seems to me IH8 would be a great marketing concept for a t-shirt or bumper sticker
be we humans stoped announcing such things in public anymore since social media took over.
i did see a "we the people are....P#ssed on a shirt 4 years ago that made me laugh,
then sad, since that was true.
Using their products over the years i realized that has annual peaks and dips
as using older ones gets limited by the year.
last summer i only used early intel macs which was 3: a MBA10' MBP'12 and mini '12,
with much success and fun as those out-performed the M1 models internet wise
as i designed a new website, typed a novel and stored cartoons in CYMX and RGB formats.
my surprising aspect was steaming the entire tour d france each day was a better experience on the older intels
since the program safari on the M1 was always stopping since that was to modern
while the older web browser ran perfectly.
fast forward to this year, somehow the MBP13' from 2012 has lost the power to stream like last year
while Mojave wont accept a fresh install of many older programs (CS4) as that did last year.
there are other problems these older intels have that grew since October for a strange reason,
yes adobe and Mozilla is to blame as well as since that logo is gracing the cover.
what gets me is other companies have taken 's lead in making disposable products.
i cant take off a 2006-09 Campagnolo bottom bracket from the drive side on a bicycle.
the other came off easily with a special removal tool
now i must contact the company either snail mail or telephone to see what i am doing "wrong"
there are no EXACT "u-tub" videos of this part removal process
and their website does not provide any info on this part as well.
there are other companies that practice this disposable method
while preaching sustainability by their hired ad agencies.
we the buyer need to either address these wasteful tactics (ha!) or find other alternatives.
because these large complies like simply do not care!
be we humans stoped announcing such things in public anymore since social media took over.
i did see a "we the people are....P#ssed on a shirt 4 years ago that made me laugh,
then sad, since that was true.
Using their products over the years i realized that has annual peaks and dips
as using older ones gets limited by the year.
last summer i only used early intel macs which was 3: a MBA10' MBP'12 and mini '12,
with much success and fun as those out-performed the M1 models internet wise
as i designed a new website, typed a novel and stored cartoons in CYMX and RGB formats.
my surprising aspect was steaming the entire tour d france each day was a better experience on the older intels
since the program safari on the M1 was always stopping since that was to modern
while the older web browser ran perfectly.
fast forward to this year, somehow the MBP13' from 2012 has lost the power to stream like last year
while Mojave wont accept a fresh install of many older programs (CS4) as that did last year.
there are other problems these older intels have that grew since October for a strange reason,
yes adobe and Mozilla is to blame as well as since that logo is gracing the cover.
what gets me is other companies have taken 's lead in making disposable products.
i cant take off a 2006-09 Campagnolo bottom bracket from the drive side on a bicycle.
the other came off easily with a special removal tool
now i must contact the company either snail mail or telephone to see what i am doing "wrong"
there are no EXACT "u-tub" videos of this part removal process
and their website does not provide any info on this part as well.
there are other companies that practice this disposable method
while preaching sustainability by their hired ad agencies.
we the buyer need to either address these wasteful tactics (ha!) or find other alternatives.
because these large complies like simply do not care!