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iGary said:
OK - Honest opinion...

Is it fair for Apple to say that a "third-party" software is to blame?

I mean my iBook runs the same stuff perfectly...
No, not fair at all! You're not running any software that would interfere with hardware, based on what I can remember from your epic saga.

The fact that software works on an iBook without fault, though, doesn't prove anything about a PowerMac. There are plenty of software titles with problems which only affect a specific model, so Apple considering it a possibility is fair as a general rule, but not applicable in your particular case. Unless, of course, you've downloaded and installed the "Fracking™ Nightmare Widget" or Steve Ballmer's "***** Kill You! 2006." :eek:
iGary said:
OK - Honest opinion...

Is it fair for Apple to say that a "third-party" software is to blame?

I mean my iBook runs the same stuff perfectly...
know cause after all "not that many people run photoshop often..." (or whatever jobs said during the keynotes when he show the intel imac) :rolleyes:
puckhead193 said:
know cause after all "not that many people run photoshop often..." (or whatever jobs said during the keynotes when he show the intel imac) :rolleyes:
Not that many people run Photoshop at all, in the grand scheme of things. We get a skewed sense here on MR. I believe he said that PS on Rosetta was fine for the "casual user" but was fairly upfront about it being too slow for professional use. But iGary doesn't even have an Intel Mac...
iGary said:
OK - Honest opinion...

Is it fair for Apple to say that a "third-party" software is to blame?

No but that's what they say when they're stumped. I took in my PB to the Genius Bar because every time I plugged in the iSight, the Finder did a 'soft restart' shutting down all the other apps but not actually crashing entirely.

After trying various things, they announced it was probably one of the 3rd party apps - despite it happening with none of them open or running...
YO iGary. Why don't you just put it on ebay. I posted a funny auction a few months back about a dual 2.7ghz that went for $1950 that was gutted. Only case, cpu and motherboard. Part it out and get a quad or another apple refurb.

Or just RAISE FREAKIN HELL with apple. This is what I would do. Loud and obnoxious always gets its way.

I'll never forget one day at hardees restaurant when I got a crappy egg sandwich. I asked for my money back nicely. They said no. I asked again to the manager, they said no. So I was leaving and an angry woman came in raising HELL about her sandwich. She got full refund and another meal. Yep. Loud gets its way, sorry to say. Lesson learned.
OK -

I had ONLY Apple Software on the machine, went to the pharmacy, and it was effed up when I came back.

I called AppleCare and talked with a realy cool guy who said he would make a note in the case file that says that the Apple Store is to address this as a hardware issue and take whatever means necessary to fix it.

Which is good, because they wouldn't talk to me last time at the Apple Store claiming "it's software." I will also get a chance to show them that there is a missing screw and dented fins on the radiator.

In addition, I am going to speak to a manager and tell them that this is to be put at the top of the repair stack, as I am not going to wait two weeks again to get this thing back.

To be continued...
I know nothing about hardware, but my first thought when I saw all the white specks in your original post was, does your cat have dandruff?

Good luck.
My friend is a Windows user and he was having a similar problem, he told me all he did was change the file type of the icons from PNG to GIF or something like that. I've never had that problem though.
alright i think i know what the problem is... Apple sent you a bad machine because you get mad when your flights get canceled/delayed. ;)
iGary said:
I called AppleCare and talked with a realy cool guy who said he would make a note in the case file that says that the Apple Store is to address this as a hardware issue and take whatever means necessary to fix it.
To be continued...

I love getting a nice AppleCare guy.
I hope this is your last Fracking trouble with Apple™ thread.
In other words, good luck. ;)
Well it is in for a logic board and a oiwer source....all said two processors a logic board and a power source...supposedly I get it back Tuesday...I really hope it works.
iGary said:
Well it is in for a logic board and a oiwer source....all said two processors a logic board and a oiwer source...supposedly I get it back Tuesday...I really hope it works.

What's an "oiwer source?" Sounds pretty serious...

I hope it gets fixed this time iGary. Otherwise, the Gods might have to set up a new server just to handle your bitch threads. :D
aquajet said:
What's an "oiwer source?" Sounds pretty serious...

I hope it gets fixed this time iGary. Otherwise, the Gods might have to set up a new server just to handle your bitch threads. :D

Damn iBook keyboard. :D
iGary said:
...supposedly I get it back Tuesday...I really hope it works.

I think Arn should expect problems with the servers next Tuesday. Everyone is going to be constantly checking to see if your problems are solved.

At this stage, I feel your pain so much I'm beginning to think I've been doing all those re-installs and everything else alongside you.

iGary victorious, next Tuesday!!!!!!!!
riciad said:
iGary victorious, next Tuesday!!!!!!!!
I think I just about pissed myself. I'm sitting hear reading through all of your woes, iGary, and wishing you the best. I hope everything works out and you really are "victorious" on Tuesday. What a day it will be for you.

For now, I will get back to my girlfriend telling me the differences between punishment and discipline for this childhood development certificate. Trust me, the examples they come up with are hilarious!
geez, i should just send you my mac mini! ;) sorry, can't quite do that

seriously, apple owes you an octa-G7 by now thats 128 bit with 64 gigs RAM and OS XX "Fido" (or is it called felix?)

oy gevallt! i feel for ya man. i had a gateway like that, but the gateway was only like $250.

maybe you'll get the first MacDesk? that'd be SO COOL!
Well, two new processors and a cooling core along with a new logic board ($1700.00 of covered repairs) I have it back.

*fingers crossed* :rolleyes:
iGary said:
Well, two new processors and a cooling core along with a new logic board ($1700.00 of covered repairs) I have it back.

*fingers crossed* :rolleyes:

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you too! After this saga it sounds like you'll take all the help you can get. BTW, your repairs cost more than my 15" PB :eek: . AppleCare is looking like a pretty good deal about now, I'd say :)
iGary said:
Well, two new processors and a cooling core along with a new logic board ($1700.00 of covered repairs) I have it back.

*fingers crossed* :rolleyes:

You got it back on a sunday :eek: Customer Service alright
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