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macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2012
As I've always said, there is a different breed of people on these forums. There are so many options of smartphones out there. The iPhone XS isn't the end all be all phone. After 16 iPhone XS's (sp?), at this point going with something else is probably the better solution. At the end of the day it's a phone, a tool. It's something that is mass produced on an assembly line and not going to be 100% perfect REGARDLESS of the amount of money you paid. It's meant to be used, abused, incorporated into your daily life. I just can't imagine the process for the OP when buying a new car...
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macrumors member
Nov 4, 2018
Hey all,

I haven't found many threads relating to iPhone Xs issues, but I thought I'd share my experience and wanted to see if anyone else is having any issues like these, because I want to decide what I should do from here (i.e. keep current iPhone or return, and place an online order).

So basically, as the title says, I am currently in possession of my 16 exchanged iPhone Xs (and apparently my last exchange because they're losing money opening all those phones). Something seems to be wrong with apples manufacturing facility or something. In almost every phone Ive opened up, there has been some sort of strange debris / possibly glue (holding the bezels and watertight seals together) between the bezels, and obviously if you can see that, the metal or seals are separated.

Besides that being present in almost every phone, I have had 2 with dust within the camera lens, 1 with a rattling speaker, quite a few with button issues (mushy and uneven), and many with uneven and almost sharp edges along where the steel meets the glass, and a lot of the iPhones have multiple of these issues combined.

All of the display models I checked at the store had the debris as well, and one phone I opened had an almost pre-peeled and crumpled plastic cover (you know, the plastic that comes on the phone, you use to pull it out of the box then peel it off the phone).

At one point, I opened up about 5 in store at once and all of them had issues, and all the staff involved, including managers, saw it as well. I have never had this experience with an iPhone. They always come perfect and develop some sort of defects or issues later in their life, if any.

My local store is Robina, in QLD, Australia. I was hoping to get some feedback about other users phones, and if they notice anything like the issues I noticed mentioned above, to find out if its just a few stores here in Australia receiving these horribly produced phones (compared to apples own boasted standards obviously), or if this is happening across multiple countries. The current phone I have now is probably the best Ive had, with minor mushy volume down button on the lower half of it, and only a slightly uneven 'edgy' bezel. It's alright, but it's not what apple should be sending out, and nothing like what Ive ever received before from the company. I am just debating though on returning it, and then attempting to order one online, and possibly get it from another location or 'batch' to see if it could be just a bad batch.

(Also, just to note, this has occurred over 2 months of exchanges, besides the 5 or 6 at once in store, starting with the pre-ordered one I received on September 21st)

Anyway, thanks for reading if you took the time, and I appreciate any and all replies.

Kind regards,

EDIT: I appreciate everyones replies thus far, and thank you. I just wanted to post a reminder that, while I do appreciate your wisdom and opinions, I am mainly looking for anyone who might have noticed the same issues I have. I came here for others experiences with their iPhones, and not for plain suggestions and assumptions. I can say, I know what I know, I see what I see, and I would not be here listing a seemingly ridiculous topic if it was made up. It goes without saying that no one except myself and the ones around me have seen this first hand, so its understandable if you can't fathom this a reality. But family, friends, and apple store employees have all agreed upon this. If they didn't, how would I be this many phones in without their approval? Believe it or not, I just want one that works properly out of the box, as it should come according to Apple. If I didn't want that, I'd go to another less reputable company and buy a phone from them, toss it when it completely breaks, and just buy another new one.

EDIT 2: For those of you who can't fathom that the apple store was on board with my iPhone comments, here is at least half of the 16 phones, and for some I don't have receipts because, as I said, a few were opened in the store before making a complete transaction to make sure they were actually up to standard. I feel it would be unreasonable to continually exchange unnecessarily, and as you all are aware, so would Apple. But I have had genuine, visible and noticeable defects witnessed by the staff who have helped me out. I agree that 16 is a ridiculous amount, and I am also amazed, and to be honest, disappointed, that this is the case.

