does this give you enough info ?
btw thanks for helping me out.![]()
Maybe wrong thread. But don´t want to start a new one.
I kinda erased mobilesafari bla bla. bundle..
Accident.. :/
Could someone send it to me?
should the ijailbreak folder be in the applications folder or just the application a nd the resource folder? or does it not matter?
Yes, that tells me that iphuc isn't actually getting an image off of your iphone... hrm :/
The problem with all in one solutions like this is its difficult to see exactly where a problem lies...
In any case, I'd try deleting that file rebooting your ipod and starting again from the beginning...
You can also try manually running iphuc from the terminal(This applescript solution is really just automating this method for jailbreaking: )
should i try and run iphuc the way it is or should i restore and then start the manual process.
-- Loader 2 Installer.applescript
-- Loader 2 Installer
-- Created by Ari on 10/12/07.
-- Copyright 2007 WinX Scripts. All rights reserved.
on clicked theObject
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists "/Applications/iJailBreak" as POSIX file) then
display dialog "Please put the iJailBreak folder into your Applications folder before installing"
do shell script "killall iJailBreak"
end if
end tell
set theReply to display dialog "Press OK to start the jailbreak process."
tell window "MainMenu"
set the visible of button "iphone" to false
set the visible of button "install" to false
set the visible of progress indicator "progress" to true
tell progress indicator "progress" to start
end tell
tell window "MainMenu"
set the contents of text field "text" to "Installing iPhuc and Readline..."
end tell
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists file "/opt/local/lib/libreadline.5.2.dylib" as POSIX file) then
set readline to "true"
set readline to "false"
end if
end tell
if readline is "true" then do shell script "mkdir /opt && mkdir /opt/local && mkdir /opt/local/lib && cp /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/readline/libreadline.5.2.dylib /opt/local/lib/" with administrator privileges
tell window "MainMenu"
set the contents of text field "text" to "Jailbreaking... This step will take a while."
end tell
display dialog "First, on your iPod, navigate to Once Safari crashes, connect your iPod and press OK."
do shell script ("cd /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/ && ./iphuc -qs ./getfile")
do shell script ("mv /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/iphonefs/rdisk0s1 /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/iphonefs/rdisk0s1.dmg")
do shell script ("hdiutil attach /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/iphonefs/rdisk0s1.dmg -mount required")
do shell script ("rm /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/etc/fstab && cp /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/fstab /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/etc/")
do shell script ("mkdir /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/Applications/ && cp -R /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/* /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/Applications/")
do shell script ("mkdir /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/var/root/ && mkdir /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/var/root/Library/ && mkdir /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/var/root/Library/Installer/ && cp -R /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/Installer/* /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/var/root/Library/Installer/")
do shell script ("hdiutil unmount '/Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle' -force")
do shell script ("cd /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/ && ./iphuc -qs ./putfile")
display dialog "Restart your iPod by holding down the power button until the red slider appears. Slide the slider, then once it turns off turn it back on. Once it's fully on, press OK."
tell window "MainMenu"
set the contents of text field "text" to "Installing SSH..."
end tell
do shell script ("cd /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/ssh/ && ./iphuc -qs ./iphucscript")
display dialog "Please reboot your iPod again like last time, and press OK when it's fully booted"
tell window "MainMenu"
set the contents of text field "text" to "Installing Springboard..."
end tell
do shell script ("cd /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/ssh/ && ./iphuc -qs ./iphucscript2")
do shell script ("sleep 10")
display dialog "Please reboot your iPod yet another time. Once it's booted it will automatically restart, after that press OK. "
do shell script ("cd /Applications/iJailBreak/resources/iphuc/iphonefs/ && rm rdisk0s1.dmg")
tell window "MainMenu"
set the visible of button "iphone" to true
set the visible of button "install" to true
tell progress indicator "progress" to stop
set the visible of progress indicator "progress" to false
set the contents of text field "text" to "Welcome to the iJailBreak Utility. Press a button to begin."
end tell
end clicked
What's the exact file you erased?
Never mind on my iPhuc error, I got it working.
I found that I had to download the iJailbreak through Safari. Firefox did something to screw up the zip file (indicated by not having the Touch icon as the .zip icon).
Don´t know.. :/
It was something from preferencebundle..
Safari works but if I go to Settings theres no icon for Safari, just the text. And when I click it its empty.. :/
What in the hell are you doing messing with that?!
Anyways, here ya go...
Unzip and drop in /System/Library/PreferenceBundles/
...Should be all set to go after that (that's from my 1.1.1 iPhone, but it should be the same).
What in the hell are you doing messing with that?!
Anyways, here ya go...
Unzip and drop in /System/Library/PreferenceBundles/ on the iPod Touch
...Should be all set to go after that (that's from my 1.1.1 iPhone, but it should be the same).
In any case, I'm off to sleep guys... 4am here![]()
should iTunes be open or closed during this process? I/m about to jailbreak my touchOr should I go into my activity monitor and disable iTunes?
I would close it. I did mine with it open, and while there were no problems per se, I did have to completely re-sync my iPod afterwards as iTunes seemed to think it was a new iPod.
I think about halfway through the process it makes some fundamental changes, and if iTunes is open it catches it on a reboot, and thinks it's a new iPod, when the process finished it's al back to normal, but iTunes still wants to start again.
I guess I have a few questions:
One, I panicked a bit and restored my iPod just to make sure i could, and no problem.
So I'm starting again, and as I am about to start the jailbreak, I get an AppleScript error that reads:
"mkdir: /opt: File exists (1)"
I then click ok, and it says installing iPhuc and Readline and it stays that way for a good long time. Is it still working if that screen is showing?
Alternatively, I want to start fresh like I did the very first time, if the file already exists, how can I go about deleting it so I can install properly??
Just delete your /opt directory and run it again