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2) Many people would be happy if Dark Mode was only ever applied to OS UI and first party apps.
Nope, see this right here is yet another example of backhandedly acknowledging that Dark Mode is not easily accomplished, and claiming something that Apple would NEVER be happy with nor release, nor would most users. People love to say things like this. "I don't care if its half-assed long as it fits x for me." Nope, not the way real software development for over 1 billion devices works.
why is everyone so hung up on the release date? So what if he got the date wrong, apple could have pushed it back or a ton of factors could have led to that.... The real leak here is the theater mode button, this guy should be judged on that when 10.3 does come out... When 10.3 comes out and there is no little popcorn button then you guys can crucify him. But for now hang on to your pocket protectors.
Nope, see this right here is yet another example of backhandedly acknowledging that Dark Mode is not easily accomplished, and claiming something that Apple would NEVER be happy with nor release, nor would most users. People love to say things like this. "I don't care if its half-assed long as it fits x for me." Nope, not the way real software development for over 1 billion devices works.
Actually if you read the whole post, I mention it as a possibility in a step towards fleshing out how it could be done fully, and I actually say it would be unwise to leave it at that. But sure, stop reading there and display your lack of comprehension. You actually left out the part in the same point with a similar example in macOS, but I guess that's not software that has millions of users ;)

I don't know why it's so hard to get through to you!

for some reason you think it's absolutely unthinkable that ios could have a dark mode without 100% of apps supporting it. As if it's that critical a feature. Far more important would be apps using the whole screen for example, yet they allowed apps not to do that when the launched iPhone 5.

How does windows phone manage to have a light and dark mode which apps can implement if they wish but don't have to? Oh cos it doesn't have any users, right...

You don't seem reasonable so I'll leave it there
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why is everyone so hung up on the release date? So what if he got the date wrong, apple could have pushed it back or a ton of factors could have led to that.... The real leak here is the theater mode button, this guy should be judged on that when 10.3 does come out... When 10.3 comes out and there is no little popcorn button then you guys can crucify him. But for now hang on to your pocket protectors.
And that's really what it mostly comes down too. Too many are trying to focus on and make too much out of pretty much the smallest and least important part of it--that being the actual date--and not the rest of it which is the bigger and more important part of it all.
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Maybe tomorrow guys
Tim just told me it is coming out tomorrow.

Proof: here's a pic I just took of him. How else could I have taken this photo?


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Why you dont listen to these supposed leakers. For someone so sure and had all these connections and the guy on Instagram supposedly at a meeting with Cook all blew it.
Well , it doesn't make sense to work in two betas right ? I think we will see a iOS 10.2.1 public release before iOS 10.3 beta 1 drops OR both can be release in the same day . My guess is next week . Oh wait until Friday , don't lose your hope !
A decent percentage of this thread consists of posts saying it's impossible or silly to have two betas at the same time followed by posts saying it's already happened before.
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my apologies your highness, I should know my place as a lowly commoner and bow to your superiority as an almighty developer. I retract my lame and false statements, and vow to never question you again.

The beauty of internet anonymity. You get to refute and deflect away from the points @TurboPGT! made and respond with snark comments, showing you failed to understand his rendition of what he has to say, using your post as leverage to disparage against him.

On Topic: Turbo, good point with the safari dark mode and how would it be negated if dark mode technically would already exist. How would the two modes co-exist, seems perplexing to me.
The beauty of internet anonymity. You get to refute and deflect away from the points @TurboPGT! made and respond with snark comments, showing you failed to understand his rendition of what he has to say.

On Topic: Turbo, good point with the safari dark mode and how would it be negated if dark mode technically would exist. How would the two modes co-exist, seems perplexing to me.
Us as users potentially disagreeing as to how it could or couldn't be implemented, doesn't rule out whether or not it could be implemented in one way or another.
On Topic: Turbo, good point with the safari dark mode and how would it be negated if dark mode technically would already exist. How would the two modes co-exist, seems perplexing to me.
It may be perplexing to you but I assure you it wouldn't be to Apple designers with great imaginations. Nothing about the concept of private browsing necessarily dictates that it must be dark. Dark mode wins out here, because that concept does dictate that. Are there other ways to indicate private mode is active, without using dark colours? There are a million ways. Considering the amazing feats that Apple developers and designers have already achieved in UI, I do not think they would stumble on this if dark mode was on the agenda :)
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Not trusting that Sonny guy ever, did you guys even see his picture?? He has the face of someone fishy.
To be fair, he is a known quantity as far as being an Apple "leaker" with connections. He has provided leaks and information that were used by various major/known news sources, like Forbes, and has had access to various internal Apple items as well, like the recent discussion of the iPhone prototype: Original iPhone Prototype With iPod Click Wheel Surfaces Online

That said, again, it doesn't mean that his information can't at least sometimes be wrong in one way or another, either because it was somehow incorrect to begin with, or based on something or someone that isn't full-proof, or simply because information can get changed, like schedules can get adjusted and new decisions about releases/features can be made.
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I cant understand why people think its impossible to have two betas at one time. It happened already in the past

It is possible, but it has never happened 1 day apart in the past. It needs a week. Otherwise 10.2.1B3 can't get tested thoroughly. Every developer would jump ship to 10.3 immediately, and anything major in 10.2.1 would never get caught.
It is possible, but it has never happened 1 day apart in the past. It needs a week. Otherwise 10.2.1B3 can't get tested thoroughly. Every developer would jump ship to 10.3 immediately, and anything major in 10.2.1 would never get caught.
Well, to be fair, things haven't happened in the past until they actually ended up happening. Like iOS 9.3 beta being released while the last iOS 9.2.1 was still out there (and iOS 9.2.1 hasn't been publicly released). At the time all reasonable voices would have said that two betas for the same major version would never be out at the same time and that is has never happened before, and yet it still happened.
Well, to be fair, things haven't happened in the past until they actually ended up happening. Like iOS 9.3 beta being released while the last iOS 9.2.1 was still out there (and iOS 9.2.1 hasn't been publicly released). At the time all reasonable voices would have said that two betas for the same major version would never be out at the same time and that is has never happened before, and yet it still happened.

Yes, but as I said, it was a week gap, not one day. Thats the key difference that I am trying to make with all of these posts. It has never happened that two betas have been released within 24 hour for two different iOS versions. Both times it has happened, it has been a week or longer gap.

And it makes perfect sense that is the case as I outlined above, no time for testing of the first beta.
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