I have just blacked out most of the information except for the date and the end of the serial numbers so at least you can notice there are multiple serial numbers over different days, with some a same day, and a few only a couple days apart.
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I had the same issue with my X, it was a freakshow I had to replace 6 iPhone X models. I switched to the XS Max, it's alot better than the X, in other words I didn't like the X
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macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2018
Im very amused with the people saying that it must be OP's fault because it is statistically impossible to get so many bad phones. well, winning the lottery is also statistically impossible, but there is always someone who wins eventually. statistics only tells you the likelihood of something happening, so as long as the probability is not zero, there is always a chance, albeit a remote one. which is also why none of you have experienced it, and hence are writing OP off. without full information, im inclined to believe that the faults are real because the store actually let him exchange 16 times. unless of course OP is lying.


macrumors 65816
Oct 18, 2011
Is it statistically impossible for me to never get a bad iPhone and I’ve been buying them since day 1. Original iPhone to XS Max.
I’ve skipped a few models so I’ve had 7 iPhones in 11 years.


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Unfortunately with millions of iPhones being made not all are perfect. Not that they shouldn’t be
Quality Control has improved at Apple but can still go further as we all know
If your not satisfied after 16 iPhones then stick with the one you had before this model


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Thanks for your replies. Most thanks to those with both constructive comments and actually related comments about your Xs quality.

I am not really asking for advice, per se, I am asking about the quality of other peoples iPhone Xs's and if they've noticed what I have with the batch of phones I received or viewed to compare other locations iPhone quality. As I said previously, I was in contact with the managers of the store, and he explained the waterproof seal follows around the iPhone between the stainless steel and glass / screen bezels, and is made of some sort of rubber compound.

Many employees did come over, and one of the specialists went to get a different manager because he was in disbelief the state the iPhone was in straight out of the box, at which point the manager started yelling about how that is not apple standards and to get rid of that phone. So to say, the employees were rejecting them along with me. I am not looking for absolute perfection, I am looking for a properly working phone (including clean out of the box (as all phones should and have always come, and that goes for any phone I have ever purchased) with no debris within the seal or the bezels), with low potential of needed repair down the track.

Some of the devices were not completely exchanged. Many were opened by a manager, and he would check them himself. In one case not even giving me the device to check over, noticing a gap in the seal himself. Most phones had large amounts of debris, some had dust in the camera, and some had mushy buttons, etc.
I guess the baffling thing for me is, surely you know that there are people out there without issues. And surely, having admitted that you haven't found many threads about Xs issues, you realize its not some widespread problem. And surely this shouldn't change the fact that you did have issues. Just don't see what you stand to gain here outside of telling the world you have gone through 16 iPhones. It's a crappy situation, and I'm not implying it didn't happen, I just don't know that anyone here can help you, outside of possibly offering their sympathies. As I mentioned earlier, you've already dealt with more than I'd be willing to put up with.
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Jul 12, 2016
unless of course OP is lying.

The OP isn’t lying. Actually, probably the polar opposite being that all 16 phones did have problems of some sort. The reality is, the OP is intentionally and vehemently seeking for defects on _each and every_ iPhone. They’re actually looking defects, no matter what, that is their main goal to seek perfection, when most who use their phones, simply don’t look for defects and if there is a problem, it usually arises where the defect will affect the experience with the iPhone, which then they simply make a return.

In this specific situation, all 16 iPhones are under the scrutiny of an extreme ‘microscope’ per se, which, that’s the OP’s prerogative.


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2004
I believe the OP could have had 16 bad units in a row because there's always a chance that there was a problem in production the caused a bad batch of units to be produced. What I would have done different is that after getting a few bad ones in a row I'd have either tried another store or waited a while before getting another so as to allow time for the bad batch to be used up.

After 3 or 4 exchanges I wouldn't have given up on getting a good phone but I would definitely have given up on the current store for at least a week or two.

If OP has not given up completely then that would remain my advice at this stage. Either try other stores or if that isn't possible for you then wait a few weeks before trying again at the same store.


