My custom iMac has finally arrived this morning. Not at my home just yet, but at the nearby UPS customer/sorting facility where I told them to hold it for pickup. Arrived exactly on time as originally estimated. A recap:
iMac, iMac - A Young AIO's Not So Erotic Journey from Cork to San Diego
August 4 - Order placed for custom iMac with the $2299 model with upgrades to the 5700XT, 1TB SSD, and keyboard with numeric keypad. Delivery estimate August 19-21. Education discounts applied as well.
August 8 - Apple charged my Amex. Web order details still show Processing.
August 11 - Apple tried to charge my Amex again for the whole amount, Amex declined for my protection. Web order detail progress stalled. Called Apple, they admit their system tried to over authorize and apologized as they already had my money but couldn't tell me why. Forwarded to payments team for resolution. But could take up to 5 business days? WTF.
August 12 - Payments team resolved the issue. Web order details are back to normal, progress bar back to Processing.
August 14 - Shipped from Cork to Shannon to Dublin to Cologne, Germany, all in the span of a day.
August 17 - Departs Germany, arrives in the UK.
August 18 - Clears customs, departs the UK and arrives at UPS Worldport in Louisville, KY. Single import scan.
August 18 - Departs Louisville and arrives in San Diego.
August 19 - Placed on truck and driven to UPS facility for customer pickup.
All in all a pretty quick and smooth journey and experienced no hiccups along the way. Taking the day off tomorrow to pickup and set up the new machine.
iMac, iMac - A Young AIO's Not So Erotic Journey from Cork to San Diego
August 4 - Order placed for custom iMac with the $2299 model with upgrades to the 5700XT, 1TB SSD, and keyboard with numeric keypad. Delivery estimate August 19-21. Education discounts applied as well.
August 8 - Apple charged my Amex. Web order details still show Processing.
August 11 - Apple tried to charge my Amex again for the whole amount, Amex declined for my protection. Web order detail progress stalled. Called Apple, they admit their system tried to over authorize and apologized as they already had my money but couldn't tell me why. Forwarded to payments team for resolution. But could take up to 5 business days? WTF.
August 12 - Payments team resolved the issue. Web order details are back to normal, progress bar back to Processing.
August 14 - Shipped from Cork to Shannon to Dublin to Cologne, Germany, all in the span of a day.
August 17 - Departs Germany, arrives in the UK.
August 18 - Clears customs, departs the UK and arrives at UPS Worldport in Louisville, KY. Single import scan.
August 18 - Departs Louisville and arrives in San Diego.
August 19 - Placed on truck and driven to UPS facility for customer pickup.
All in all a pretty quick and smooth journey and experienced no hiccups along the way. Taking the day off tomorrow to pickup and set up the new machine.