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Well a lot of videos that I like to watch in YouTube are apparently in flash and give me the message that I must have Adobe Flash installed in order to watch them.

Are you trying to view them in safari, because all the Videos on YouTube are shown using flash
However you should be able to view all the videos through the YouTube app
I wish I could watch PBS and Charlie Rose but come to think of it, I've tried watching those programs on my computer and I've had to turn them off anyway because my computer overheats after the first few minutes.

So, no I don't care as I was never able to watch a full episode anyway.
Are you trying to view them in safari, because all the Videos on YouTube are shown using flash
However you should be able to view all the videos through the YouTube app

Yeah I know that the ones from the YouTube app aren't in Flash but the selection is very small compared to what YouTube offers in Flash. Thus many times a video I want to watch from YouTube is not available for watching on the iPad.
I was just wondering how much of a hindrance people are finding it to not have flash on the iPad? I sort of know what flash is (moving thingys right?), but I don't really know what/which kind of websites use it and how common it is, so I don't know if I'd miss it. I browse the internet on my iPhone and the only odd 'holes' I've noticed have been adverts on webpages. Can someone enlighten me a bit, maybe give me an example of flash? (You can tell I don't do the whole technology thing that much....sorry if this seems utterly obvious to everyone else!)

Never miss it.
I don't miss flash now that the iPhone will have flash. :p :D

As for the other kind of Flash, don't miss it at all. Very glad that Apple went with the decision not to include Flash.

On those very rare occasions that I want to view something via Flash, I can always use a Mac/PC.
I'm kinda bummed I couldn't see the Dominos order progress bar when I ordered a pizza online tonight. It did not dimish my enjoyment of the pie, though.
Thank you for that excellent synapsis. It looks to me like you think Steve Jobs is out of line claiming Flash being out of date and inefficient, but what Steve says is true. Flash is very poorly coded and designed, and really is outdated. Every time I have any problem with my Mac, when Safari quits unexpectedly and stuff like that, it is always because of me visiting a site full of Flash and it ruins everything.

As for Flash's absence on the iPad I am glad about it. It doesn't have the chance to crash my iPad.

Actually, I agree with Jobs. Although I am not an expert in HTML code, I do think what he says is true, lets be honest, Apple is successful for many reasons, and R&D is certainly one of them. I never got on the HULU wagon, i know i know, I am missing a lot. But I have no use for it really as I have many movies and shows already on my computer, ripped etc. I didn't mean to come across as hating on Jobs, so I apologize if it seemed that way. And to be honest I haven't been on any sites yet (on my Ipad) that have hindered my experience because of the lack of Flash.
Miss who now?

Just kidding :D I miss him dearly :(


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I don't miss Flash at all on my iPad. Most credible sites that use Flash have an iPad version of the site that uses HTML5 in its place.
I had removed flash from my computer in an effort to get away from all the stupid moving ads and auto launching videos on my local newspaper's site. I've reinstalled it on my regular computer since I got the iPad, as I find I now do most of my web browsing from the iPad. So, no, I guess I don't miss it.
I miss it. A lot of game trailers and such require it. Some websites front page is all flash and you can't get link to click without it. So it's very frustrating for me.
Not really at all. I disable flash on my laptop since it KILLS battery life. It litterally slashes battery life on my MacBook Pro in half when there are flash banners for example.
espn mobile still uses flash, so no highlights

many other websites still use flash

kids can't play miniclip games among others

my 15 year old bought the EVO, he is rubbing flash content in my face constantly.

Flash is still everywhere, it is real, apple zealots are ignoring this simple fact.

I don't know I have click to flash on my mbp, and in the last three weeks I think I have clicked once.

Flash is a lot of places, but unnecessary and not useful in almost all of them.
I miss it and think that the iPad/iPhone would be much better with it.

Just today I was visiting a restaurant's website to check their hours, but I couldn't see anything except that box which indicated the site was using Flash to display their content.
espn mobile still uses flash, so no highlights

many other websites still use flash

kids can't play miniclip games among others

my 15 year old bought the EVO, he is rubbing flash content in my face constantly.

Flash is still everywhere, it is real, apple zealots are ignoring this simple fact.

Thanks for pointing out a simple fact...

Kids and 15 year olds are the target demographic for Flash. Most adults can get along just fine without it. :D
I miss having a choice whether I can run flash or not. The iPad is a pretty snazzy device and I've enjoyed using it but I'm not opposed to buying another similar device with the ability to give me that choice of flash or not.
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