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2018
I believe Op and I understand he wants a perfect phone but 16 exchanges is to much.

Step away for a couple of months and try again later.

Maybe they will have a better batch of phones by then that meets your standards? If not try another brand just to see how their QC is in comparison but don’t expect them to be as accommodating as Apple is.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
You’re supposed to not care about the little variances in manufacturing. That’s called being normal. The ones who do are the so-called nightmare customers.

To OP: imagine not giving a crap about any of the issues you listed. Imagine that stuff not even phasing you in the slightest. Imagine how freeing that would feel, to be able to accept flaws and love what you have. To be rid of that crippling OCD over specks of dust. It’s truly bliss.
Well, yes, I would say I’m very OCD about things, and it definitely is not always a fun experience (although sometimes it can have benefits) but it’s not normal for me to return things like this. I have had a few iPhones, and I’ve never returned or exchanged any of them. Yes, I’ve had to get some repairs later on, but that’s it. Let me just reiterate, because it seems you and many others are reading into something else, that I am not returning these over little ‘ocd’ things. These are actual physical and potentially ‘worsening over time’ defects. Yes, variances can occur, and I accept that, as with they can occur with anything. But dust in a camera, in ANY camera, is unacceptable, but particularly unacceptable when it can’t be removed by the user of the camera. Buttons that become mushy over time (couple minutes to a few hours, over a few presses) are unacceptable because they are prone to worsening even further to the point of not working at all, and probably quite quickly to set in seeing as the timeframe for them to become mushy is almost instantaneous in a couple cases. Water seal and bezel separation is, also yes, unacceptable when it is a feature of the phone to be water resistant, and introduction of water to the phone would become detrimental to the functionality due to the gaps in the bezel and the seal, even if said introduction is accidental, the peace of mind for that type of liquid-phone interaction is gone.
[doublepost=1541761600][/doublepost]Another thing I will reiterate is, that while you are free to suggest what you will, and some run me down as you will, I am not looking for particular advice. I am seeking people who may have had any of the particular defects I have mentioned with their phones. I am not looking for others who have had to return their phones as many times as I, or criticism on how many I have returned, just so I can find a working one and one that will work for a while.

I thank all who have been helpful and genuine, and I will also say that I thought this forum would be a bit more helpful or positive, and not so critical. I have come here asking for others experiences with their phones, if they’d like to share them with me. I would not be here mentioning my experience if this wasn’t a real experience, and to be honest, I have to say that I am disappointed in some of the community here. I can understand it’s something hard to believe, but I have tried to provide a little proof for doubters and be as genuine and positive as possible.
The OP isn’t lying. Actually, probably the polar opposite being that all 16 phones did have problems of some sort. The reality is, the OP is intentionally and vehemently seeking for defects on _each and every_ iPhone. They’re actually looking defects, no matter what, that is their main goal to seek perfection, when most who use their phones, simply don’t look for defects and if there is a problem, it usually arises where the defect will affect the experience with the iPhone, which then they simply make a return.

In this specific situation, all 16 iPhones are under the scrutiny of an extreme ‘microscope’ per se, which, that’s the OP’s prerogative.
Actually, you’re somewhat right and somewhat wrong. In the beginning, looking for defects was not a thing. Once the defects presented themselves in a multitude of cases (4), it was then that I was forced to look for the same defects for ones I had encountered previously, which low and behold appeared in all of them, hence my theory of a bad batch, seeing as many of you are critics and lack of support. You are wrong in that they developed over use, and unfortunately are noticeable almost immediately. The strange thing about the criticism I am receiving on this thread is that many seem to be just responding to the first thing they see—16 iPhones. They are not noticing the actual reasons for the returns. Either that, or an obviously defective phone is something people are willing to live with, when they can expect a repair down the line, or problematic photography and video—something that pertains to me the most.
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Jul 12, 2016
seeing as many of you are critics and lack of support.

