I'm going to keep my 7 on the last version of iOS 10 as long as possible. I've learned from experience since my iPhone 4 on iOS 4 it truly is best to keep your phone on the iOS version it ships with to have the best performance.
Still to this day the best iOS iPhone combo for me was my iPhone 5 on iOS 6. Man that thing was slick. The current iOS 10.3.2 is pretty close on my 7.
It's true though. Every major version year after year slows the phone down a little bit. Not quite as much in recent years because the chips are getting pretty powerful but it's there. And every time I've upgraded I've felt it right away and have downgraded.
Watch iapplebytes videos on YouTube. He does pretty good comparison videos. With the first version of iOS 11 of course it's laggy and glitchy but I bet by time the final comes it will perform not a whole lot better than it does now!
Apple has a great system in place to get people to upgrade every year or 2.
iOS 11 doesn't look like it does much new that I care about either. I'll stick with my lighting quick performance on my 7 with iOS 10.
Still to this day the best iOS iPhone combo for me was my iPhone 5 on iOS 6. Man that thing was slick. The current iOS 10.3.2 is pretty close on my 7.
It's true though. Every major version year after year slows the phone down a little bit. Not quite as much in recent years because the chips are getting pretty powerful but it's there. And every time I've upgraded I've felt it right away and have downgraded.
Watch iapplebytes videos on YouTube. He does pretty good comparison videos. With the first version of iOS 11 of course it's laggy and glitchy but I bet by time the final comes it will perform not a whole lot better than it does now!
Apple has a great system in place to get people to upgrade every year or 2.
iOS 11 doesn't look like it does much new that I care about either. I'll stick with my lighting quick performance on my 7 with iOS 10.