Battery life is slightly better on my 6s on B2 vs. B1.How's battery life with Beta2?Beta 1 was sucking out battery on my iPhone 7.
Battery life is slightly better on my 6s on B2 vs. B1.How's battery life with Beta2?Beta 1 was sucking out battery on my iPhone 7.
Interesting bug. When I dictate a text message using the dictation button the keyboard, it captures the words live correctly, but as soon as I stop the dictation function, it immediately capitalizest the first letter of EVERY word. Tried this multiple times, same result. Anyone else seeing this? Need to try notes and mail and see if it's the same there too or just a messages bug.
Thanks @jhall8
I've also read on other thread that someone had troubles reverting to iOS 10.3.2 from iOS 11 beta 2.
I was previously on iOS 11 beta 1 and successfully gone back to iOS 10.3.2 via iTunes.
Is this a widespread issue with this beta release?
Interesting bug. When I dictate a text message using the dictation button the keyboard, it captures the words live correctly, but as soon as I stop the dictation function, it immediately capitalizest the first letter of EVERY word. Tried this multiple times, same result. Anyone else seeing this? Need to try notes and mail and see if it's the same there too or just a messages bug.
I believe so. A friend of mine had the issue too. She had to reinstall 11.
I’m glad the app switcher on the iPad is a lot faster now when closing apps. It would take forever and a day on b1 but I can just spam my finger on the x now and they all close pretty fast lol.
I have this problem too. I just use the old “shake the iPhone” trick and press undo. That tends to bring it back to what it should be.
Putting “” instead of “Settings” doesn’t make you any cooler
This is an Apple forum, no need to show everyone you know what a bundle identifier is
Haha right? Always thought that came off super pretentious lol
Except that's not a bundle identifier... But yeah I've never gotten why people do that.
In my practice I use the .app to denote that I’m actually talking about a setting that resides in apples settings app.
Otherwise, one could be referring to application specific settings, account settings, iCloud settings, you name it. By denoting the setting is located in the app on the phone you are narrowing down what you’re talking about better.
Would you rather have a 100% functioning device with no major bugs, better battery life and an OS with a full year of development behind it? I think it's a no brainer.So how many people have downgraded back to 10.3.2? I've seen people saying they've had a lot issues downgrading but they seem to be getting the job done. Tempted to downgrade myself as i'm fed up of the app switcher as each time i try clearing the multitask, the app just reappears. Half the time i clear an app and when i press the home button, it just goes back to that app. It's the small things that are really annoying. Battery life on my 7 plus is even worse as well my phone heating up like crazy. Is it worth downgrading if you guys had the same issues? Also concerned as to whether my photos will stay or whether they will be deleted if i do restore back to 10.3.2
well i guess i need to find a full tutorial as to how i can downgradeWould you rather have a 100% functioning device with no major bugs, better battery life and a full year of development? I think it's a no brainer.
I want to jump back on the iOS 11 beta train but I'm not touching it until it's very close to GM if anything.
It is new for iOS 11, but it could have been in beta 1. I’m not sure.Is FaceTime Live Photos new?
Until it doesn't…Swiping down then swiping up seems to effectively get rid of the bug for any apps that refuse to go away.
There's a circle on the menu bar you can use to change the colour.
Still quite often back button in safari stops responding.
Are you guys using swipe to move back or is it really so that I am the only one having this glitch with both betas?
Until it doesn't…
Tried your suggestion on several handsets that I'm demoing. Yes, it's a bug (I posted it in the Wiki) and IMO there isn't a "fix" for it. Using your suggestion, I was able to swipe an app up, then back down, then back up, then back down, rewind/repeat. Both stock and 3rd-party apps are affected by this, and your suggestion doesn't fix it. Don't overthink or fixate on it, it's a bug and there isn't a current "fix" on our end, until B3 comes out.
So how many people have downgraded back to 10.3.2? I've seen people saying they've had a lot issues downgrading but they seem to be getting the job done. Tempted to downgrade myself as i'm fed up of the app switcher as each time i try clearing the multitask, the app just reappears. Half the time i clear an app and when i press the home button, it just goes back to that app. It's the small things that are really annoying. Battery life on my 7 plus is even worse as well my phone heating up like crazy. Is it worth downgrading if you guys had the same issues? Also concerned as to whether my photos will stay or whether they will be deleted if i do restore back to 10.3.2