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Impressed w/ the iPad?

  • Yes! - I'm gonna go buy it

    Votes: 207 43.5%
  • Nope! - Not impressed, not gonna get it.

    Votes: 269 56.5%

  • Total voters
Not for me, if it ran full OS X then yes, but not with iPhone OS.

That's exactly how I feel. The only positive thing about iPad is that it's starting price, for a new Apple device, is not all that bad. I give iPad 2.5 mice out of 4 mice.
i would get it if AND ONLY IF the prices of the digital text books are WAAAAY cheaper than that of a regular text book. it would cost me less in the long run with one of these things. text books cost on average $100 per book..... >=( if it costs $50 or less on average per book then i am IN FOR SURE! =D
Poll Needs a Third Option

Not impressed - yet.

I mainly say this based upon the lack of announced publishing tie-ins - newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and the like. I also say this because I know it will get better with time. For example, I'd speculate that Microsoft will now produce a touch-based Office suite.

I wasn't expecting a laptop replacement, like it seems SO many people were. Like Apple was going to rape their MacBook sales??? I see a very bright future for this, one that isn't here yet - just like with the iPod.
Not impressed - yet.

I mainly say this based upon the lack of announced publishing tie-ins - newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and the like. I also say this because I know it will get better with time. For example, I'd speculate that Microsoft will now produce a touch-based Office suite.

I wasn't expecting a laptop replacement, like it seems SO many people were. Like Apple was going to rape their MacBook sales??? I see a very bright future for this, one that isn't here yet - just like with the iPod.

Thank **** there's another voice of reason around here. You've summed up pretty much exactly how I feel about the whole thing. Apple knows exactly where they're going with this product and in a couple of years it'll be what everyone wants.
Simple poll here. Impressed or not?

So far it seems there is no flash on this device, which sucks.

10 hour battery life is awesome though, but no flash?

I was considering ridding my MBP for this...but now, hah!

I also thought it would be like a less powerful and smaller laptop.

Like the tablets a company makes out of MacBook Pros.

This toy? Can't use it.
You know, has been periodically putting up G4 iBooks for $349 and I see that as a far more versatile, powerful, and usable device than this and it's just a blast from the past. In fact, the iPad has given me a new appreciation for the old G4 and I might just buy one the next time I see them put a batch of them up.
I also thought it would be like a less powerful and smaller laptop.

Like the tablets a company makes out of MacBook Pros.

This toy? Can't use it.

So the iphone is a toy?

Also if you thought that, did you just start paying attention to the iPad literally this afternoon?

I think the biggest problem is most people either lack any form of actual imagination or ability to see things that are not put right in front of their noses, or just jumped the gun before spouting off and absorbing the information seeing the possiblities. That seems to be the biggest issue.

I have seen people who hours ago were saying, "There is no way this could ever be used, it makes no sense and there is no reason to use it" later say, "Now I can see so many ways this could be used. I am getting one."

Anyone who says they have a macbook and an iphone/touch and say that can see any reason for this is a flat out being foolish.
18% of the US would mean 54 million iPads just in the US.

LOL. Apple would love that.
I think this pretty much sums up everyones feelings


Sorry but this poll is next to useless. Replace the iPad with almost any other consumer product and I doubt you'd see any better results--in fact, probably would see it a higher percentage of No results.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that this poll represents ALL consumers. I'd bet Apple would be pretty happy with an 18% market share. Apple has sold tens of millions of iPhones and they represent a tiny fraction of overall mobile phone sales---don't think they're too upset about it.
very much so

I am really impressed. As I posted in another thread, this is a steal for $499 vs $10,000 for a surface computers. You can hook up this device on a big screen TV via VGA. As big as a Table computer without the price tag.
This is nothing like the surface computers other than multitouch.

I don't diagree, but there are possibilites for this device on a kiosk mode. Surface computers does a lot more, like recognizing devices placed on it etc. I meant, on certain situations like , a product display on a big screen controlled by iPad , or a real estate application with maps etc.
Not too jazzed about a big Touch. I won't be buying one until they have Flash, multasking and a Wacom-like stylus for drawing.

Also, on the price front - they are too much for what you are getting. A big Touch with no camera. We are just conditioned for apple stuff to be expensive. If it was $1,000 we'd go "ok." Instead it starts at 500 and we go OMG! The 500 dollar one should be 300 tops. You're not watching Hulu. You're not streaming TWIT. Hell, I'm not even getting on my work's website because the whole thing is flash. Omitting Flash and claiming best browsing experience is a very unfunny JOKE.

I would buy one tonight if it had the things I mentioned. And I have an iPhone, a MacBook AND a Netbook. And enough money for this thing already put away. But I won't be buying jack.
Honestly, I was thinking/hoping for something more along the lines of a MacBook Air with a touchscreen instead of a keyboard.

