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Remember, Flash was really all about Vector Graphic Animation.

It just so happened that it also became the de-facto standard for video playback.

People seem to forget that Playing video is not all Flash is about.

In fact I'd not be surprised that a large amount of people think that's all that Flash does.

LizKat said:
I'm just about as old as the fricken internet...

Your comment reminded me... I was born on October 29, 1969, the day the first two nodes of ARPANET were connected... So I'm exactly as old as the Internet. :D

I occasionally miss flash, but I'm willing to miss out for now on the off chance that Apple will succeed in killing it.
You can go to the YouTube site and change your account settings to view videos in HTML5 (it was described as a "beta" feature when I did this a couple of months ago, but it seems to work). I don't remember the exact procedure, but it's simple and I think it gives you access to all the content.

Yeah, I did that a while back. Apparently only a few of the videos that I couldn't view before are also offered in html5.
Android slates are going to be tempting alternative devices, not the least because of Flash.

Offering "Full Unrestricted Web Access" Tablet / Slate devices, running on Android and other operating systems, will be a very attractive alternative to the iPad. Freedom of choice is very compelling. Especially when compared to living under "Uncle Steves Dictatorial Limits".
Ok flash is crappola bloaty crashware. I have been a frustrated flas dev for years.

Ok video can be server via simpler means. HTML 5
Games can be delivered via the app store

But as for the web

Look at Disney, any car company, all those great interacive videos, car designers etc all blanklola dull at the moment

Fully interactive stuff is going to take an integrated environment like the flash cs5 application for it to get to mainstream. I am sure people are working on it right now... Adobe will be putting HTML 5 export into flash, they would be nuts not to. I am sure they will keep adding things to the flash player to innovate (and crash) your web experience....but HTML 5 is going to take time. you can do it already in round abound way for timeline based animation in cs5. But it's a bit shonky.

The big question is do those little blue boxes annoy you enough to find out what they are by putting down the iPad and powering up the mac pro?

Me... Not so much. But damn some of the car apps are cool.

Oh and I as a side note I am so happy my last client emailed and asked why their site doesn't show up on their new iPad..... Cos you didn't wanted flash.... And you didn't pay me for nearly 6 months you cheap arse cowboys.
As a mom a young children, we miss flash because we cannot use any of the websites that my kids want or that are recommended by their schools: (the girl scouts website for girls)

While flash often crashes firefox on our MacBook, we never have problems with safari

This has an enormous impact on the functionality of the iPad for us.

Owner of 2 iPhone 3GS
IPad 64g wifi +3G
3 iPod touch 32gig (one for each kid)

Offering "Full Unrestricted Web Access" Tablet / Slate devices, running on Android and other operating systems, will be a very attractive alternative to the iPad. Freedom of choice is very compelling. Especially when compared to living under "Uncle Steves Dictatorial Limits".

What other Android tablet devices ??? The Jo Jo ??? All the reviews I read on the Android phones say it chokes on flash. My friends and coworkers who use Droid and WinMobile phones can't play flash. I have asked them.
I have used their phones and tried. One just got an unlocked and jail broken iPhone and leaves the Droid at home. WHERE IS THE CHOICE YALL SCREAM ABOUT SO MUCH????
As a mom a young children, we miss flash because we cannot use any of the websites that my kids want or that are recommended by their schools: (the girl scouts website for girls)

I hope that you have e-mailed the owners/webmasters of all those sites and told them that you are disappointed, as a mom, that your kids cannot access their content on your iPad or iPod touches. When enough people like yourself have expressed this disappointment, those sites will have the encouragement to offer their content using an open format such as HTML5.
I hope that you have e-mailed the owners/webmasters of all those sites and told them that you are disappointed, as a mom, that your kids cannot access their content on your iPad or iPod touches. When enough people like yourself have expressed this disappointment, those sites will have the encouragement to offer their content using an open format such as HTML5.

