I´d consider buying iPad if... I wasn't a closed-minded, arrogant troll whose only response to those who disagree with him is to call them "apologists".
I made an valid point of criticism and because of that some close-minded apologists started calling me a troll, because they didn´t have any valid counter arguments, like yourself. Only after that I started calling them apologists. And you´ve just contributed absolutely nothing for the apologists side, but instead made a troll of yourself and made the other apologists look even worse.
People who see iPad as a lame product = Trolls
People who see iPad as a great product = Apologists
What´s the freaking difference?
Now can we discuss this without calling each other trolls and apologists?
And it´s funny that the apologists always pull out the "troll" card first. I guess they know deep down that we "trolls" are right.
And yet you'll find people who think not only that St.Anger is a good record, but one of their BEST because it was different.
People have different opinions, that's fine. That doesn't mean that they are a fanboy or an apologist, just that, TO THEM, it is good.
We can't say anything about the iPad at this time because we don't know how it will do in the market, we don't know if the masses accept it or not. Wait a year, and THEN we can discuss if it is a bad product or not. If it doesn't sell, it was a bad product, if it is successful, it wasn't.
Hondas may not be nearly as good as a Porsche in terms of performance, but that doesn't make them a bad car, and in fact, more people drive Hondas, and they are making money off of the product, so it has to be a good product.
Same thing with St.Anger, if it sold really well, brought in millions of new fans, but pissed of a few hundred thousand die hard fans, it would have still been a good product because it did what it was supposed to do, MAKE MONEY.
iPad the same thing, if it is profitable and brings in new people to the Apple / Mac community, it is a good product from a business stand point. Guess what, companies are out to make money, not make everyone happy.
See now we´re getting somewhere. Okey here we go:
Your practically saying the more records a band or an artist sells, the better the music. Really stupid argument. I guess million flies eating ***** can´t be wrong. Just check out Britney Spears album sales.
Not everything is about money. Which Apple apparently has forgotten. iPad is a sad easy way out attempt to make more money without any new innovation. I don´t respect that. You know riding that "iPhone wave" and taking it easy. This is very lazy and "un-Apple" of them and has gotten lot of people worried about their business. I think they got too comfortable. That´s what usually happens when people get too comfortable, the innovation dies.
St.Anger didn´t bring millions of new fans. It disappointed pretty much everybody. But it still sold millions, so I guess it was a great album then, right?
Some people take pride what they do and don´t sell out for easy money.