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seems to me IH8 would be a great marketing concept for a t-shirt or bumper sticker
be we humans stoped announcing such things in public anymore since social media took over.
i did see a "we the people are....P#ssed on a shirt 4 years ago that made me laugh,
then sad, since that was true.

Using their products over the years i realized that  has annual peaks and dips
as using older ones gets limited by the year.
last summer i only used early intel macs which was 3: a MBA10' MBP'12 and mini '12,
with much success and fun as those out-performed the M1 models internet wise
as i designed a new website, typed a novel and stored cartoons in CYMX and RGB formats.
my surprising aspect was steaming the entire tour d france each day was a better experience on the older intels
since the program safari on the M1 was always stopping since that was to modern
while the older web browser ran perfectly.
fast forward to this year, somehow the MBP13' from 2012 has lost the power to stream like last year
while Mojave wont accept a fresh install of many older programs (CS4) as that did last year.
there are other problems these older intels have that grew since October for a strange reason,
yes adobe and Mozilla is to blame as well as  since that logo is gracing the cover.

what gets me is other companies have taken 's lead in making disposable products.
i cant take off a 2006-09 Campagnolo bottom bracket from the drive side on a bicycle.
the other came off easily with a special removal tool
now i must contact the company either snail mail or telephone to see what i am doing "wrong"
there are no EXACT "u-tub" videos of this part removal process
and their website does not provide any info on this part as well.

there are other companies that practice this disposable method
while preaching sustainability by their hired ad agencies.

we the buyer need to either address these wasteful tactics (ha!) or find other alternatives.
because these large complies like  simply do not care!
I have a Late 2015 27" iMac and just found out that because Apple won't let it upgrade to OSX 13 that I cannot run the current version of TurboTax. I am sure there are many more programs that will also be impacted. Now before you all get on me about this, realize that with my iMac I got the upgraded video card, have the 3TB Fusion Drive and added 32GB of RAM. I have no idea why this can't be allowed to download the newest OS. After thinking about it, I said, maybe I should just get a mini and use this iMac as a monitor, right? Wrong. Apple had a display port on the 2009-2014 iMacs and then removed it in 2015. My iMac runs perfectly and I just can't believe that with all the "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff that Apple won't even let me use this as a monitor.

Now I'm faced with just putting this in the closet to collect dust. This is such a WASTE.

I understand that Apple tests their new software with older Mac's and can see that the system may run slower or have some risks that we don't know about, but how about let us load it and give us a warning that we acknowledge that we are running it at our own risk? Or how about a version that has some of the features turned off? Or how about just using it as a monitor?

Come on Apple.
When a company talks about its green initiative, it's just virtue signaling to get you to feel good about buying your next product.
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Like others have said, you should install OLCP (open core legacy patcher). It is extremely easy to do and you can install the latest MacOs version. I did it for my late 2013 MBP and it works perfectly.
I have a Late 2015 27" iMac and just found out that because Apple won't let it upgrade to OSX 13 that I cannot run the current version of TurboTax. I am sure there are many more programs that will also be impacted. Now before you all get on me about this, realize that with my iMac I got the upgraded video card, have the 3TB Fusion Drive and added 32GB of RAM. I have no idea why this can't be allowed to download the newest OS. After thinking about it, I said, maybe I should just get a mini and use this iMac as a monitor, right? Wrong. Apple had a display port on the 2009-2014 iMacs and then removed it in 2015. My iMac runs perfectly and I just can't believe that with all the "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff that Apple won't even let me use this as a monitor.

Now I'm faced with just putting this in the closet to collect dust. This is such a WASTE.

I understand that Apple tests their new software with older Mac's and can see that the system may run slower or have some risks that we don't know about, but how about let us load it and give us a warning that we acknowledge that we are running it at our own risk? Or how about a version that has some of the features turned off? Or how about just using it as a monitor?

Come on Apple.
Would highly recommend OpenCore Legacy Patcher. I got my old 2014 27” 5K running on the latest OS with it and it runs surprisingly well.
I’m using a 12 year old PC that is still supported by Windows, and in the worst case would be supported until 2032 with the LTSC version. That’s almost 20 years of support. Microsoft has been cutting down on that lately, though.