Why should they have to change? The content was already established long before the ipad. It makes more sense for apple to simply support flash. It's not going to use any more battery life than HTML5 would. It's like me building a car that can only drive on autobahn quality road way and then expecting the entire US to build new roads for my car. Doesn't work that way.
What other Android tablet devices ??? The Jo Jo ??? All the reviews I read on the Android phones say it chokes on flash. My friends and coworkers who use Droid and WinMobile phones can't play flash. I have asked them.
I have used their phones and tried. One just got an unlocked and jail broken iPhone and leaves the Droid at home. WHERE IS THE CHOICE YALL SCREAM ABOUT SO MUCH????

The Choice everyone is screaming about is...
They want Flash and they want it to work and if they don't get it RIGHT NOW they're gonna have a Tantrum because their Rights are being violated.

Presumably, it's up to Steve Jobs himself to fix Flash so that it actually works and then put it on all the iStuff because it's obviously not Adobe's responsibility to make a product that works.

I miss it a teenie-tiny bit. Like about 1% or so, maybe less. I much prefer that my iPad works well rather than being able to see that one YouTube video that didn't work and turning the poor thing into an iDisaster.

Starting to redesign a couple of sites to be iPad friendly...
Why should they have to change?

Why not?

The content was already established long before the ipad.

I hope you're not saying that content has to remain static and not to pay attention to the changing computing landscape around them.

It makes more sense for apple to simply support flash.

Again, why?

It's not going to use any more battery life than HTML5 would.

I think you have better arguments to use than half truths. With the rise of mobile units, there's going to have to be recoding in some sort of protocol that's more efficient on handhelds, whether it's Flash or HTML5.
I hope that you have e-mailed the owners/webmasters of all those sites and told them that you are disappointed, as a mom, that your kids cannot access their content on your iPad or iPod touches. When enough people like yourself have expressed this disappointment, those sites will have the encouragement to offer their content using an open format such as HTML5.

Good idea. If we had years to wait. But we don't. They'll be grown up by then.

This is why my youngest daughter uses a touchscreen PC. She has access NOW to all her favorite kid's Flash websites.

Those sites can still work on future HTML5 versions. One standard doesn't have to disappear before another one can be started on. There's no reason to penalize current users for political or ivory tower purposes.
Why not?

I hope you're not saying that content has to remain static and not to pay attention to the changing computing landscape around them.

Again, why?

I think you have better arguments to use than half truths. With the rise of mobile units, there's going to have to be recoding in some sort of protocol that's more efficient on handhelds, whether it's Flash or HTML5.

Simply because it's established. The sites were here before this debate began and are working just fine and dandy. Why should they have to change? No matter how many iphones and ipads sell they are still a minority compared to computers accessing the web.
Users don't care what the content is, flash or HTML5, they just want it to work. Yes, in time whatever is more efficient should be used. But it's not for apple to tell everyone else to change just because Jobs has a hissy fit. Easier for apple to just support flash then to try and force the entire web to switch to HTML5 and then screw their customers in the process.

I don't care what is used. I just want the entire web viewable now because it's certainly possible.
My big question is this:

To those who claim they never go to Flash based websites, then why the heck do you care if anyone else does?

It's not like you're dying for those sites to be rewritten in HTML. Otherwise YOU should be writing those webmasters yourself.
Honestly? No. I haven't noticed it at all so I mustn't use a lot of sites that heavily rely on flash. The only one I can think of is my bank website, but I use the app anyhow.
My big question is this:

To those who claim they never go to Flash based websites, then why the heck do you care if anyone else does?

It's not like you're dying for those sites to be rewritten in HTML. Otherwise YOU should be writing those webmasters yourself.

I don't. The OP asked if I'm missing flash and I answered honestly. I honestly don't care either way if Apple implement Flash on their iDevices or not.
Let's be honest here, the answer to keep everyone happy is simple. Just put full flash acceleration into hardware, then it's sorted.

Unless of course as we all suspect there are other political reasons, not technical why it's not in the iPad.

Easy huh?
I dislike the phrasing of the question at hand. Is Flash gone? No. So why would I "miss" it? I assume you meant something more like "What do you think of not having Flash on your iPad?"

