One. The cheapest you can buy today. I keep it by my side to draw terrible sketches (sometimes nsfw), but it's actually helping me getting better at drawing than your average 6 years old kid.
Also to watch yt and netflix on the bed or in the kitchen, 'cause my mbp battery is almost dead. Now, IF ONLY that damed yt app would stop turning on subtitles every time...
I don't plan to use it for much else.
Also, that's my second tablet in 10 years. The first one was a Nexus 7, that horrible piece of garbage that infamously became slow and unuseable after a few months, but nobody cared 'cause it was Google's. If the same happened to any Apple product we would have had dozens of class actions and people would still be mad at Apple. Even worse, I bought TWO of them, after they broke into my house and stole the first one, but that was before it started to show the problem...