It wont support . 10.3.2 will be the last update for 5/5C .iOS 10 runs pretty well on the iPhone 5/5c and I think this would be a good time to drop those devices from iOS 11, rather than supporting them and reducing performance further.
This would be ideal; I remember the clustercuss that resulted when Apple updated the iPhone 4 to iOS 7 and really brought its performance downhill. This left a lot of iPhone 4 devices with a mediocre user experience.
The 4S was also a bit hobbled with iOS 7 and worse with 8. They pretty much took both the 4 and 4s out back and shot them for us.
It looks like they won't be doing that this time around with the 5 and 5c. I certainly hope so; I want legacy devices to still be usable and fast! My mother has a 5C and if iOS 11 supports it, I will be telling her not to update.
4S on IOS 7 was fine, usable phone on IOS 7 or earlier IOS versions, IOS 8 made it slow ,IOS 9 made it slow and unusable.
Iphone 4 on IOS 7 is a terrible experience. However, I think the Iphone 4s with IOS 9 was a lot worse than Iphone 4 with IOS7.
Iphone 5 on IOS 10 is running fine, however, its not 64 bit , so it will be removed.
I think Iphone 5S with IOS 11 will be good. maybe little slow and laggy , but usuable .
In which world? My 6 runs just fine on 10. Inhale, exhale.
I agree, the A7 processor is pretty capable to handle more updates than A6 processor. However, I think maybe this time will be different . A7 can handle IOS 11 .But what about IOS 12?I think it may have been the opposite, the A5 was always intended to last for a relatively long period of time but the technology jumped too dramatically for it to keep up once they started building their own CPU with the A6. iOS 7 and up were designed mostly with A6 and up in mind. Maybe Apple stuck to the original plan for the A5 with future devices in mind. The 5s/A7 has the processing power to handle more updates as long as there isn't a huge jump again.
The iPhone 5 already runs circles around the 4s and 4 on iOS 10 in comparison to their last OSes. Pretty impressive considering the 4 only got four versions of iOS.
When IOS 11 drops, Iphone 5S,and Iphone 6 will be the
last two iphones which has 1gb of ram. The 6s,7 has 2gb of ram so it will be fine for few years,7S or 8 I dont know will problably have 3GB of ram .
I dont see a reason to keep these devices(5S and 6) beyond IOS 12. These devices are pretty close in perfomance. A8 is slightly faster than A7. It doesnt make sense to update the 5S and 6 for more than 2 years.
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