The issue with macOS is that the yearly new OS versions tend to break compatibility in ways such that it takes significant effort for apps to support many years of macOS versions into the past. This is rarely an issue on Windows.
as I said. 'most' not 'all'

And personally Ive been using Macs since the early 2000's and have never found a piece of software that I use that has flat out stopped working from one version of MacOS to the next.. and IF it did, the company providing the software would have preemptively updated it OR provided a new version (perhaps at a cost) to mitigate the problem.

With MacOS today, I run a version of some financial software that is over 14 years old and as soon as I ran it on my machine, MacOS installed rosetta (its written for intel machines not M versions) and it worked seamlessly.

So, I think the suggestion of the OP, or anyone who blames Apple for this stuff is being somewhat disingenuous.
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Although I would generally steer clear of OCLP, here's one instance where it might prove useful.

Can OCLP work with an EXTERNAL boot drive?
If that's the case, my advice to the OP would be to attempt an OCLP install to an external boot SSD, get it running, and use that from which to do his taxes.

I've never used bootcamp either, but again, that might work for the OP (although I'd consider it to be more trouble than it's worth).

Or... an "emulated Windows solution", such as Parallels.

You folks aren't going to like my final advice to the OP.
Here it is:

That is, without "the help" of a computer program.

This is what I've done, for almost 60 years now.
Still works for me.

I created my own "IRS forms" using a spreadsheet app to "help me along", but up until recently I still wrote out my taxes "by hand" on IRS forms I picked up at the local IRS office.

These days, I download all the forms in pdf format, and "work them up" on the Mac, then print them and (again) "hand-sign" them. And then... mail them in via U.S. Mail.

Up until this year, I still received refunds via physical check, too.
However, the IRS refund was either lost or stolen in the mail last year (took me a while to resolve), so this year (for the very first time in my life) I'm going to try a refund via direct deposit.

I'll be goin' modern, I guess...!
I am mad and Microsoft for their hardware requirements for Windows 11 upgrades. My perfectly capable work PCs, 5-6 years old, cannot be upgraded to Win11. Due to end of W10 support, they need to be thrown away this year.
Another choice is Linux. That will work for me. But I suspect there is no TurboTax for Linux. If there was, it would likely require some very specific version of Linux, so likely also issues/problems.
Great, so we are mad at the two companies dominating OS market and open source software is also not solution.
Not sure there is solution for our madness - is the madness worth it in that case?

Get new Mini M4. It is amazing device, I mean it, you can run both MacOS and Windows 11 (in VM) at the same time and break all speed records - and the base memory of 16GB is perfectly fine for that. There are convertors between different video connectors and USB hubs with various ports, you know?
Just like OCLP for the OP to run the latest macos on his imac, there's plenty of workarounds to get past Microsoft's Windows 11 requirements. I have it running perfectly fine on a 16 year old Core i7 920 from 2009.
I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here and say that it’s not just trying to push new hardware, but holding their entire computing ecosystem to a certain standard of performance, so that their customers get a consistently positive experience. They don’t want tons of 10+ year old macs floating around running the latest OS -slowly-, just because it could in theory. It would be bad for their reputation, and I guess by their math worse than the reputation hit of ending support after ~7 years. Even 1 extra year of OS support is a lot of additional SKUs and compatibility they need to maintain

They also sell a luxury oriented product, and they know that -most- of their customers can afford to upgrade after ~7 years. Why invest tons of capital to maintain OS compatibility for hardware that old, for a small percentage of customers, that will perform increasingly poorly, and potentially damage their reputation? Where do they draw the line? It has to be drawn somewhere…

