How well does lion work without multi-touch peripherals? (Such as a mighty mouse.) Just wanting to know if I'll be able to install it on my mums Core 2 Duo MacBook which has a non-multi touch trackpad.
Is that free? As would not want to pay for something that should be in the OS
If you choose to not have Dashboard in its own space does that give you back the semi-transparent overlay so that you can still see your screen behind the widgets?
There is no risk in using the pirated version. It's the exact same copy you get from ADC, and both contact which is used only for anonymous system statistics and nothing more.
Thanks! That's one fear subsided. Now if Apple would just bring back a proper form of all windows expose and spaces I'll be happy and will actually update when the final comes out.
So basically you want Snow Leopard? You won't have to shell out any cash for a new OS this summer, why are you whinging?
I still have a Mighty Mouse, and it seems to work okay.How well does lion work without multi-touch peripherals? (Such as a mighty mouse.) Just wanting to know if I'll be able to install it on my mums Core 2 Duo MacBook which has a non-multi touch trackpad.
I still have a Mighty Mouse, and it seems to work okay.
The scrolling is a bit odd since it's designed for multi-touch, but you get used to it.
I can't seem to scroll up/down, but that may very well be because our mouse is so dirty the up/down scrolling has stopped working. ;P
Anyone can check for me if an Arabic interface and/or any RTL enhancement was added? From Sys. Pref. try to make the Arabic as the first language in the list, restart and then tell me if the interface got translated. I'll appreciate it!
You can have your icons small in Lion just like is Snow Leopard.I saw one screenshot of the view options and it looked like 64 pixels was the smallest available vs. 16 now.
I like to keep the icons on my desktop small and with the label position on the right. I will be very unhappy if I have to go to jumbo icons.
Just tested in Mail. Nope, didn't capitalise for me.does 10.7 auto capitalize the first letter at the beginning of a sentence in Mail? Pages had this option - and I thought surely apple was going to incorporate it into the OS
Nope.You know in Windows when you have CAPS LOCK turned on, and you're writing in capital letters, if you press shift, that one letter will be in lower case... in Mac that doesn't happen, it just keeps on writing in upper case.
Can you please check if they did something about it?