with no iPhone.
Complicating matters

even though I have all SSS lug straps, I'm now intrigued by the Darth Vader SBSS S8 Hermés . . . if I ordered it now I probably won't get it until December, so maybe next year I'll order the SBSS, but then again Apple Hermés may decide to discontinue the SBSS.