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I'm not sure if at this point its a bug or not, but the landscape keyboard for the plus phones are just ugly and a huge thrownack feature wise. Just a large keyboard with a lot of lost space, I just hâte to type in landscape now...
Stuck at this point the last half hour, any ideas as to what I should do?


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Stuck at this point the last half hour, any ideas as to what I should do?

Wait a little while longer. If it doesn’t come back, do a hard reset and post again if you’re still having problems.
Does a hard reset work from this screen? Never tried it.

Hard reset should work from anywhere. Exercise caution though. Go have a tea/coffee/beer/whatever and come back and see if it’s moved on first.
Are your iphones getting hot on this beta still?

No, this was solved for me in beta 5.

With beta 4, it was getting hot, CPU usage was never under 30% according to SysStats. Also most of the lag I had in beta 4 is gone. Very happy for now, it's the best "daily driver" so far. YMMV.
I'm not sure if at this point its a bug or not, but the landscape keyboard for the plus phones are just ugly and a huge thrownack feature wise. Just a large keyboard with a lot of lost space, I just hâte to type in landscape now...

Looks much better to me. I never typed in landscape before on my iPhone 7+ as the keyboard was ridiculous, keys too wide and weird aspect ratio. Looks much more usable now.
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Has the search been changed in the favorites of the browser?

It would bug me that I’d open the favorites and have to wait a second for the search box to appear but now it shows when you pull the favorites down.

Is it like that for anyone else, or just me?
Dude, check your emails and missed calls..
The ‘Phone’ app is showing the incorrect number of missed calls. It should be 0. Emails, I do not care about, otherwise I would have dealt with it. I have 2TB of iCloud storage, so I can access any email if I ever need to.
So ... does anyone know how we're meant to quickly get passes? Before, it was "raise phone, click on pass". Now it's "raise phone, unlock phone, open wallet, click on pass". Must be a better way.
You can add wallet to control center or you can double tap the home button while device is locked to open wallet. I haven’t checked if passes are still showing up at locations (like when I go to Starbucks) but I’d double check all your location services settings.
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iPad is still freezing. iPhone is still freezing and respringing. Ugh. Definitely not doing another restore on both devices since I just did that a week or two ago. PayPal app doesn’t work now either. It did with the previous betas.
by the way, are you still experiencing the screen dimming issue?
Closing apps has a slight delay could this be because of a beta or is this new design?
I would give your phone 24 hrs before making any observations about performance when installing new updates.
That is a HUGE step back! Can't believe I'm back to the annoying behavior or turning Airplane Mode on and having my AirPods disconnected... Unbelievable.
IMO airplane mode is once again functioning as it should, because when you get on a plane there are periods they really don’t want any type of frequency interference. Keeping your Bluetooth connected defeats the whole purpose of an airplane mode.

Weather hours are now much more dense? Don’t like it
Someone complained that too much space was left open in Weather. So they did this. :D Apple listens and responds appropriately.....
Does a hard reset work from this screen? Never tried it.
If it doesn’t give you the results you want, download the software update and install via iTunes. Do an update install. Or use Configurator and drag the file and click Revive.
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Also, I cannot get my 10.5” iPad Pro to see the iOS 11 developer beta 5 for the life of me. My iPhone 7 Plus saw it immediately. I removed the profile and restarted my iPad, then redownloaded the profile. I guess I will have to keep trying. I have never experienced such a delay before.
Even I am facing the same issue. I am unable to install the iOS 11 beta 5. Did it work for you.
Steps followed were as below:

Currently I have iOS 11 beta 4 installed on my iPad. As iOS 11 beta 5 released last night, I tried installing the iOS 11 beta 5 and the install does not work. Steps followed:

  1. Go to
  2. Login with developer credentials
  3. Enroll Your Devices
  4. Click on iOS
  5. Download Profile
  6. Navigates to Settings.
  7. Click Install
  8. Enter passcode
  9. iPad Restarts to apply changes
  10. Once restarted the iPad shows already upto date. However, the build id is same as the of iOS 11 beta 4.
I tried deleting the beta profile and tried installing again.Same behaviour.

Thanks in advance!
Hard reset should work from anywhere. Exercise caution though. Go have a tea/coffee/beer/whatever and come back and see if it’s moved on first.

did a hard reset, the progress indicator moves normally, but appears to get stuck, have been at this point below, the last hour, phone is warm is "something" working??
did a hard reset, the progress indicator moves normally, but appears to get stuck, have been at this point below, the last hour, phone is warm is "something" working??

edit: doing a DFU restore now, its now the 4th time with ios11 I've done this, never happened with any of the previous iOS versions (pissed off)


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Really curious as to why they removed iCloud Messages. I always said I wasn't going to even dare enabling it in beta lol.

Also, I wonder if they'll ever add iMessage/Messages to I've often been at work unable to reach my phone wishing I could somehow iMessage someone.
They haven't removed it. It's not there because you haven't got any files to look at. Whether that's a bug, who knows.

For now, go to safari, go to the first post of this thread and save the PDF attached to the 'pages' app or any other app you have installed that will let you. Then the 'on my device' selection will come back in the files app.

No 'third-party' apps are appearing because they haven't updated their info.plist to support the new API - they haven't done this because iOS 11 isn't out yet.

I've just installed a few of my apps with the updated plist (keys) and the local storage solution is working great! Just as I expected, and super easy to enable.

Honestly, while I believe Apple have no intention of heavily pushing local storage, by watching the WWDC videos you can see they have put at least a good amount of effort of getting something together - no way they just up and remove it now.

It might not seem like anything now, but once ios 11 is out and apps are updated to support it, it's going to be great.
Well, I was hoping for a more generic non App related storage place.
A place where I save all kind of files, folder on my device and access it from any App.

That way it's just a different view/entry point to the same **** as before.
Can somebody share his experience with iphone 6 and the newest beta? Are the opening-closing applications, slide animations still choppy?
You can add wallet to control center or you can double tap the home button while device is locked to open wallet. I haven’t checked if passes are still showing up at locations (like when I go to Starbucks) but I’d double check all your location services settings.
Thanks for the tips. I've already added the wallet to the control centre - it does speed things up a bit. Double clicking does nothing, probably because I restored my phone a couple of betas ago and haven't got around to re-adding my credit cards for apple pay. I'll add one and see if that then turns on the feature. The feature is enabled under settings, so it should work even with no credit cards. I'll report back.

I have just checked all my location services settings and everything seems normal.

EDIT: On adding a credit card to activate Apple Pay, the double-click to open the wallet worked.
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