I’d think most of us would rather those resources go into bug fixes on more recent hardware? But maybe that’s just me

edit: Also in Apple-land, paying for upgrades such as RAM, graphics, etc etc rarely gets you longer OS support. They drop support by model/year typically. I’m curious to see if this changes with Apple Silicon and Pro/Max/Ultra versions of chips, but I’m not betting on it
Agreed. If the OP bought a Windows machine in 2015 it would have long ago been in the trash.
Name any appliance that does more year after year than what it did when released. His Mac does exactly what it was designed to do. It’s not greedy Apple, it’s progress. Don’t like it? Stick with what you bought.
Eh. A random PC desktop from 2015 could easily still run the latest version of TurboTax with no workaroundsies. It's Apple's constant yearly updates and forced obsolescence that caused this problem.
10 years is a good run. Do the OCLP hack or just do your taxes via web browser. Don’t blame Apple for dropping OS upgrade support for a 10 year old machine, blame Intuit for requiring a newer OS version for simple tax software lol. I just do mine via their website, easy peesy and can always log in.
"Do the OCLP hack," is not as easy as you make it appear, and is commonly neither reliable nor stable. It's a crapshoot on a Mac by Mac basis. Not dependable for any serious, income-producing or important work.
I have a Late 2015 27" iMac and just found out that because Apple won't let it upgrade to OSX 13 that I cannot run the current version of TurboTax. I am sure there are many more programs that will also be impacted. Now before you all get on me about this, realize that with my iMac I got the upgraded video card, have the 3TB Fusion Drive and added 32GB of RAM. I have no idea why this can't be allowed to download the newest OS. After thinking about it, I said, maybe I should just get a mini and use this iMac as a monitor, right? Wrong. Apple had a display port on the 2009-2014 iMacs and then removed it in 2015. My iMac runs perfectly and I just can't believe that with all the "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff that Apple won't even let me use this as a monitor.

Now I'm faced with just putting this in the closet to collect dust. This is such a WASTE.

I understand that Apple tests their new software with older Mac's and can see that the system may run slower or have some risks that we don't know about, but how about let us load it and give us a warning that we acknowledge that we are running it at our own risk? Or how about a version that has some of the features turned off? Or how about just using it as a monitor?

Come on Apple.
Opencore legacy patcher will allow you to upgrade the latest version of macOS on unsupported macs
I have a Late 2015 27" iMac and just found out that because Apple won't let it upgrade to OSX 13 that I cannot run the current version of TurboTax. I am sure there are many more programs that will also be impacted. Now before you all get on me about this, realize that with my iMac I got the upgraded video card, have the 3TB Fusion Drive and added 32GB of RAM. I have no idea why this can't be allowed to download the newest OS. After thinking about it, I said, maybe I should just get a mini and use this iMac as a monitor, right? Wrong. Apple had a display port on the 2009-2014 iMacs and then removed it in 2015. My iMac runs perfectly and I just can't believe that with all the "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff that Apple won't even let me use this as a monitor.

Now I'm faced with just putting this in the closet to collect dust. This is such a WASTE.

I understand that Apple tests their new software with older Mac's and can see that the system may run slower or have some risks that we don't know about, but how about let us load it and give us a warning that we acknowledge that we are running it at our own risk? Or how about a version that has some of the features turned off? Or how about just using it as a monitor?

Come on Apple.
A great example how the statement "customer is always right" is outright BS.

A 3rd party software company decides not to support a certain older version of an operating system and the blame is to the company who makes the operating system?

Not to mention the computer is 10 years old and the software is fully functional on the web?

What a world to be alive.
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I had a 2017 iMac Pro, and no illusions about its functionality as it aged to the 7-year mark. Although I complained about its “obsolescence”, I was fully aware of the futility of such a complaint, accepted it, and just traded it in to Apple when I bought a Mac Mini M4 Pro and second Mac Studio Monitor to replace the iMac Pro. That Mac Mini runs all current software and Apple “features”, and is vastly superior in every way.

By all means, rail and complain against Apple’s marketing decisions and the unfairness of advancing technology, but realize that you have a 10 year-old computer that is non-current and only semi-functional…and move on.
I have a Late 2015 27" iMac and just found out that because Apple won't let it upgrade to OSX 13 that I cannot run the current version of TurboTax. I am sure there are many more programs that will also be impacted. Now before you all get on me about this, realize that with my iMac I got the upgraded video card, have the 3TB Fusion Drive and added 32GB of RAM. I have no idea why this can't be allowed to download the newest OS. After thinking about it, I said, maybe I should just get a mini and use this iMac as a monitor, right? Wrong. Apple had a display port on the 2009-2014 iMacs and then removed it in 2015. My iMac runs perfectly and I just can't believe that with all the "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff that Apple won't even let me use this as a monitor.