I think it’s also equally as important for you to understand that it’s extremely rare, if almost unheard of that a customer would return 16 iPhones, and when somebody reads you returned 16 iPhones, clearly that goes beyond the ‘norm’, so you have to be able to accept criticism (In which, you sort of are ignoring) in addition to positive support from others in this thread. Some of the criticism is actually valid and some of it is frivolous.

I still stand by what I believe, and that you’re intentionally looking for defects immediately, because that’s how your mind is trained after having 16 iPhones, you simply can’t buy an iPhone and enjoy it for what it is, you have to over analyze every single aspect ratio of the iPhone just to make sure it’s ‘Perfect’, when I don’t believe your 17th iPhone will meet your expectations either, as you will likely find something wrong with that one too. As I said before, that’s your prerogative, but it just seems mentally exhausting to want to have the mind-set you do, but there has to be a point when the line is drawn, where‘Enough is enough.’ The real question is, does Apple put the stop on the returns or do you.
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macrumors demi-goddess
Sep 22, 2015
Washington, DC
When the 7+ came out with the hissing noise, I had to have mine exchanged 3 times because the noise was so loud in videos you couldn’t hear any other noise. Once I got my 4th device, I was tired of exchanging it, so I dealt with it until the X launched and I received a perfect launch day device.


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
At some point, you just gotta say, “f it, I’m switching to Android!” Lol.


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2006
I'm on my 10th Xs Max which is coming today, I have varied supplier and colour of phone and ALL have had some form of scratch on the front or back or both. Fit and finish has been variable on all as well, some having sharp edges and some being tightly assembled. A couple had a mushy volume up button with a recessed or flush button. They were all produced in China, Zhengzhou - Foxconn. These phones cost £1100.00 and should be well made so I fully intend to keep going until I get a phone that meets my expectations and Apples marketing hype. I have had reasonably consistent screen brightness but some have had a horrible gradient from top to bottom or left to right. I pretty much always have to return multiple units of any apple products and am actually genuinely surprised and elated when I get one that is perfect (or as close to as you can reasonably expect). For people who don't have a critical eye and are happy if a device merely turns on and works good for you. I expect exemplary quality at this price point and have not had these issues with Samsung products but love the Apple Watch and need an iOS device. I also have iMac, iPad Pro etc etc. I love the design and material choices on Apple products but not Foxconn quality control or apparent lack of it.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 23, 2008
Remember, to most the return process would be a huge hassle and not worth it. After the third unacceptable phone, most would give up.

But there are a bunch of folks that relish it.
They walk with purpose to the Apple store, they can't wait talk to a sales drone and go through every "I'm not crazy" checklist.
They walk out from the store and pump their fist and when they get home and scour over the new device to see a minuscule scratch, they pump their fist again and count down the time until they go back to the Apple store.

After the third time, I don't blame the customer, it is the store's fault (and manager) for enabling the behavior.

If you think the customer is worth keeping, on the third return, you tell them the party is over, flag them and either don't allow returns or don't sell.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
I'm sorry but complaints about dust, mushy buttons, and uneven seams are the textbook definition of ridiculous OCD nonsense.
So, are you pronouncing you wouldn’t mind a phone with dust in the camera? I use the camera on the daily, so it’s an important part of my life, it gets a lot of usage.
I'm on my 10th Xs Max which is coming today, I have varied supplier and colour of phone and ALL have had some form of scratch on the front or back or both. Fit and finish has been variable on all as well, some having sharp edges and some being tightly assembled. A couple had a mushy volume up button with a recessed or flush button. They were all produced in China, Zhengzhou - Foxconn. These phones cost £1100.00 and should be well made so I fully intend to keep going until I get a phone that meets my expectations and Apples marketing hype. I have had reasonably consistent screen brightness but some have had a horrible gradient from top to bottom or left to right. I pretty much always have to return multiple units of any apple products and am actually genuinely surprised and elated when I get one that is perfect (or as close to as you can reasonably expect). For people who don't have a critical eye and are happy if a device merely turns on and works good for you. I expect exemplary quality at this price point and have not had these issues with Samsung products but love the Apple Watch and need an iOS device. I also have iMac, iPad Pro etc etc. I love the design and material choices on Apple products but not Foxconn quality control or apparent lack of it.
Thanks for your input, it’s heavily appreciated!
Remember, to most the return process would be a huge hassle and not worth it. After the third unacceptable phone, most would give up.

