I'm lost.... how do I force to Beat 4?
Go to settings > General > software update
I'm lost.... how do I force to Beat 4?
This is normally due because of network issue with MMS. I recommend go to Settings>Reset>Reset Network Settings.
Are you using Apple Music? My local library works just fine.Music crash every time I try to sort song on up next .
Have had the same issue with the notifications. Usually have to kill the app. When reopened, the notification is gone. Sent a bug report.Is anyone else having issues with notifications on the app icons themselves? iMessages, Facebook messenger, Instagram, etc., ? Even after I read the messages, it still shows as unread. Even if I’ve already replied or had a long conversation with the person. I’ve tried restarting. It seems to work for the iMessages app, but not the others... anyone..??
There's going to be 4 more betas after this most likely, so yes. Majority of bugs will be fixed most likely.I have one fundamental question- today is 29-July, just about 45 days to go before release of 11.
People are reporting bugs currently.
Do we expect the bugs reported these days to get resolved in the next 30 days? I mean isnt it a little too short time period from today onwards to resolve the issues.
That implies that they would be seeing the bug reports on a daily or hourly basis and also responding to them with the same speed.There's going to be 4 more betas after this most likely, so yes. Majority of bugs will be fixed most likely.
Surprised I still have that app-switcher "snap" bug (for lack of a better phrase). Has anyone remedied this? Basically I double tap the home button, and then the screen just kinda jolts violently.
Can someone help me. I just installed beta 4 and am wondering if Do Not Disturb while driving is activated in this beta. I tried to search through the forums and can’t seem to find any updates. Maybe I missed it. I set this up to activate once Bluetooth is connected in the car and have Bluetooth on in settings but I was in my car earlier and do not disturb did not activate. Am I doing something wrong or it is just not live in this beta. Thanks in advance
Is anyone else having issues with notifications on the app icons themselves? iMessages, Facebook messenger, Instagram, etc., ? Even after I read the messages, it still shows as unread. Even if I’ve already replied or had a long conversation with the person. I’ve tried restarting. It seems to work for the iMessages app, but not the others... anyone..??
I’m set up the same way, to activate with my Bluetooth. It’s very sporadic, hit and miss. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t. Unable to find a commonality that would explain when and why, other than it’s a beta.
Even worse, as my watch is not on beta, sometimes the Do Not Disturb while Driving will activate on my phone, my watch see it as regular DND, and after getting out of the car my phone will turn off DNDWD, but my watch sometimes stays on DND until I manually turn it off. Again, sporadically.
Can someone help me. I just installed beta 4 and am wondering if Do Not Disturb while driving is activated in this beta. I tried to search through the forums and can’t seem to find any updates. Maybe I missed it. I set this up to activate once Bluetooth is connected in the car and have Bluetooth on in settings but I was in my car earlier and do not disturb did not activate. Am I doing something wrong or it is just not live in this beta. Thanks in advance
Surprised I still have that app-switcher "snap" bug (for lack of a better phrase). Has anyone remedied this? Basically I double tap the home button, and then the screen just kinda jolts violently.
Hmmm my status bar is constantly disappearing lately.
Anybody else missing keys in landscape mode (7 plus).
Go to settings > General > software update
still nothing here .. weird
Restart the ipad and try again. If still nothing then, remove the profile, restart, and install the profile again. Restart one more time and try the update again.What does it say when you go to settings?
Settings > General > software update:
View attachment 710777
Settings > General > Profile:
View attachment 710778
Yes,I use Apple Music.Are you using Apple Music? My local library works just fine.