The current version of mobile Flash 10.1 (the beta with the pre-release Froyo) has problems. It doesn't support hardware decode so it strains the CPU, increasing heat and power consumption and sometimes has trouble dealing with higher quality content. It presents a scenario where more of a page needs to be loaded, making it slower than a browser without Flash support. Yet, I'd rather have that than none at all, keeping in mind that the current version supports Flash on demand, only loading Flash objects specifically allowed by the user during runtime - really, this is the only usage scenario that makes sense for a mobile device.

I think back to the keynote and the advertisements that proclaimed the iPad as "the best way to experience the web" and yet have to avoid certain sites because they use Flash-driven navigation. I have the 3G model and have on several occasions used it to locate nearby restaurants when traveling. We try to look at their website for more information or a menu, but they use Flash for their site. This happens all the time; nearly every restaurant it seems in my region uses (the much easier to develop for) Flash for interactive content. I try to look up product reviews or check out a live stream from an online community, but they've used a video service or live chat service that isn't supported by the iPad.

Don't get me wrong, I really do like my iPad, but Flash is still very much a part of the current internet. There are certainly valid arguments against using it, but why should that decision be left out of our hands? Android users will be able to install it if they want to, remove it if they don't like it, or not bother with it altogether. If HTML5 really is that much better, what harm is there in at least allowing a choice to include Flash?

Would I miss Flash if it were eliminated entirely? Well, if its successor is installed such that absolutely no loss of functionality, no compromise in available content, then probably not. I care about what I get to see and use rather than the underlying mechanics. If most of you blindly (rather arbitrarily) view a webpage on a computer, you won't care what tool was used to get it there just that it works and you can see it. In lieu of that scenario, damn straight I'll miss it.
In a few months I have iPad, I only encountered one site which I would like to visit on iPad but can not because of flash - Now I think all those talks about flash are useless - regardless of what Steve Jobs or anyone else would say flash would not work satisfactory on iPad for at least a few years if ever. I remember I bought an "Internet Tablet" Nokia N800 a few years ago which was advertised as supporting flash - flash support meant it could display one or two frames on some flash sites before it would hang and would not display the rest of sites at all. This taught me to
a). not hope on satisfactory flash support unless it is a higher-end Windows PC
b). avoid flash sites whenever possible.

Bottom line - would be cool if iPad had a perfect flash support, but it is utopia and it may be better to have no flash support at all rather than have something which does not work on 50% of sites.
espn mobile still uses flash, so no highlights

many other websites still use flash

kids can't play miniclip games among others

my 15 year old bought the EVO, he is rubbing flash content in my face constantly.

Flash is still everywhere, it is real, apple zealots are ignoring this simple fact.

I just went to ESPN mobile on my iPad and clicked play and watched the highlights of the world cup no problem. It is not flash, anyone who put flash in a MOBILE site would be stupid. What mobile phones support flash right now? The EVO4G and Nexus One if you installed Froyo. The Droid does not even have flash yet (coming next month.)

Windows Mobile has some browsers that play flash but it is terrible and choppy unless you have one of the very latest phones, on which it becomes bearable.

The only places where the no flash complaint is valid is if you play flash web games. The only place I have missed anything by not having flash is because they use it for their charts. The rest of the site is fine though. Also Hulu, which will not work on Android unless you spoof the site into thinking you are using a desktop browser.

So no, not missing flash. If all sites that used flash were actually coded well then I might not have a problem with it, but the fact is 90% of sites that use flash use it in a way that kills performance. Restaurant menus should not take up any more than 5% of my CPU cycles, but many do. Flash is great when put into the hands of capable developers, but in most cases it is being put together by people with no other development experience, which hurts its user experience.
One of the best things about my Droid Incredible (even with just the current FlashLite 4) is the ability to look at many restaurant menus that were unavailable to me on all my other devices.

Looking forward to the full Flash 10 mobile. Might not use it that much, but you know what? I'd rather see some things slowly than not at all.
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