I am still really on the fence. The biggest mistake was not having it available the day of the announcement. :D My impulse buying would have had one in my hands, but now that I need to wait 60-90 days, the urge to buy one may wither away once we start seeing reviews/apps/etc. for it.

I agree that the Gen 2 or 3 versions will probably have a ton more features.

I think the reason they did not call it an iTablet was because it doesn't have the OS X on it. iPad keeps it more along the lines of the iPod Touch/iPhone features. This doesn't rule out that Apple may release an OS X version in the future.

Do I think Apple missed the mark here? Not really. The techies like most of us probably do, but real world people, like my wife and sons (more so my oldest son) think this is pretty cool. Why? You can play games, read books, take notes, check e-mail, and surf the net. And in all honesty, short of multi-tasking, this product is perfect for that market. Hard core gaming will always be done on far beefier machines. iWork for the iPad will be perfect for those who need those applications.

The only thing I really wish this thing had was a Mini Display port in order to connect to an external device. This would be great for sales presentations and connecting to an overhead projector or flat screen TV in a conference room.

I also foresee the next version of the iPod Touch having a 3G option.
All these posts later, I thought the iPad would get some traction.

Lots of votes and posts, but not a lot of love for the iPad.

Every Apple product, except for Dalmation and Flower Power iMacs, seemed to have had a lot more of a positive reaction in the 10 years I have been a member here.

If based on what I hear here in all those years of new intros of Apple products, and iPad's lukewarm reaction initially, and what ABC news radio (KGO SF) says is true during the last two days, this can be a failure along the lines of the two aforementioned iMacs and the Cube.

Looking back on the posts here, people did like the Cube, though some thought it either ahead of its time, too expensive, or unable to form an opinion.

I think the lack of OS X was the biggest killer here for iPad. I wonder what other Mac related sites, and tech sites in general, think about iPad.
not for now. I got an iPhone has all the features as the iPad does. I passed on and save at least $500.
The iWork demo was impressive. I'm interested in the functionality of the iPad in regards to note taking, viewing magazines, newspapers, and blogs. I have a ton of questions though - about storing documents, transferring them to my MBP, ergonomics, stylus support, whether taking notes on the "borders" of the eBooks is a possibility etc.

Overall, it's an aesthetically good looking device.

Not going to get it on day one...maybe the second or third revision.
Looking at the poll in this thread it seems that 40% of ppl will still get it. As stated above, the techies here hate it...but the majority wont for its dead simplicity. My grandma never goes online but this device might get her to enjoy YouTube, watch a movie of her grandchildren, etc...

...but most techies here, and id like to think of myself as one like to mess around with the software and hardware and this iPad is what earlier today my mom called as, "Did you see the new iPod? It's huge! It's ugly! They messed up!" Her exact words.
Looking at the poll in this thread it seems that 40% of ppl will still get it. As stated above, the techies here hate it...but the majority wont for its dead simplicity. My grandma never goes online but this device might get her to enjoy YouTube, watch a movie of her grandchildren, etc...

...but most techies here, and id like to think of myself as one like to mess around with the software and hardware and this iPad is what earlier today my mom called as, "Did you the new iPod? It's huge! It's ugly! They messed up!" Her exact words.

I hope you are right.

Truth is, I am a techie so I am a little critical.

The folks at Macworld seem a little techie and they are tough. However, I would expect Macaddict magazine to like iPad a lot more.

And ironically, PC World has been a lot friendlier to Apple releases than Macworld. BTW, both mags are same company, too.
Like many others I'm slightly underwhelmed by the iPad. Mostly because of the missing webcam, USB port, card reader, the ugly becel and the high price for the 32GB/3G version ($760 with iWorks). And the iPad gets bashed and beat in the media quite a lot.

However when I talk to people I know many are a lot more positive about it. Many say they will try and probably buy it. They don't care about the media opinions and they don't care about the tech specs.

I was initially thinking I won't buy it but then I checked a posting I made beginning of January where I listed what I want from an tablet and how much I would pay for it. And the iPad fills all points except the missing webcam and the price being 25% higher (or $120) than what I planned for. USB and card reader can be added via adaptors what increases the price even more.

But in the end if actually fits my needs. That is a interesing situation because it means I likely will accept the higher price and just buy one. Good for Apple. So I will try it out and if it feels responsive and if the screen is great I guess I'll buy one.
Like many others I'm slightly underwhelmed by the iPad. Mostly because of the missing webcam, USB port, card reader, the ugly becel and the high price for the 32GB/3G version ($760 with iWorks). And the iPad gets bashed and beat in the media quite a lot.

The bezel makes the iPad much bigger than it could be.

I don't think it's out of ergonomic but for technical reasons.
I'm sitting on my couch with my laptop, looking forward to the end of March. ^^

Me too, on the couch with my MBP, but still kind of on the fence. I more neutral regarding the underwhelmed/overwhelmed thing. Will have to wait and see the final release before I decide.
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