Now I'm faced with just putting this in the closet to collect dust. This is such a WASTE.

I understand that Apple tests their new software with older Mac's and can see that the system may run slower or have some risks that we don't know about, but how about let us load it and give us a warning that we acknowledge that we are running it at our own risk? Or how about a version that has some of the features turned off? Or how about just using it as a monitor?

Come on Apple.
I’ve never used the app, just done it on their web page.
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By all means, rail and complain against Apple’s marketing decisions and the unfairness of advancing technology, but realize that you have a 10 year-old computer that is non-current and only semi-functional…and move on.
my 2012 macbook pro 13" running mountain lion OSX
that I am typing on now seems to be working much better
than the M1 2020 air, Monterey.


well i can open text edit files, visit a certain news webpage, play FLAC music
and adjust the screen brightness without closing the lid.
these 4 things that the macbook air 2020 m1 cannot perform!

so much for using newer macbooks, eh?
I do indeed run my own business, and I file my own taxes online (lots of clients, lots of expenses, lots to report, etc.). It's more time consuming than a person with no deductions and one employer, but it works just fine
Hot take: be angry at the IRS not Apple.

Here in the UK we have a nice web site you just plug all the crap into and it works it out for you. And it handles all the weird complexities around tax quite happily. Don't have to install anything or use any third party software.
We have a similar set up in Canada. I listened to an accountant recently who told us that the IRS website is miserable and difficult to use for filing tax returns, or even just finding information, and that we (filing in Canada) were very fortunate by comparison. Now that the IRS is to be significantly de-funded by the new administration I expect this situation will change 😆.
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my 2012 macbook pro 13" running mountain lion OSX
that I am typing on now seems to be working much better
than the M1 2020 air, Monterey.


well i can open text edit files, visit a certain news webpage, play FLAC music
and adjust the screen brightness without closing the lid.
these 4 things that the macbook air 2020 m1 cannot perform!

so much for using newer macbooks, eh?
Well, I guess that conclusively proves that ancient technology is better than current technology 🤣.

Good luck with that.
It's frustrating to see all these perfectly functional computers being declared landfill scrap for no real reason than money.

Windows is much, much better than Mac for being able to run legacy software. I can still open my 2002 copy of Photoshop 7 on the latest Windows 10 build, going on 23 years later.

Mac's annual revisions have broken lots of software over the years, sadly.

OCLP should work to give you more time with your machine. Otherwise, you could dual-boot with Windows, 10 but Windows 11 requires similar workarounds as Mac since Microsoft arbitrarily declared older CPUs inelligible. It's not as involved though -- I think it's a pretty minor registry tweak or something.
My BF is a scientist and uses some software that has not been made compatible with the MacOS version that came with his new MBP. These yearly updates seem to be good for marketing but quite negative for actual professionals running specific software. I understand the software developer should be in charge of updating their software to make it compatible, but it's a hurdle for everyone's workflow.
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I have a Late 2015 27" iMac and just found out that because Apple won't let it upgrade to OSX 13 that I cannot run the current version of TurboTax. I am sure there are many more programs that will also be impacted. Now before you all get on me about this, realize that with my iMac I got the upgraded video card, have the 3TB Fusion Drive and added 32GB of RAM. I have no idea why this can't be allowed to download the newest OS. After thinking about it, I said, maybe I should just get a mini and use this iMac as a monitor, right? Wrong. Apple had a display port on the 2009-2014 iMacs and then removed it in 2015. My iMac runs perfectly and I just can't believe that with all the "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff that Apple won't even let me use this as a monitor.

Now I'm faced with just putting this in the closet to collect dust. This is such a WASTE.

I understand that Apple tests their new software with older Mac's and can see that the system may run slower or have some risks that we don't know about, but how about let us load it and give us a warning that we acknowledge that we are running it at our own risk? Or how about a version that has some of the features turned off? Or how about just using it as a monitor?

Come on Apple.
Sorry but this is tech, which advances every year. Anyone with a 9+ year old box needs to not whine about not being able to run the latest apps or OS. Welcome to tech.

I too am mad at Apple about some things [killing MacProject then Aperture!] but I am glad that Apple moves forward with its tech. In fact I insist on it.
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