But there are a bunch of folks that relish it.
They walk with purpose to the Apple store, they can't wait talk to a sales drone and go through every "I'm not crazy" checklist.
They walk out from the store and pump their fist and when they get home and scour over the new device to see a minuscule scratch, they pump their fist again and count down the time until they go back to the Apple store.

After the third time, I don't blame the customer, it is the store's fault (and manager) for enabling the behavior.

If you think the customer is worth keeping, on the third return, you tell them the party is over, flag them and either don't allow returns or don't sell.
Not a helpful comment, and I don’t appreciate the insinuation. Who in their right mind would want to drive 40 minutes to their nearest apple store, (as I would need to do) just to tell apple they want a new phone for fun? I don’t want to be in there, I want to enjoy my phone. I want to forget about the phone and be on my way, and not have to worry about a phone that could just stop working the next day in some way. The only reason I didn’t order online is because I wanted it launch day, since I thought it would be exciting to get the product in hand. I’ve been waiting for one and a half years just to get this phone — X model, but gold color. I knew they’d release it, as they always do for their own typical money making scheme, so I laid low when the X came out, but followed the so called ‘rumors’ of the phones until it was time to order it.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
Then use it. If you’re asking me, I don’t go looking for friggin dust in the first place. I doubt even most published professionals look for it. If my photos are compromised, I’ll notice. Dust and grime remain on a camera lens anyways, even with the most fastidious of wipers. You’re just eating away at yourself over nothing.

Why do I even bother trying to get through though, it’s clear you’re only looking for the posts that give you validation. Nobody wants to take that hard look at themselves.
I never looked for dust until I saw it. As in, I was wiping my camera off, and realized I couldn’t wipe some dust off, and found it was inside the camera enclosure. So, naturally I wanted to make sure the next one I had wouldn’t have dust in there. I feel that is a reasonable thought. I feel especially since as a new phone, I would assume there wouldn’t be any pre-existing grime upon the lens.

And I’m not looking for any validation, literally just asking to see if anyone else has noticed any of the things I mentioned on any of their phones, anywhere else in the world, since I’ve found so many with the same exact issues. This is regardless of whether the answer is no or yes, happy to have both answers. It’s unnecessary to have the negative, insinuating, and suggestive comments regarding my person in terms of personality, sanity, and the like. You seem worked up, and I feel there is no need for that, if you came into the thread with an open mind and a positive attitude, I’m sure you’d feel much better.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2018
QLD, Australia
Also, what I’m trying to make clear, is that I do not inspect new products. I never have. In fact, in terms of what you’re talking about, I’ve never even inspected any of the phones in question. Every thing that I’ve mentioned is just noticeable with phone use. As for the dust, all I had to do was turn over the phone and it’s visible. I’ve had these phones in the hands of employees, as well as family and friends, because I, myself, was worried that I was actually going insane, as some of you are suggesting. Yet anything I’ve come across has been seen and felt by everyone that has had a hand on it, without being told what the issue may be.


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2012
Then use it. If you’re asking me, I don’t go looking for friggin dust in the first place. I doubt even most published professionals look for it. If my photos are compromised, I’ll notice. Dust and grime remain on a camera lens anyways, even with the most fastidious of wipers. You’re just eating away at yourself over nothing.

Why do I even bother trying to get through though, it’s clear you’re only looking for the posts that give you validation. Nobody wants to take that hard look at themselves.
I don’t know how many times I’ve taken pictures that were clear as day and then I happen to look at the camera lens to see it covered in finger prints and smudge. So I don’t know how much a spec of dust is going to affect any picture quality!
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