Please don't take this for arguing, I'm not. Just explaining.
First, I don't have any slowness. My iPhone has been just fine and I have about 200 tweaks/apps installed. I've been doing this since iOS 5 so there's a process I have where no matter how much I want a tweak if I encounter issues it's removed. That's keep things going well.
Where the risks are concerned, yes. That's what you take on when you jailbreak as Apple is no longer protecting you. It's up to you to be careful where you go and what you do when jailbroken.
As far as Siri, I don't use it so it's not there at the lockscreen.
Callbar however is. One swipe down from the top left (an action I assigned via Activator) and there we go.
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Some people are anti-jailbreak. They feel that if Apple doesn't allow it, it shouldn't be done. Apple doesn't discourage the common misconceptions about it either, such as jailbreaking to pirate stuff (which is not why I jailbreak).
And some just believe it's crazy to not be updated/secure. I get all that, which is why I'm not upset.