Some people just feel the need to complain about something. That must be a tiresome chore.
Oh, the irony
Some people just feel the need to complain about something. That must be a tiresome chore.
Now I'll just move you to the same place Gomff is, my ignore list. People who refuse to move on and just want to gripe belong there.
I consider it an honor to be on KnightWRX's ignore list! Felt like.......Victory!
I want mountain lion to be more terminal based. [/sarcasm]
While of course it is a bit exaggerated, it makes one important point: There is no innovation in ML.
Eh, I feel the same about Versions and I've used it frequently. Anecdotal evidence is wonderful.<snip>
Especially if you close your eyes and pretend that all the innovations that are in ML don't exist. It helps if you yell "LALALALALALALALALA..." while you are pretending.
Ain't they the same blog that Apple have cast out after the whole iPhone 4 thing?
And Gomff, you're on far more ignore lists than just his.![]()
Any thread that even mentions iOS and OS X in the same breath usually gets mobbed by the 'Lion sucks and I'm sticking to Snow Leopard' crowd.I just realized that several pages of this thread is taken up with discussions of the pros and cons of versions, but the title of this thread is "I don't wan't OSX to be like iOS."
Like it or hate it, versions doesn't even exist in iOS. How did this thread wander so off-topic?
Duplicate and Save As are not the same thing, no matter how much some people here want you to think they are.....Here's why (again).
1) Open a file
2) Select duplicate.
At this point: Ask yourself....Has anything been saved? Answer is a resounding "No". three steps:
Are you not seeing the problems for the newness?
Try this:
Open a Pages document.
Type a few letters at the end of the sentence.
Close the window.
Quit pages or not, it makes no difference.
reopen the Pages doc.
The letters you typed are there. Saved with no warning to the user whatsoever.
Erring on the side of saving work, when old versions can easily be retrieved is far preferable to losing your work due to user error or soft/hardware failure.
As versions are saved on the same drive, if your hardware fails so goes all your data.
Actually, you're wrong. It is saved at this point.
Until you select a name for it, state is saved in the app anyway - you can quit the app, reboot, etc - and your work is saved automagically. Just re-open the app, and it is there.
Any thread that even mentions iOS and OS X in the same breath usually gets mobbed by the 'Lion sucks and I'm sticking to Snow Leopard' crowd.
What is innovative? There are new features, and at least some of them are good. I think it will be a good OS, and an improvement over Lion.
There is some potential for innovation in the iCloud implementation and the way we interact with the file system. But the rest is just copying of (good) iOS features.
Maybe it's time for OS 11.
You're confusing LTD with KnightWRX.At which point, the head buried in the sand, "everything Apple do is for my own good, problem - what problem?" crowd ride into town.![]()
I said "as expected of a DP" if you missed it.Complaining about bugs and incomplete features in a developer preview in a forum is just silly.
Every time someone makes this statement, I ask the following question. What features have been brought from iOS into ML that are bad for a desktop OS?
I haven't got a single answer yet. Makes me think people are just repeating some propaganda they heard without think it through.